Centrul de resurse pentru furtul de identitate anunță numirea a trei...

The ITRC welcomes Blair Cohen, Paul Bond & Kimberly Sutherland. Each leader brings their own skill set to their Board of Directors positions.

The ITRC welcomes Blair Cohen, Paul Bond & Kimberly Sutherland. Each leader brings their own skill set to their Board of Directors positions.

“Paul, Blair and Kimberly will strengthen our ability to support victims and offer the most current advice for consumers seeking to protect themselves,” said Eva Velasquez, President and CEO of the Identity Theft Resource Center.

The Identity Theft Resource Center® (ITRC), a nationally recognized nonprofit organization established to support victims of identity crime, is pleased to add Paul Bond of Holland & Knight; Blair Cohen of AuthenticID; and Kimberly Sutherland of LexisNexis® Risk Solutions to the ITRC Comitetul Executiv si Membrii Consiliului Director.

“We are excited to welcome these three industry leaders to our Board,” said Eva Velasquez, President and CEO of the Identity Theft Resource Center. “We believe that their skillsets and experiences will help our organization better serve cyber and identity crime victims. The identity marketplace is dynamic as criminals and defenders battle each day with consumers and businesses caught in the middle. Paul, Blair and Kimberly will strengthen our ability to support victims and offer the most current advice for consumers seeking to protect themselves.”

Bond is an equity partner at Holland & Knight LLP, serving in the Data Strategy, Security and Privacy Group. Bond has assisted clients: defending tech-and data-related class actions, including website wiretap litigation and cyberattack and ransomware class actions; defeating major cybersecurity and hacking litigation in the business-to-business and employment contexts; and responding to government investigations in these areas. He counsels company founders, senior management and ultra-high net worth individuals and households in hardening their defenses against identity theft and responding to identity theft emergencies.

Cohen is the Founder and President of ID autentic, a disruptive and transformational AI-driven identity proofing and fraud prevention company. As a dynamic technology entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience, Cohen is future-focused and can anticipate industry needs, identify pain points and then build systems to help organizations improve their bottom line. Prior to turning his focus to identity, Cohen launched several other groundbreaking enterprises and pioneering technology products.

Sutherland is Vice President of Fraud and Identity Strategy at Soluții de risc LexisNexis and leads the U.S. and Canadian commercial market for consumer fraud analytics, digital identity, identity verification and authentication and fraud investigations. Sutherland joined LexisNexis Risk Solutions in 2006 and has more than 20 years of experience leading business strategy, product management and professional services. She is a Women in Identity board member and participates in the Better Identity Coalition and the Open Identity Exchange (OIX).

Stewart Roberts and Eric Trapp left their Board of Directors positions with the ITRC after serving two terms. Matthew Donahue will leave the Board on October 1, 2022, as Board Chair, with current Director Ralph Linares taking over the role.

“Without Roberts, Trapp and Donahue’s guidance, many of the ITRC’s initiatives would not have come to fruition,” noted Velasquez. “The ITRC team and Directors thank Stew, Eric and Matthew for their dedication, leadership and commitment to helping identity crime victims.”

To see a full list of the ITRC’s Board of Directors, click aici.

Despre Centrul de resurse de furt de identitate 

Fondat în 1999, Identity Theft Resource Center® (ITRC) este o organizație națională nonprofit creată pentru a împuternici și îndruma consumatorii, victimele, întreprinderile și guvernele pentru a minimiza riscurile și a atenua impactul compromiterii identității și al criminalității. Prin sprijinul public și privat, ITRC oferă asistență fără costuri pentru victime și educație pentru consumatori prin intermediul site-ului său de chat live idtheftcenter.org și numărul de telefon gratuit 888.400.5530. De asemenea, ITRC oferă consumatorilor și întreprinderilor informații despre recentele încălcări ale datelor prin instrumentul său de urmărire a încălcării datelor, aduce la cunoștință. ITRC oferă ajutor unor populații specifice, inclusiv comunităților surde/cu deficiențe de auz și orbi/cu vedere scăzută. 

Media Contact    

Centrul de resurse de furt de identitate    

Alex Achten    

Șeful departamentului de relații cu media câștigate și deținute     

888.400.5530 Ext. 3611    


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