Sfaturi pentru a implica utilizatorii finali în discuția de securitate cibernetică PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence partajată. Căutare verticală. Ai.

Sfaturi pentru a implica utilizatorii finali în discuția de securitate cibernetică partajată

If employees find the information uninteresting, they pay little attention and fail to apply the training when they encounter real-life cyber security threats. It’s far better to engage end users in a cyber security discussion where they participate and see themselves as part of the solution.

O zonă din New York consultant de securitate cibernetică and managed services provider (MSP) shares tips to engage end users in the cyber security discussion in a new article on the eMazzanti Technologies website. The informative article first acknowledges that many security awareness training programs fail.

The author then urges readers to engage users in small, interactive sessions. He also advocates the use of technology, simulations, and games to boost engagement. He concludes by suggesting that trainers emphasize the why and relate the cyber security discussion to employees’ role and access.

“If employees find the information uninteresting, they pay little attention and fail to apply the training when they encounter real-life cyber security threats,” stated Almi Dumi, CISO, eMazzanti Technologies. “It’s far better to engage end users in a cyber security discussion where they participate and see themselves as part of the solution.”

Mai jos sunt câteva extrase din articol, „Tips to Engage End Users in the Cyber Security Discussion. "

Make Cyber Security Discussion Groups Small

“For effective cyber security training, security experts suggest small groups or one-on-one meetings. Use them to identify and build realistic threat scenarios that employees relate to. For example, ask participants to draft a spear-phishing email using information about the company they know.”

Make the Discussion Interactive

“Unless you are an amazing presenter, your discussion group will lose interest quickly when you are the only one talking. Involving participants in the discussion is a proven way to keep their attention. Short, interactive training modules also keep users engaged and increase retention.”

Use Technology, Simulations and Games

“When used in the discussion sparingly, technology and videos help to get participants interested in the topic. For example, once users learn about cerințe de conformitate and the dangers and signs of a phishing attack, they need to practice what they have learned.”

Relate the Cyber Security Discussion to Employees’ Role and Access

“A marketing executive faces different security threats than a machine operator on the shop floor. For example, the marketing VP may become the target of a campanie de spear-phishing. Factory workers, on the other hand, need to understand how to recognize IoT cyber security threats to the Internet-connected machinery they operate.”

Experts Deliver Enterprise-Grade Email Security Training

To help organizations get the most out of their cyber security programs, eMazzanti offers targeted instruire de conștientizare a securității. The company’s MXINSPECT email security solution uses an approach designed to engage employees and change behavior. Targeted, just-in-time training and phishing simulations teach users how to recognize and respond to phishing attacks.

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Despre eMazzanti Technologies

Echipa eMazzanti de experți IT instruiți și certificați oferă rapid creștere a veniturilor, securitate a datelor și productivitate pentru clienți, de la firme de avocatură la retaileri mondiali de vârf, oferind expert tehnologie avansată de vânzare cu amănuntul și plăți, servicii de marketing digital, soluții cloud și mobile, implementări de site, gestionarea rețelei externalizate 24 × 7, monitorizare la distanță și asistență.

eMazzanti a realizat lista Inc. 5000 de 9X, este un partener al Microsoft de 4 ori al anului, MSP din zona NYC clasată pe locul 1, compania anului din New Jersey și partenerul de 5 ori al WatchGuard! Contact: 1-866-362-9926, info@emazzanti.net sau http://www.emazzanti.net Twitter: @emazzanti Facebook: Facebook.com/emazzantitechnologies.

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