US financial agencies will meet to discuss the future impact of stablecoins PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Agențiile financiare din SUA se vor întâlni pentru a discuta despre impactul viitor al stablecoinelor

US financial agencies will meet to discuss the future impact of stablecoins PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen au anunțat planurile to convene the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, or PWG, as well as the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to discuss possible interagency work with regard to stablecoins. The meeting is set to take place on Monday July 19.

Secretary Yellen said:

„Reunirea autorităților de reglementare ne va permite să evaluăm potențialele beneficii ale stablecoinelor, reducând în același timp riscurile pe care le-ar putea aduce utilizatorilor, piețelor sau sistemului financiar. Având în vedere creșterea rapidă a activelor digitale, este important ca agențiile să colaboreze la reglementarea acestui sector și la dezvoltarea oricăror recomandări pentru noile autorități. ”

În decembrie 2020, PWG stated that it would begin examining current regulations of stablecoins in order to identify and address the technology’s related risks.

Legate de Vânzarea Bitcoin continuă, deoarece BTC se apropie de 31 de dolari înaintea discursului lui Powell

The announcement of this meeting comes two days after the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell addressed the need for stricter regulations for stablecoins in front of the House of Representatives. Powell stated that if stablecoins are to be a part of the payments universe, regulation is needed.

Ieri a proiect de lege bipartisan was introduced into the House to provide a clear definition of assets, like digital tokens, and other emerging technology under current securities law. The Securities Clarity Act would apply equally to all assets, tangible or digital, and states an investment contract asset is separate and distinct from the offering it may have been a part of.



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