
Kakšne so možnosti, da se bo Dogecoin zvišal na 1 USD

What are the odds of Dogecoin rallying to $1 Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Cena Dogecoina se je v zadnjem dnevu znatno zvišala za 21.21%. Pravzaprav so bili njegovi tedenski dobički nekoliko nižji (20.42%) od dnevnih dobičkov v času pisanja. Med nedavno cenovno črpalko je potekala razprava "DOGE to 1 $" vstali in zdi se, da je zvesta skupnost trenutno zelo navdušena.

Ali udeleženci na trgu kupujejo?

Dejanja nakupa in prodaje običajno dajejo vpogled v to, ali se lahko določen cenovni trend nadaljuje po isti poti. Zanimivo je, da je v času pisanja kumulativno prodajno naročilo na splošno preseglo število naročil za nakup. To v bistvu pomeni, da udeleženci na trgu na tej stopnji rezervirajo svoj dobiček in ga unovčijo.

What are the odds of Dogecoin rallying to $1 Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Vir: IntoTheBlock

Kot je razvidno iz priloženega grafikona, se je vrzel med prodajo in prodajo v zadnjih šestih urah povečala. Enako je v času pisanja predstavljalo negativno vrednost 145.26 milijona DOGE. Zdaj, da lahko cena DOGE organsko črpa, morajo kupci priskočiti na pomoč. Če pa pogledamo, kako so se odvijale menjave na stran, lahko trdimo, da cena alt -a ne bi mogla vzdržati rasti.

A similar trend was witnessed on the market depth grafikon too. The number of asks/sell orders seemed to largely outpace the number of bids/buy orders. Whenever the open sell orders have been bigger than the open buy orders, DOGE’s price has, more often than not, moved southward.

What are the odds of Dogecoin rallying to $1 Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Vir: IntoTheBlock

Družbeni trend

Whenever the DOGE community has created hype on social media, the alt’s price has reacted in a favorable manner. However, the number of omenja (on a daily basis) has been revolving around the $2k to $4k range lately. Notably, during the April-May phase when the alt’s price was at its $0.6 ATH, this metric’s reading oscillated in the 50k-55k bracket. Hence, the community needs to get more vocal on social platforms to sustain the price uptick.

Reality Check

The number of traders have seen a slight prenapetost from 278.2k to 280.65k lately. Hence, the recent price pump could be attributed to their actions. Nonetheless, looking at the pace at which other market players are exiting DOGE’s arena, it can be concluded that the alt would not be able to sustain its rally in the days to come. In retrospect, the $1 dream seems to be quite far fetched at the moment.

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