Ko Bitcoin dopolni 13 let, je omrežje bolj varno kot kdaj koli prej PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Ko Bitcoin dopolni 13 let, je omrežje bolj varno kot kdaj koli prej

Napadalec s 100-odstotno stopnjo zgoščevanja bi potreboval več kot dve leti, da bi prepisal verigo blokov Bitcoin, kar je rekord vseh časov.

Spodaj je neposreden izvleček Marty’s Bent Issue #1138: “The network is very secure.” Tukaj se prijavite na glasilo.

Here’s a fascinating and reassuring stat from the mining industry, as it stand right now it would take more than two years for an attacker with 100% of the network hashrate to completely rewrite the Bitcoin ledger dating back to January 3rd, 2009 (Happy Genesis Block Day, freaks!). Said another way, the network is pretty damn secure at the moment. More secure than it’s ever been. You can rest easy if you have made a transaction that is sitting under a number of blocks.

Ta nova najvišja vrednost nastane, ko se omrežna hashrate ponovno približuje zgodovinskim najvišjim vrednostim.

Ko Bitcoin dopolni 13 let, je omrežje bolj varno kot kdaj koli prej PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
preko bitcoin.sipa.be

Trend povečanja števila dni, ki ustrezajo dokazilu o delu, divja navzgor in v desno od sredine leta 2019. Takrat bi trajalo malo manj kot eno leto, da bi prepisali celotno verigo. Od takrat se je varnost več kot podvojila. Zaradi česar verjamem, da je bil to najbolj podcenjen temeljni podatek v zadnjih dveh letih in pol.

Many (myself included) have been focused on the growth of the Lightning Network, institutional and corporate adoption, Bitcoin in the eyes of regulators, and its permeation throughout pop culture, among other things. And this isn’t to say that all of these things aren’t great things that have been going on. However, it is pretty crazy that Proof of Work equivalent days don’t get more shine in the mainstream because it is one of (if not, the) best metric to gauge network security, which should be a large determining factor that lead to growth of the metrics mentioned above.

Posamezniki bi se morali počutiti udobno pri uporabi Lightning Networka, ker se zasidrajo v protokol, ki spremlja knjigo, za katero je malo verjetno, da bo reorganizirana; daje tem posameznikom večjo gotovost, da lahko zaklenejo satelite na drugi plasti in tam opravljajo transakcije brez strahu, da ne bodo imeli UTXO zanje, ko bodo zaprli kanal.

Institucije, korporacije in mali vlagatelji bi se morali počutiti udobno pri premikanju majhnih in velikih količin vrednosti v omrežje le, če so prepričani, da bo to zacementirano v bloku z majhno verjetnostjo, da ga zlonamerni rudar odstrani.

Regulatorji bi morali biti manj zaskrbljeni, da bi trgovci na drobno izgubili sredstva prek protokola, če je bolj varen.

In širša javnost bi se morala še naprej počutiti bolj udobno ob normalizaciji Bitcoina kot omrežja, ki ni le tukaj, da ostane, ampak je tukaj, da igra ključno vlogo pri gospodarskem usklajevanju na svetovni ravni, le če vedo, da je omrežje vse bolj varen, ko je vključenih več ljudi.

Somehow, almost completely under the radar, the economic incentives of the network, particularly the mining industry, have successfully created an extremely robust and secure network that is becoming harder and harder to attack by the day. This is a beautiful thing. Most people are focused on transaction throughput and smart contracting capabilities, but all of that is for naught if the network isn’t secure.

Luckily for the world, there is not much to worry about at the moment in regards to the security of a transaction that has been confirmed and is sitting underneath many blocks. We have the ability to focus on the things above this base layer necessity. This isn’t priced in. Act accordingly.

Vir: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/technical/at-13-the-bitcoin-network-is-more-secure-than-ever

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