Kako lahko banke in velika podjetja zmanjšajo tveganje globalne širitve (Sergio Barbosa) PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Kako lahko banke in velika podjetja zmanjšajo tveganje globalne širitve (Sergio Barbosa)

When the boards of banks meet to assess the operational risks of global expansion, it’s seldom that one would find software development as part of the agenda. However, many financial service providers are discovering that making the right choices means they
can upgrade their systems to deal with new regional regulations, while ensuring no disruption to their existing partners and customers. 

Približno 50 % anketirancev v raziskavi združenja za upravljanje s tveganji je odgovorilo, da
porabijo 6-10 % svojih prihodkov za stroške usklajevanja
, medtem ko so večja podjetja poročala, da je povprečni strošek vzdrževanja skladnosti
okoli $ 10,000 per employee. While these figures are for companies operating in the US, one can imagine that when banks expand into new territories their budget must skyrocket when it
comes to ensuring their systems meet all the new regional regulations and reporting requirements. 

Uresničevanje pomembnih sistemskih sprememb v najboljših okoliščinah lahko zahteva mesece načrtovanja in pogosto precejšnje motnje. Za banke in druge organizacije za finančne storitve to preprosto ni možnost. 

Nekatere regije so bolj zapletene od drugih, zlasti za banke izzivalke

The face of banking has forever shifted with the introduction of transformative challenger or neobanks. These low-fee, direct financial service institutions which operate exclusively online, are challenging the status quo. Neobanks, while sometimes offering
limited services, often offer above average interest rates and are appealing to the younger and more digitally savvy demographics. 

Glede na
, svetovni trg neo in izzivalnih bank, ki je bil leta 18,604 ocenjen na 2018 milijonov USD in naj bi zabeležil CAGR v višini skoraj 46.5 %, da bi do leta 395 dosegel približno 2026 milijard USD.

While this makes the growth of transformative banking understandably attractive, the challenges of operating neobanks in regions with complex regulatory requirements, like the Middle East, can be prohibitive, even for traditional banks looking to deliver
new online offerings. Fortunately, initiatives like those from the Dubai International Financial Centre, which has set up sandboxes to test new products of financial and banking startups offering services in the region, is making it easier. 

However, even though this is helping, we’re seeing from work we’re doing with banks in the region, it would be far more challenging if not using a very iterative approach. 

Most recently, we also saw a South African company expanding into Australia and New Zealand encounter just how complex the system requirements of new territories can be – which required re-architecting their technology to be more appropriate for their new
multi-region future.  Of course each region has unique requirements that require work, but building resilience into the architecture meant they could not only safely trade in Australia, but as they grow their global footprint, with the Middle East lined up
next, the work required in future will be far less onerous. 

Arhitektura mikrostoritev in upravljane storitve lahko znatno zmanjšajo tveganje regionalne širitve z minimalnimi izpadi za organizacije finančnih storitev, zlasti v kompleksnih operativnih regijah.  

Arhitektura mikrostoritev zagotavlja hitre rezultate 

Microservice architecture enables the rapid, reliable delivery of large, complex applications through a collection of small, autonomous services. By breaking down large software projects into smaller, more manageable parts, our teams are able to quickly
deploy new features and also quickly isolate and fix unforeseen issues. The smaller codebase and scopes enable faster deployments. And, since services are separate, you can more easily scale the most needed ones at the appropriate times, making work a lot
more efficient and flexible for an organisation’s operational requirements. 

In addition, using the DOMA (domain oriented microservices architecture) design pattern means teams can better manage changes for enterprises which often have thousands of microservices working together at the same time. This technology approach allows for
multiple teams to work autonomously against the bigger goal, without breaking the code base.  

Z uporabo popolnoma upravljane storitve lahko odpravite številne pogoste težave pri dobavi in ​​tveganja, povezana s sistemi rafiniranja, da se spopadete z novimi regulativnimi in zahtevnimi zahtevami trga.

This approach allows you to get systems up and running alongside daily operations. An iterative approach, using test-driven development, means resilient code can be created and deployed in a safe, low-risk environment. Which, for an organisation like a bank,
is mission critical, most especially as they take their first steps in a new region.  

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