Ledger Adds Support for 100 More Cardano ($ADA) Native Tokens PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Ledger dodaja podporo za 100 dodatnih izvornih žetonov Cardano ($ADA).

French cryptocurrency hardware wallet manufacturer Ledger has added support for 100 more native tokens on the Cardano ($ADA) network, allowing users to buy, send, and receive these tokens on Ledger Live, the application for managing cryptoassets on Ledger devices.

Paris-headquartered Ledger was co-founded in 2014 by Eric Larchevêque, Nicolas Bacca, Joel Pobeda, and Thomas France. It first announced it was moving to support ADA back in April tega leta.

According to Ledger’s announcement, tokens that are now supported include Aada DAO Token, CLAP, DogeADA, DANA, Cardano Gold, ADAX, MILK, MEOW, MELD, and Minswap’s native token.

The French hardware wallet manufacturer added that there are “many more Cardano tokens,” but that it decided on the first 100 to support based on a number of factors including the number of blockchain transactions in a specific period. The firm noted the selection was “made without any bias, based and on-chain data.”

The announcement noted that native tokens on the Cardano blockchain “can be handled in the same way as Cardano’s currency, ADA, and enjoy all the benefits of its speed, security, and low transaction costs.” The firm noted that contrary to networks where user-defined tokens are non-native, Cardano’s approach removes a layer of complexity while reducing manual errors and transaction fees.

To manage their ADA and Cardano native assets via Ledger’s devices, users must create an ADA account but don’t need to create an additional wallet. They can also buy the cryptocurrency directly through the applications. The French cryptocurrency hardware wallet manufacturer’s support delighted the Cardano community when it was first announced, with the integration’s rollout being applauded as well.

As CryptoGlobe reported, Cardano’s Vasil hard fork, which is expected to deliver a “massive” performance improvement to the cryptocurrency’s network, was odloženo za "še nekaj tednov".

Hard fork Vasil bo vključeval štiri predloge za izboljšanje Cardano (CIP). Vlagatelji kljub temu stavijo na to, saj podatki s strani s cenami Coinbase kažejo, da uporabniki borze kriptovalut, ki kotira na Nasdaq imajo tipični čas zadrževanja ADA 153 dni, kar pomeni, da trgovci Cardano na platformi zadržijo svoja sredstva toliko časa, preden jih »prodajo ali pošljejo na drug račun ali naslov«.

V skladu z borzo kriptovalut dolg čas zadrževanja "označuje trend kopičenja", medtem ko kratek čas zadrževanja "označuje povečano gibanje žetonov."

V začetku tega meseca je skupina strokovnjakov za industrijo kriptovalut napovedala, da bo cena Cardana bo do leta 2.93 eksplodirala na 2025 USD, do leta 6.53 pa na 2030 $, čeprav strokovnjaki verjamejo, da se bo do konca leta s kriptovaluto trgovalo le za 0.63 $.

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