Microsoft 365 proti Google Workspace: Kateri je boljši? (Luke Watts) Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Microsoft 365 proti Google Workspace: Kateri je boljši? (Luke Watts)

Microsoft Office used to be the only office software that mattered (at least in the business world). Now, Microsoft is working to sideline its traditional office software in favour of its cloud-orientated counterpart Microsoft 365. That in turn is facing
serious competition from Google Workspace.

Če izbirate med njimi, je to tisto, kar morate vedeti.

Varnost in zasebnost 

This is baked into both Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. The exact security options you get depend on your price plan. This is because they reflect the anticipated needs of users on that price plan. For example, people on higher-grade price plans are
likely to have more users and hence need more robust user-management tools. Both options are also GDPR compliant. 

Struktura cen 

Tako Microsoft 365 kot Google Workspace sta na voljo kot storitvi in ​​ne kot enkratni nakup. To pomeni, da plačujete ponavljajoče se pristojbine. Te temeljijo na številu uporabnikov in storitvah, ki jih potrebujete. 

The details of what’s included in each package can and do change, albeit not very often. If a change to your package does put you at a disadvantage, then you can switch to the other. Technically, this is not particularly difficult. With that said, it’s not
something you want to do regularly either. You would, however, need to think about the impact on the user experience.  

Kako se dostopa do storitev 

Microsoft 365 is still based on a desktop client. This can be installed on devices running current versions of Windows, macOS, iOS and Android. It also has a web interface that can be accessed through all current browsers. At present, however, the functionality
of the online apps is more limited than the functionality of the desktop client.  

Google Workspace, by contrast, is web-based by default. This means that it works on any device that can run a browser and go online. If you want to work offline, you can do so on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. You can also install local clients on Android
in iOS naprave. 

Osnovna funkcionalnost 

At a high level, Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace are effectively identical. Microsoft set the standard for office software. Google simply replicated it. For example, Microsoft has Word, Google has Docs. Microsoft has Excel, Google has Sheets. Microsoft
has PowerPoint, Google has Slides and so on. 

Once you go more in-depth, however, you will notice differences between the two offerings. These differences typically reflect the fact that Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace have different priorities. Microsoft 365 typically prioritises functionality over
ease of use. Google Workspace does the opposite.  

Microsoft Outlook proti Google Gmailu 

This is one area where the functionality of the two options is virtually identical. There is, however, one key difference between them. Outlook supports folders. Gmail doesn’t. What’s more, it’s probably not going to. This was not an oversight. It was a
design decision Google made at the launch of Gmail. 

The decision not to support folders was controversial at the time. Even now, there are people who don’t like it and hence prefer Outlook (and alternatives such as Thunderbird). Overall, however, Google seems to have made its point. Its labelling system is
essentially the equivalent of the hashtags that now rule the internet. 

Outlook and Gmail have very different interfaces and hence a very different look and feel. Arguably, neither is better than the other. Which one you prefer depends on your personal taste. Gmail integrates natively with Android devices and Chromebooks. Both
Outlook and Gmail can, however, be used on a range of devices, including iOS ones. 

Outlookov koledar v primerjavi z Google Koledarjem 

In terms of functionality, both options are more or less the same. They simply use different terminology. There is, however, one, potentially, important difference. Google Calendar offers much more granular sharing and viewing permissions than Outlook Calendar.
This makes it a lot easier to adjust ownership of participation in and attendance at events. 

Tudi dejstvo, da se Google Koledar izvorno integrira s sistemoma Android in ChromeOS, mu verjetno daje prednost. Naprave Android se v poslu že pogosto uporabljajo. Chromebooki vztrajno rastejo v priljubljenosti. 

Microsoft Word proti Google Dokumentom 

Verjetno je pošteno, da Word opišemo kot zmanjšano, uporabniku prijaznejšo različico Microsoft Publisherja. Če morate redno ustvarjati dokumente, ki navdušijo, Word olajša postopek. 

Google Dokumenti imajo veliko bolj omejen nabor ustvarjalnih orodij. To pa mu daje enostavnejši, čistejši vmesnik in posledično lažjo uporabo. Google Dokumenti imajo tudi veliko boljšo podporo za sodelovalno delo kot trenutno Microsoft Word. 

Za popolnost, če imate samo občasno potrebo po izdelavi bogato oblikovanih dokumentov, razmislite o uporabi Google Dokumentov in Canve. Canva je na voljo v brezplačni in plačljivi različici. Tudi brezplačna različica ima veliko funkcionalnosti. 

Microsoft Excel proti Google Preglednicam 

At present, heavy-duty users will almost certainly see Microsoft Excel as the only feasible option. What’s more, this seems unlikely to change. Microsoft Excel is very much geared towards power users such as financial professionals. It is notoriously difficult
za vse ostale. 

Google Sheets is the opposite. It is designed to be a simple tool for regular people to create simple spreadsheets. It’s also designed to support collaborative working. That means Google Sheets is great if you’re using spreadsheets for tracking rather than
calculation. Users can access and update them easily and hence quickly. 

Microsoft PowerPoint proti Google Slides 

Če je vaša ideja o odlični predstavitvi večpredstavnost in prehodi, potem je Microsoft PowerPoint verjetno orodje za vas. Omogoča dodajanje grafikonov, grafov, tabel in česar koli drugega veliko lažje kot z Google Predstavitvami.  

On the other hand, presenters emphasising impressive visuals over meaningful content is part of the reason why the phrase “death by PowerPoint” was coined. The fact that Google Slides has more limited options for visuals could potentially be considered a

Prvič, to pomeni, da se je Google Diapozitivov lažje naučiti. Drugič, predstavitelje spodbuja, da se osredotočijo na svoje osrednje sporočilo in lastne predstavitvene sposobnosti. Poleg tega so Google Slides veliko bolj usmerjeni k sodelovalnemu delu kot Microsoft PowerPoint.

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