Soustanovitelj podjetja Ripple Jed McCaleb je s prodajo XRP zaslužil 3 milijarde dolarjev, ocene kažejo na podatkovno inteligenco PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Ocene kažejo, da je soustanovitelj podjetja Ripple Jed McCaleb s prodajo XRP zaslužil 3 milijarde dolarjev

Ripple co-founder Jed McCaleb has sold the last of his $XRP on his “tacostand” wallet on the XRP Ledger after originally owning 9 billion tokens in 2013, when the network was created. Estimates suggest McCaleb made $3 billion through the sale of his tokens.

McCaleb naj bi začel delati na Rippleu leta 2011 in je bil del njegove ustanovne ekipe ob ustanovitvi podjetja leta 2013. Medtem ko ga je leta 2014 zapustil, da bi delal na Stellarju (XLM), je za svoje nagrade prejel 9 milijard XRP žetonov. vlogo pri razvoju in ustanovitvi OpenCoin, ki je bil kasneje preimenovan v Ripple.

The entrepreneur received the funds on a fixed schedule and has made it clear via XRP Pogovor, a forum for XRP investors and proponents, that he was selling the funds as he received them. McCaleb donated part of the funds to charities such as Give Directly, Literacy Bridge, and others.

Ripple potrjena McCaleb has sold the last of his XRP tokens in a blog post titled “The Stand is Finally Out of Tacos,” in reference to McCaleb’s “tacostand” wallet name. The post details that months after Ripple was created, McCaleb’s vision did not alogin with that of Ripple, leading to his exit in 2013.

The post links to an answer from Ripple’s CTO to a user on Quora, noting that Jed “tried to dump his XRP quickly and Ripple acted to stop him through a series of lawsuits.” In response, McCaleb called the lawsuits “frivolous.”

Nekateri zagovorniki kriptovalute so verjeli, da McCalebova prodaja XRP ohranja njeno ceno na nižji ravni, saj je bil nenehen prodajni pritisk dodaten vsakič, ko je McCaleb prodal svoje žetone.

Ripple’s blog post details that developers and entrepreneurs independent from Ripple have kept on building on top of the XRP Ledger, which now “supports hundreds of use cases from cross-border payments and custody to marketplaces and NFTs.”

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