Privlačnost goljufije – in kako se zaščititi pred njo (Steve Bradford) PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Privlačnost goljufije – in kako se zaščititi pred njo (Steve Bradford)

Leto 2022 je bilo doslej priča nenasitnemu apetitu po zgodbah o goljufijah. od "Goljuf Tinder' Simon Leviev fooling potential love interests into giving him millions of dollars to escape his “enemies”, to con artist Anna Delvey winning the hearts and
purses of New York’s social elite in 'Izumljanje Ane', je goljufija postala najbolj priljubljena tema na televiziji. 

It’s no surprise that fraud has captivated the mood of the nation so much – being so prevalent in today’s society, it was bound for popularity amongst Hollywood studios. Now, fraud is no longer a fringe topic; it has made its way into the mainstream, and
the feeling of huge anxiety, stress and despair caused by this is something which many people can relate to.

Goljufija v digitalna doba

Digitalna doba je nedvomno povečala stopnje goljufij, ki so se povečale za a
tretji samo v Združenem kraljestvu med pandemijo
saj je vse več ljudi obiskovalo splet zaradi nakupovanja in ohranjanja povezave.

Now, intense sharing across websites and social media has led to protecting our identities taking on a whole new meaning. The internet made it easier than ever to find out the personal and private details of any individual – and with many of us now deeply
engrossed in the depths of social media, sharing our names, birthdays, addresses, weekend plans and pictures, identity as a proxy for scams has never been more tangible.

Identity is the main factor in the success or failure of a scam. Our transparency has become our biggest weakness, as the ability to take the form of another person – real or fake – permeates our lives. It is as simple as clicking on the link to a phishing
email, oversharing one critical piece of information or the leak of one reused password that allows a scammer to simply fly under the radar, and take on someone else’s persona.

Vendar pa svoje digitalne identitete ne moremo preprosto ustaviti – navsezadnje je to tisto, kar nas povezuje z našimi prijatelji, družino in sodelavci. Najti moramo način, kako sprejeti naše digitalne identitete in jih zaščititi.

Do tvoje kopanje

Ničelno zaupanje je koncept, ki se je uveljavil v zadnjih letih. V poslu bi to moralo biti na tej točki samoumevno, vendar je čas, da vsi začnemo uporabljati ta koncept v svojem zasebnem življenju.

Before letting anyone access your personal information, do your background research and verify that they are who they say they are. Make sure they are legitimate by digging into their website, reading user reviews, and checking any terms and conditions.
Verify that your information won’t be shared with people you didn’t intend to share it with. Your data is currency, and in the wrong hands can cost you greatly! Just ask the Tinder Swindler’s victims…

Pomislite dvakrat, preden kliknete

E-poštne prevare dobro stanejo podjetja in potrošnike
več kot 12 milijard dolarjev letno
across the globe. It’s a testament to the tidal wave impact a simple link click can have. The best course of action is to scrutinise every email you get: hover over links before clicking, and don’t enter information into forms
without being totally sure that you’re not handing over the keys to your digital identity in the process.

Vstop v vašo zaščito plasti

Protecting yourself from being a target in the first place is a fundamental step to take in the battle against identity fraud. From the layers of protective clothes we wear against the elements, to the locks we use to secure our homes, we should be thinking
in the same cautious way when it comes to protecting ourselves digitally from online dangers.

These precautions can be met by taking simple steps like keeping your software up to date and using two-factor authentication. It’s also important to slow down and think before acting, and to not click on something or send information before thinking about
the potential consequences.

It takes minimal effort these days to convincingly transform and take on the identity of someone else. As we advance deeper into the digital age, the need to better protect our digital identities will continue to grow. It’s never been more important to look
to identity as the agent of our futures both personally and professionally, and to ensure this is protected at all costs.

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