Obeti za uporabniško izkušnjo leta 2024: personalizacija in umetna inteligenca za približevanje finservs potrošniku

Obeti za uporabniško izkušnjo leta 2024: personalizacija in umetna inteligenca za približevanje finservs potrošniku

The customer experience outlook in 2024: Personalisation and AI to bring finservs closer to consumer PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

In 2023, the UK’s business sector weathered storms such as geopolitical tensions, the cost-of-living crisis, and an economic downturn. This turbulence looks set to continue well into 2024, forcing organisations to tread cautiously and make more informed decisions regarding investments, product development, and overall strategy.

Central to this will be a need to prioritise the customer, and, as such, the financial services sector can be expected to double down on customer experience (CX) strategies over the months ahead. For those looking to stride ahead of the competition, these CX practices must evolve in line with customer expectations, leaning on next-generation technology, such as AI, to deliver more personalised services that better cater to their needs and preferences.

Finservs se bo zelo osredotočil na uporabniško izkušnjo in rezultate
Izkušnja strank v areni finančnih storitev še nikoli ni bila bolj v središču pozornosti. Ne samo, da stranke zahtevajo več od svojih ponudnikov finančnih storitev, ampak je sektor pod večjim regulativnim nadzorom z uvedbo
Pravila potrošniške dolžnosti, mandating better customer care and a more rigorous, data-driven approach to compliance. This means that in 2024, it’s no longer enough to have a dedicated customer experience strategy – finservs will have to evidence the effectiveness of their CX programmes in helping customers reach their goals.

Čeprav je kultura na prvem mestu stranka pomembna, je pomembno tudi za dolgoročni uspeh in konkurenčno prednost. Zadnji

Indeks zadovoljstva strank v Združenem kraljestvu
shows that 80 percent of customers who asked a brand for help in managing their financial situation during the cost-of-living crisis said that after the contact, their trust in the organisation increased. Similarly, 75 percent of customers who were approached by an organisation offering help or advice affirmed that their level of trust in it rose. Fostering positive customer experiences clearly pays dividends for finservs.

Establishing trust is the foundational element to customer loyalty, but in 2024, finservs must go beyond this and put in place a robust, AI-driven CX programme that provides the personalised service consumers desire. This approach will not only enhance customer satisfaction and foster long-term loyalty, but will also set the stage for sustained growth and success in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Personalizacija bo postala bolj zrnata
Raziskave kažejo
kupcev zdaj pričakuje prilagojene izkušnje in večina jih bo razočarana, ko jih ne bodo dobili. Pravzaprav,

61 odstotkov
so pripravljeni porabiti več, če je ponujena taka storitev. Leta 2024 personalizacija ni le nekaj, kar je lepo imeti, temveč nujnost pri izpolnjevanju razvijajočih se pričakovanj strank in zagotavljanju pozitivne in ustrezne izkušnje zanje.

Da bi leta 2024 dosegli personalizacijo v velikem obsegu, bi morali finservs:

  • Sprejmite miselnost na poti stranke by mapping out the entire journey a customer has with their brand, identifying key touchpoints, and pinpointing opportunities for personalisation. No two customers are the same, so understanding where and how to tailor interactions based on individual preferences contributes to a more relevant customer experience.
  • Odstranite podatkovne silose med različnimi oddelki za pridobitev celovitega pogleda na interakcije s strankami. Navsezadnje je za dosego natančnejše personalizacije nujno, da finserver najprej razume stranko kot celoto.
  • Zberite povratne informacije iz različnih virov, including surveys, social media, customer service interactions, and video, to extract meaningful insights. Finservs can analyse these feedback signals not just for their content, but also for sentiments they convey, to develop a deeper understanding of customers’ experiences and better respond to their needs in the moment.
  • Segmentirajte stranke na podlagi demografskih podatkovvedenja, preference in zgodovino transakcij ter ponudijo prilagojene storitve in komunikacije vsaki skupini v skladu s tem. To je še posebej pomembno pri delu z ranljivimi strankami.

Finservs also need to know when exactly to offer highly personalised experiences, and when to leave them out of the mix. For example, in the case of contact centres, employees are typically expected to focus on resolving customers’ issues efficiently and adhere to a predefined script. In such cases, extensive personalisation might prove impractical and frustrate the customer if they are looking for a quick solution, while generic or automated responses may be more fitting. However, for vulnerable customers, demonstrating empathy and providing the human touch, can be truly appreciated.

To achieve this level of granular detail, finservs can use tools that analyse vast datasets to deliver highly tailored experiences for individual customers. These tools can also help guide teams in determining the level of personalisation needed at specific moments in the customer journey. This is where AI comes into the mix.

Umetna inteligenca bo naredila lažje dostopne ključne vpoglede strank
AI lahko finserverjem zagotovi vpoglede v realnem času, ki lahko izboljšajo ali pokvarijo uporabniško izkušnjo. Leta 2024 bo šla personalizacija z roko v roki z umetno inteligenco, zato je postavitev temeljev za to tehnologijo ključna. Za to lahko organizacije izkoristijo:

  • Analitika besedila, ki uporablja razumevanje naravnega jezika, ki ga poganja umetna inteligenca, za pridobivanje vpogledov iz povratnih informacij besedila – analiziranje podatkov za namero, empatijo, občutke in več.
  • Govorna analitika, za operacionalizacijo akustičnega občutka iz klicev, glasovne pošte in drugih glasovnih posnetkov. Uporaba analitike govora za pridobivanje uporabnih vpogledov lahko povzroči izboljšanje ocene zadovoljstva strank

    vsaj 10 odstotkov
  • Video analitika pomaga finservs odkriti bogat vpogled iz neverbalnih znakov, ki jih sicer morda ne bi zaznali ali zabeležili, kot so obrazna mimika, ton glasu in čustva.
  • Končno, Opozorila, ki jih poganja AI are key to infusing the customer experience with a real-time response element. These alerts help teams identify opportunities for customer retention and respond promptly to customer needs by recommending high-value actions, in the context of specific situations.

2024: leto osredotočenosti na stranke

While 2023 served as an introduction to the enormity of AI, 2024 will delve into the practical aspects as organisations explore how it can be used to assist, rather than replace, humans. In the finance sector, where customers must take precedence above all else, AI will be a valuable asset, aiding professionals in delivering personalised and meaningful customer experiences. However, the human touch will remain crucial, especially in moments requiring empathy or a listening ear, and further enhance the level of personalisation.

As the financial sector looks upon a year of customer-centricity and personalised experiences, a robust and AI-enabled strategy will help organisations maintain a competitive edge and a loyal customer base. Success in 2024 will hinge on finservs’ ability to navigate these trends carefully and meet the evolving needs of their customers.

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