Trendi, ki pospešujejo sprejemanje biometričnih plačilnih kartic (Michel Roig) PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Trendi, ki pospešujejo sprejemanje biometričnih plačilnih kartic (Michel Roig)

Rast brezstičnih biometričnih plačilnih kartic je leta 2022 dobila še večji zagon. Z nedavnimi lansiranji v Maroko,
and more on the horizon, it is an exciting time for the technology. But what external factors are driving this trend and why should the payments industry take note? 


Mandati in mobilniki

Zaradi sprememb v plačilni tehnologiji so kartice prehitele gotovino kot najbolj priljubljen način nakupovanja v trgovinah. Glede na raziskavo Fingerprints, kartice predstavljajo 73% of
in-store payments globally, with 50% of
these being contactless. However, when it comes to protecting in-store payments, there is a growing gap between security and convenience with the rise of contactless. 

This contrasts with digital payments, where we’ve seen a global trend of evolving banking regulations to support innovation and security. For example, Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), a requirement of the Second Payments Services Directive (PSD2), has
come into play in Europe. 

This evolving security ecosystem around digital payments has spiked interest in biometric payment cards. With SCA, customers need two of the three forms of authentication to make an online purchase (something they know such as a password; have such as a
card or phone; or are such as a fingerprint). Biometric payment cards offer this level of authentication too, so it makes sense to harmonize the security between online and in-store payments with biometrics. 

Having become a de-facto authentication method for accessing and unlocking smartphones, the role of biometrics in mobiles has evolved significantly to support SCA-compliant payments and, increasingly, know-your-customer and ID verification. But, the use
of smartphones to make in-store purchases is also growing, and there are set to be 4.4 billion digital wallet users
z 2025
. Vendar vsi ne želijo ali ne morejo uporabljati mobilne denarnice in potrošniki bodo vedno uporabljali brezkontaktne kartice kot rezervo v vse bolj brezgotovinski družbi.  

Biometrics offers synergy for contactless in-store payments. Consumers should expect the same level of security in all the devices they use, whether a mobile phone or payment card. The mobile industry set the standard, integrating biometrics into the payment
experience offering SCA with every transaction. It is up to banks to demand this innovation for cards, since consumers are expecting it and also the same level of SCA can be included in their card-based offerings. Card issuers should be implementing the innovative
and secure feature as part of their standard offering.


Dolgotrajne skrbi glede brezstičnih goljufij

For in-store contactless card payments, SCA requirements are met through a chip-and-PIN input when reaching spending limits. But does this adequately respond to consumer needs? Our research shows that significant concerns exist around contactless payment

Čeprav 77% of consumers use contactless
redno, 1/2 are worried about
the lack of security if their card is lost or stolen and okoli
 so zmedeni glede omejitev porabe. En primer tega, kje so ti pomisleki materializirano
is in the UK
, ki je oktobra 2021 zvišala omejitev brezstičnega plačila s 45 GBP na 100 GBP – s čimer je postala najvišja v Evropi. 

Da preprečite, da bi brezkontaktne kartice postaletatove sanje’, some banks allowed
consumers to control limits. Some consumers were only too willing to do this. Po
to Lloyds Bank
, more than 800,000 customers have set alternative limits (with 60% opting for a cap of less than £50) or deactivated contactless entirely. Increasing limits without considering appropriate security mechanisms run the risk of card technology

Z biometričnimi plačilnimi karticami lahko potrošniki izkusijo varnost in udobje pri brezstičnih transakcijah v trgovinah, saj lahko nakupe opravijo samo pooblaščeni uporabniki, hkrati pa nimajo omejitve porabe. 

Cvetoči ekosistem Fintech

Banke so tradicionalno prevladovale v industriji finančnih storitev, vendar so digitalna revolucija in vse večje brezgotovinske priložnosti omogočile novi vrsti izzivalcev, da so vstopili na trg – podjetjem za finančno tehnologijo ali fintech.

The fintech business model that underpins customer attractiveness relies heavily on differentiating from banks through offering value-added services, such as metal or eco-friendly cards. This means that the fintech ecosystem often sits at the forefront of
innovation. The focus among fintechs to offer next-gen customer experiences means that biometric payment cards present a big opportunity. 

Naša raziskava je to ugotovila 51% of
consumers are willing to switch banks to receive a biometric payment card, and 43% so
willing to pay to receive one. This customer acquisition opportunity is one some fintechs have already

identificiran in vzvod
. By offering consumers a seamless and secure contactless user experience that isn’t currently widely available at traditional banks, fintechs will become an attractive prospect for consumers. We expect the fintech trend to continue
growing and with it to announce further fintech partnerships in the coming year.


Bodite pozorni na DeFi

In koristi nimajo samo "tradicionalne" finance.

Kriptovalute so v zadnjih letih doživele izjemen skok priljubljenosti, s približno 106 milijonov ljudi po vsem svetu uporablja kripto borze danes.
Typically, those who use cryptocurrencies do so for high volume and value transactions, with the average Bitcoin transaction
value being US$25,000 as of 2020

Podobno kot pri vsaki finančni tehnologiji je varnost bistvena. Trenutno je glavni način shranjevanja, dostopa in upravljanja kripto (borze, vroče in hladne denarnice) zasebni ključ. Toda kaj se zgodi, če uporabnik pozabi svoj zasebni ključ ali še huje, če postane ogrožen?

Introducing biometric authentication to help
us store and access cryptocurrency
 je smiselno. Zagotovi lahko dodatno plast varnosti za shranjevanje in preverjanje pristnosti kriptovalut in na tem področju je že dosežen napredek,

zagovarjajo nekatera najbolj prepoznavna imena tehnološke industrije

Razburljiv čas za biometrijo 

Z jasno potrebo po varnosti, ki ne ogroža udobja, željo potrošnikov po tehnologiji in pripravljenostjo tehnologije za množično uvedbo, the coming years look exciting for biometrics. With biometric payment
cards, issuers can deliver for their customers a truly unified, smarter payment experience, unlocking the same level of security without sacrificing convenience. 

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