ZDA zaplenile 50,000 bitcoinov v povezavi s Silk Road PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

ZDA zaplenile 50,000 bitcoinov v povezavi s Silk Road

- Oglas -

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U.S. attorney Damian Williams and Special Agent Tyler Hatcher have announced the seizure of $3.36B worth of cryptocurrency in connection with Silk Road.

Damian Williams, ameriški državni tožilec za južno okrožje New Yorka, in posebni agent, odgovoren za kriminalistične preiskave IRS, sta leta 50,000 skupaj razkrila informacije v zvezi z zaplembo več kot 2012 BTC v povezavi s tržnico temnega spleta Silk Road.

James Zhong who was, in November of 2021 charged for unlawfully obtaining 50,676 BTC worth $3.36B then, recently pleaded guilty to the charges brought on him. Attorney Damian revealed the development Monday through a Izjava.

According to the statement, Zhong had obtained the 50K+ BTC through a wire fraud in September of 2012 on the dark web marketplace Silk Road. Nine years later, American authorities raided Zhong’s residence in Gainsville, Georgia amidst an investigation, leading to the confiscation of the BTC tokens. Zhong pleaded guilty to the charges last week Friday.

Besides the BTC confiscated, the authorities also seized $661K from Zhong’s house along with several assets in precious metals. The statement from the U.S. Attorney office noted that the seizure then represented the largest cryptocurrency confiscation in the history of the U.S., and is currently the second largest, just behind the DoJ’s aretirati februarja dveh posameznikov zaradi zarote za pranje kriptovalut v vrednosti do 4.6 milijarde dolarjev.

“Thanks to state-of-the-art cryptocurrency tracing and good old-fashioned police work, law enforcement located and recovered this impressive cache of crime proceeds.  This case shows that we won’t stop following the money, no matter how expertly hidden, even to a circuit board in the bottom of a popcorn tin,” Odvetnik Williams je pripomnil, ko je govoril o razvoju.

Po Zhongovi nedavni tožbi je ameriški sodnik Paul Gardephe izdal odredbo o zaplembi, ki je vključevala Zhongov 80-odstotni delež v podjetju RE&D Investments, LLC s sedežem v Memphisu; 50K+ BTC in vse plemenite kovine, zasežene iz Zhongovega doma, vključno z zlatom in srebrom.

Speaking on the matter, Special Agent Hatcher highlighted the sophistication behind Zhong’s criminal scheme which involved defrauding Silk Road. Hatcher also noted that his agency will continue to work alongside the U.S. Attorney’s office in combating similar fraudulent acts.

U.S. authorities have been rather active in fighting crypto-related crimes, as the cryptocurrency scene witnesses a surge in criminal activities amidst a growing rate of adoption. In September, the FBI and private investigators zaplenjeno Severnokorejski hekerji so ukradli 30 milijonov dolarjev.

Po poročanju CNBC poročilo, so kriptovalute predstavljale več kot 90 % sredstev, ki jih je lani zaplenila ameriška davčna uprava. Poročilo tudi ugotavlja, da se ta kripto sredstva običajno likvidirajo po sodnem nalogu, pri čemer se izkupiček prenese na morebitne žrtve kaznivega dejanja ali razdeli med vladne agencije.

- Oglas -

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