Kaj bo recesija pomenila za BNPL? (David Ritter) Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Kaj bo recesija pomenila za BNPL? (David Ritter)

Thanks to its popularity among Gen Z’s go-to retailers, the buzz around Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) may seem new, but the concept is as old as credit itself. What makes BNPL different is the seamless digital delivery it provides to enhance the online shopping
journey. Want that new jacket but don’t have the funds? Forget borrowing from friends & family or applying for a loan—simply tap ‘Pay with ….’ to instantly order the item and split the cost into smaller, more affordable chunks over a few months.

Incumbent banks and payment providers may have missed this early BNPL boom. But instalment credit is also risky, particularly when customers overextend themselves. Lenders like Klarna and Laybuy operate on a different model to credit cards. And with more
consumers struggling in the cost-of-living crisis, the inability to meet payment deadlines now threatens the industry’s longevity. In July, Klarna’s YoY valuation

padla za 85 %
. Torej, kako bi lahko Kupi zdaj, plačaj pozneje preživela prihajajočo recesijo?

1. Posojilodajalci bodo začeli zavračati ljudi

BNPL se razlikuje od kreditnih kartic, ki so odprte kreditne linije. Kreditne kartice strankam omogočajo redne nakupe do dogovorjenega limita in plačujejo samo obresti na tisto, kar si izposodijo. Med finančno krizo leta 2008 so banke

zaprli neaktivne kreditne kartice svojih strank
da se zaščitijo pred rekordnimi izgubami posojil.

Vendar pa podjetja BNPL pokrivajo zbirko enkratnih nakupov in ne morejo zmanjšati kreditnih linij. Namesto tega bodo posojilodajalci verjetno poostrili upravičenost potrošnikov in celo omejili velikost posojil, da bi zmanjšali izgube. To že vidimo pri Klarni—
v avgustu
je izjavil generalni direktor
začelo bi "včasih posojati nekoliko manj, zlasti novim potrošnikom." 

2. Pomanjkanje prepoznavnosti bo zahtevalo boljše poročanje

There isn’t a uniform credit bureau reporting of buy now, pay later borrowing. When a customer uses a BNPL service, the lender doesn’t know how many different debts the customer is already carrying and whether they’re a model borrower who pays back on time—or
someone with several overdue repayments. 

Podoben pojav se je zgodil z Lending Clubom in spletnimi nezavarovanimi posojilodajalci v razmahu enakovrednih pred 8-10 leti. Slabo poročanje je pomenilo posojilodajalce

ni zaznal "zlaganja"
of multiple loans from different companies by consumers, leading to rising obligations, inabilities to repay, and increased risks of defaulting. Contrast with credit cards, highlighted on customers’ credit reports so lenders
can make informed decisions. 

Integracija odprto bančništvo may help to improve BNPL reporting. However, consumers would need to agree to share their data. And while responsible borrowers are likely to do so, those who struggle to repay
may refuse consent to protect their future borrowing prospects.

3. Podjetja BNPL se bodo prilagodila, da bodo ostala pomembna

Kot pravi Jack Dorsey, ustanovitelj Twitterja, “there’s no better time to start a new company or a new idea than a depression or recession.” So, lenders must continue to invest and innovate
to ensure continued growth and find new profitable avenues. For example, in August, Klarna began
na novo odkriti kot vse na enem mestu e-trgovina
prodajalna ki strankam omogoča sledenje svojim spletnim nakupom na eni platformi, ne glede na prodajalca ali način plačila.

Recessionary conditions present opportunities to banks and financial service providers. New offerings draw in all account and transaction data to help consumers and small businesses budget, save, and invest. The key to survival is to manage cash flow. Business
models should be adapted to help consumers navigate potential crises. BNPL lenders can define themselves as key players in financial services.

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