Why Deepfake Fraud Losses Should Scare Financial Institutions (Pablo Ferrezuelo) PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Zakaj bi morale izgube zaradi ponarejenih goljufij prestrašiti finančne institucije (Pablo Ferrezuelo)

Goljufi so postali spretni pri uporabi globokih ponaredkov in lahko povzročijo znatne izgube zaradi goljufije s to grozljivo tehnologijo.

Preberite, kako se globoke ponaredke uporabljajo za goljufanje strank z učinkovitim ponarejanjem resničnih ljudi in kaj lahko banke storijo, da zaščitijo svoje stranke.

Kako Deepfake Tech omogoča izgube zaradi goljufij

Tehnologija Deepfake je bila uporabljena za lažno predstavljanje številnih javnih osebnosti, vključno s slavnimi, kot je

Tom Cruise
, kot so poslovni voditelji
Elon Musk
, in ukrajinski predsednik
Volodimir Zelensky
. Deepfake je mogoče uporabiti za številne namene, vključno z zabavnimi poskusi, kot je preoblikovanje filmov z različnimi igralci (npr.

Nicolas Cage kot Superman

Vendar smo videli tudi globoke ponaredke, ki se uporabljajo za bolj zlovešče namene. Izgube zaradi goljufij, ki so posledica globokih lažnih prevar, so v posameznih primerih znašale od 243,000 do 35 milijonov dolarjev. Muskov deepfake je bil del kripto prevare, ki je stala ameriške potrošnike
približno 2 milijonov dolarjev več kot šest mesecev. Tehnologija je bila uporabljena tudi za simulacijo znanih igralcev – in včasih običajnih ljudi – v filmih za odrasle.

What’s truly scary about deepfakes is not just their effectiveness. It’s their newness. This technology is still in its developmental stages and is already capable of producing highly effective illusions. In time, like all other technology, it will only
get more effective. That’s why banks and financial institutions must understand the most frightening types of deepfake fraud to monitor.

4 grozljive prevare Deepfake, ki si jih morate ogledati

Deepfake napadi imajo veliko različnih oblik. Toda vsak pristop deepfake lahko povzroči znatne izgube zaradi goljufije. Kot boste videli, je vsaka taktika zastrašujoča iz različnih razlogov.

Ghost Fraud Deepfakes. A ghost fraud deepfake occurs when a fraudster steals the identity of a recently deceased person. For example, the fraudster can breach the dead person’s account to access their checking or savings account, apply for loans, or hijack
their credit score information. Deepfake technology has (ironically) given this type of fraud new life. The fraud creates a very convincing illusion that a real, living person is accessing the account, making the scam much more believable. 

Undead Claims. This type of fraud has been around for a long time. In some cases, a family member collects their late relative’s benefits (such as Social Security, life insurance, or pension payouts) before anyone learns of the death. Once again, deepfake
technology provides cover for fraudsters and can keep fraud losses hidden for a long time.

‘Phantom’ or New Account Fraud. In this type of fraud, fraudsters use deepfake technology to create a fake identity and take advantage of one of banking’s most vulnerable stages: account opening. Criminals use fake or stolen credentials to open new bank
accounts while the deepfake convinces the bank that the applicant is real. Fraudsters can bypass many security checks – including two-factor authentication (2FA) requirements – with this tactic. Once the account is created, bad actors can use it for money
laundering or to accrue debt. According to
nedavne številke
, je ta vrsta deepfake že povzročila znatne izgube zaradi goljufij v višini približno 3.4 milijarde USD.

‘Frankenstein’ or Synthetic Identities. The fictional Dr. Frankenstein built a monster from the remains of different bodies. Fraudsters take a similar approach to synthetic identity fraud by using a combination of real, stolen, or fake credentials to create
an artificial identity. With the aid of deepfakes, fraudsters convince banks that the invented person is real and open credit or debit cards to build up the fake user’s credit score.

Kako lahko banke zaščitijo stranke pred Deepfake

Deepfakes are likely to become a central component of criminals’ fraud strategies. As they become more effective, it will only get more challenging for banks and FIs to spot them and prevent fraud losses. That’s a truly terrifying vision. But all is not
lost for banks. Here’s what banks can do to prevent deepfake fraud threats:

1. Dopolnite postopek odpiranja računa z digitalnim zaupanjem

The account opening stage is one of the most vulnerable points in a bank’s workflow. If a fraudster uses a convincing deepfake during the proof of life stage, banks could unknowingly onboard a very risky actor. Using digital trust – which includes a central
pillar of behavioral biometrics – banks can analyze not just the image or video that is provided during onboarding. Biometric solutions on their own (including facial recognition) will not be enough to detect a deepfake. But the behavioral biometrics component
of digital trust can measure how a customer normally behaves. 

But For example, let’s say a new customer claims to be 75 years old. Digital trust solutions can assess whether the customer is really as old as they claim to be from how they handle their device. This includes looking at the way they touch their screen,
the angle at which they hold their phone, or if they type at the typical speed of an elderly customer. These insights can determine if a fake or synthetic identity is being used.

2. Preglejte higieno strankine naprave

Digital trust solutions can also be used to assess whether the device used by a customer is trustworthy or not. Banks should look at whether a recording provided for a proof of life was recorded in real time. They should also look at whether the device submitting
the identity check is the same device used for the recording. Digital trust solutions can also assess whether a device may have been hacked or compromised by malware. Banks should look at these factors carefully to assess whether or not a submitted video is
real or not.

3. Posvetujte se s ponudniki ID-jev

In the age of deepfakes, banks can’t shoulder the responsibility of detecting fake images alone. That’s why banks who work with outside vendors for onboarding and digital authentication must understand how these firms conducted their services. Ask identity
verification providers how video for proof of life was provided and whether a video was recorded on the submitting device itself. ID providers should perform their own malware and device hygiene checks to ensure a device used for account opening is trustworthy.

4. Naučite stranke varovati svoje podatke

Consumers have a crucial role to play in protecting themselves against deepfake fraud losses. This is no easy task given how much personal data is publicly available. But banks should still caution their customers about how their data can be manipulated
and urge customers to protect themselves. Some core tips for customers include:

  • nadzirajte, kdo vidi vaše podatke na družbenih medijih

  • izogibanje posredovanju podatkov nezanesljivim spletnim mestom tretjih oseb ali nalaganju nezaupanja vrednih aplikacij

  • ne uporabljajte naprav, ki so že bile ogrožene ali zlomljene

Grožnja globokih lažnih prevar bi morala vse leto strašiti banke. Na srečo daje bankam z uporabo rešitev digitalnega zaupanja veliko priložnost, da ujamejo goljufijo, preden bo prepozno.

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