With Fiat Currencies Crumbling, It’s Time To Denominate In Bitcoin Terms PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Ker Fiat valute propadajo, je čas za denominacijo v bitcoinih

To je uvodnik mnenj Stephana Livere, voditelja oddaje »Stephan Livera Podcast« in generalnega direktorja Swan Bitcoin International.

Veliko fiat valut je ki se trudi ohraniti kupno moč v USD. Makro pogovor o finančnem Twitterju se zdaj obrača na to, kako se celoten sistem zlomi, in dejstvo, da vi ne more zožiti Ponzi.

Now is a great time to press the advantage that Bitcoin brings: not being a fiat currency that can be printed on demand. It’s time to denominate in bitcoin terms.

Kaj se dogaja v svetu trgov fiat valut?

Kot morda veste, se številne fiksne valute zrušijo proti USD. To ne pomeni nujno, da tudi USD »raste«, prav tako izgublja kupno moč, le z zmanjšano hitrostjo.

Leto do datuma (YTD) za velike fiat valute v primerjavi z USD:

  • britanski funt je padel z 1.34 USD na 1.057 USD – padec za 21 %
  • JPY je padel z 0.0087 na 0.0069 — padec za 20 %
  • EUR je padel z 1.13 USD na 0.97 USD – padec za 15 %

Angleška centralna banka je zdaj začenja nov val nakupov obveznic, ali z drugimi besedami, razvrednotenje se nadaljuje. Tiskalnik denarja bo še naprej uničeval prihranke imetnikov GBP in varčevalcev. Žrtvujejo jih na oltarju »finančne stabilnosti«.

With fiat currencies devaluing this rapidly, it’s not such a crazy idea that we should value things directly in sats or BTC terms. While nocoiners love to hate Bitcoin for not being at all-time high prices, the reality is that long-term Bitcoin users have dramatically profited, both in purchasing power and in freedom terms.

The loss of confidence in fiat currencies is driving a fundamental shift in thinking. If our precoiner friends were scared of bitcoin because of volatility before, the difference in volatility between bitcoin and fiat coins is reduced, so it makes sense to start using bitcoin denominations.

What Does It Mean To Denominate In Bitcoin Terms?

It means to evaluate financial costs and benefits in Bitcoin or satoshi terms. This includes financially valuing our net worth in bitcoin/sat terms. This is really what matters over the longer term for Bitcoin Maximalists after all. If you believe everything is going to be priced in sats someday, why not start now?

I have personally denominated my net worth in bitcoin terms for a while now, but I’ve struggled with the next part: day-to-day expenses. For me, this is mainly because of mental arithmetic. So my next step is to focus more on evaluating the bitcoin cost of revenue and expenditure of day-to-day items. If we are serious about bitcoin as better money, we should show it.

Practical Tips On Bitcoin Denomination

Začnite tako, da držite prst na utripu glede cene "sat na dolar". To lahko storite z uporabo Coinkite's BLOCKCLOCK (aka, Moskovski čas) ali morda na spletnih mestih, kot je Bitbo.io ki ga naštevajo. Uporabite lahko tudi orodja za pretvorbo, kot je bitkoin.io or preev.com. Prav tako pricedinbitcoin21.com is a useful site showing all kinds of bitcoin denominated prices.

Source: pricedinbitcoin21.com, as of August 28, 2022

Pri mentalni aritmetiki je en nasvet, da začnete s sats na dolar. Torej, na primer, če je 1 BTC = 19,067 $, potem je sat na dolar približno 5,200, torej je 10 $ približno 52,000 satov, 100 dolarjev je približno 520,000 satov in 1,000 dolarjev je približno 5.2 milijona satov.

Ena druga ovira je, da moramo nenehno ponastavljati cene, če smo dejansko citiranje real world products/services in bitcoin terms. But so be it, this is our proverbial cross to bear, and it benefits the user in the longer term to operate this way.

Of course there may come a point where the bitcoin price for something set a few years/cycles ago is no longer appropriate, but this just requires readjustment. And being fair, this is something that all fiat merchants are having to do vseeno.

To ni novost, samo vračamo ga

In the earlier days of Bitcoin, it was more common to speak in terms of the BTC values for things. Perhaps it became more difficult due to the price rise and dealing with small fractions of a bitcoin in our heads.

Ne pozabite pa, da zgodnje storitve in igre od SealsWithClubs, Da MPOE, Da SatoshiDice were bitcoin denominated! Some early exchanges on Bitcoin Talk forums were bitcoin denominated. So really, this is just bringing back what Bitcoiners Rabljeni storiti.

Of course, there are some in the Bitcoin space who are already bitcoin-denominated even in terms of the service/product they sell. Notably, the CoinJoin services are bitcoin-denominated (e.g., see the Kalkulator pristojbine za Whirlpool tukaj), and various individuals in the space are operating without fiat bank accounts, so they’re obviously doing better at being bitcoin denominated.

Prav tako moramo opozoriti, da tudi tukaj pomaga Lightning Network. Različne storitve Lightning, napitnine in denarnice so denominirane. na primer Alby in Podcasting 2.0 aplikacije so označene kot sat. Ljudje, ki upravljajo usmerjevalna vozlišča v omrežju Lightning Network, nastavljajo svoje osnovne in spremenljive pristojbine (ppm ali delce na milijon) v izrazih satoshi, kar lahko vidimo z brskanjem po vozliščih Lightning v raziskovalcih, kot je npr. mempool.space.

On The Question Of Amounts: Bitcoin Or Sats?

A long-time topic in Bitcoiner circles is the point of pristranskost enote, which is believed to be behind some shitcoins pumping. The nocoiner coming in sees a very low price per unit and buys the shitcoin thinking, “Hey, it’s coming off a low base so there’s more upside.” So the rationale goes that if we all spoke in terms of sats only (and not in BTC terms), that bitcoin could leverage this effect also.

But this doesn’t come for free, there is a trade off. There may well be high-net-worth investors (HNWI) who get into bitcoin, and because they want to buy “a whole coin,” they buy more than they otherwise would have. We could even argue that the amount HNWIs buy is higher, thus the impact HNWIs have is higher. And by now, most know the oft-quoted statistic about how “even if every millionaire on earth wanted a whole bitcoin, they couldn’t get it.”

Ne pozabite, da če število satov delite s številom ljudi na zemlji, dobite to število okoli 226,000 satov (glejte satsperson).

As fiat currencies crash against the USD, it makes sense to start using bitcoin denominations, even for day-to-day expenses.

Vir: satoshisperperson.com, od 28. septembra 2022

But perhaps this unt bias question is neither here nor there. As long as there is an easy option or toggle to flip between BTC terms and sat terms in our apps and services, it probably doesn’t matter that much. In practice, I think people will just refer to smaller value things in sat terms, and larger value items in BTC terms.

Predelavam Fiat se ne morete popolnoma izogniti

I understand one critique here might be that lots of our day-to-day life expenditures are still fiat denominated, and that we can’t fully escape it (yet). Nocoiners may critique us also for still valuing bitcoin in USD terms, but the process has to začni nekje.

Starting somewhere means we should try to think in bitcoin or sat terms prvi. So if we’re talking about the price of things, list the bitcoin-terms price prvi. Or perhaps more provocatively, list the bitcoin price samo and let the other person do a calculation. Let’s disrupt the network effect of fiat currency, and not let our lives be ruled by the fiat currencies.

To je gostujoča objava avtorja Stephana Livere. Izražena mnenja so v celoti njihova lastna in ne odražajo nujno mnenj BTC Inc ali Bitcoin Magazine.

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