Bela hiša pravi, da bo uveljavljanje davka na kriptovalute pomagalo pri plačilu dvostranskega dogovora o infrastrukturi PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Bela hiša pravi, da bo izvrševanje davkov kripto pomagalo pri plačilu dvostranskega dogovora o infrastrukturi

Bela hiša pravi, da bo uveljavljanje davka na kriptovalute pomagalo pri plačilu dvostranskega dogovora o infrastrukturi PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Bela hiša je v sredo sporočila, da bo večmesečni račun za infrastrukturo v ameriškem senatu delno plačan z okrepljenim davčnim uveljavljanjem kriptovalut.

Though the text of the legislation — said to be struck Wednesday after a long period of at-times acrimonious negotiations between Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill — is not publicly available, a Informativni list Bele hiše mentions crypto tax enforcement as one of the spending offsets to help finance the multi-billion dollar infrastructure project.

Opombe k informativnemu listu:

»V prihodnjih letih bo posel prinesel velike gospodarske koristi. Financira se s kombinacijo preusmerjanja neporabljenih sredstev za nujne primere, ciljno usmerjenih uporabniških pristojbin, krepitvijo davčne uveljavitve pri kriptovalutah in drugimi dvostranskimi ukrepi, poleg prihodkov, ustvarjenih zaradi večje gospodarske rasti, ki je posledica naložb. ”

CoinDesk reported Wednesday that a separate fact sheet it reviewed said that the bill would raise some $28 billion from heightened reporting requirements for exchanges and brokerages, though it wasn’t immediately clear across what length of time that amount of money would be garnered.

According to documentation obtained by The Block, the deal’s crypto elements are described as the following:

“The bipartisan infrastructure framework applies information reporting requirements to digital assets (including cryptocurrency) to ensure they are properly reported to the IRS. The provision includes updating the definition of broker to reflect the realities of how digital assets are acquired and traded. The provision further makes clear that broker-to-broker reporting applies to all transfers of covered securities within the meaning of section 6045(g)(3), including digital assets.

Additionally, digital assets are added to the current rules requiring businesses to report cash payments over $10,000.”

The documentation shared with The Block also included the $28 billion figure, which appears to be an estimate from the Joint Committee on Taxation or JCT. 

News reports indicate that a test vote of the deal will take place in the Senate sometime Wednesday. However, given the fluid nature of the negotiations and divisions between GOP and Democrat negotiators of the deal and the 50-50 split of the Senate, a successful vote is not guaranteed, nor will any final provisions be known until the text is formally introduced.

For example, Republican senators have potisnil nazaj proti the inclusion the enhanced IRS enforcement in the bipartisan bill, though it appears that the existing draft retains the crypto-specific provisions. Former President Donald Trump has also so pozvali republikance v senatu zavrniti dogovor.

If and when the Senate passes a bill, it must then be harmonized with legislation out of the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. 

To je zgodba v razvoju in bo posodobljena.

Frank Chaparro je prispeval k poročanju.


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