Duke Energy predstavlja tehnološke rešitve za možne izpade električne energije PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Duke Energy predstavlja tehnološke rešitve za morebitne izpade električne energije

DURHAM, NC — Duke Energy je v torek predstavil nekaj novih tehnologij, ki jih bo podjetje uporabilo, če bi orkan Ian svojim strankam onemogočil elektriko. Voditelji iz okrožij Durham, Orange, Chatham in Lee so lahko videli, kako bo komunalno podjetje delovalo pametneje in hitreje pri reševanju izpadov.

Duke highlighted what is called “self-healing technology” that is being installed around the state. Automation in the power grid will detect surges, downed power lines or outages and quickly re-route power from another source to keep customers connected.

The technology is relatively new, but Duke says that “smart, self-healing technology” installed in the grid in Durham has prevented more than 10,000 customer outages already this year.

Flota brezpilotnih letal bo pregledala škodo od zgoraj, kar bo Dukeu omogočilo, da preveri nepremičnine, do katerih bi bilo težko priti, če bi ceste poplavile.

Jackson Rollins is the drone guy. He is Duke Energy director of unmanned aerial systems. “There’s a lot that you can see from the ground, but if you’re 200 feet in the air, there’s a lot more you can see – where is the damage? How extensive is the damage,” he said.

Poleg tehnologije se Duke Energy pripravlja na Iana z delovno silo. Podjetje je pripravljeno povabiti upokojence, da pomagajo zapolniti nekatere potrebe, pa tudi izvajalce v drugih državah, če je to potrebno.

Dogodek je bil načrtovan, preden se je orkan Ian zavrtel, vendar je bil čas koristen.

Sarah Pickhardt, Orange County director of emergency management, said, “During large-scale events, we’re communicating with Duke as much as we can. They’re communicating back with us. If we’ve got an outage at a critical facility, we’re able to let them know and help that restoration happen a little quicker like if it’s a hospital.”

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