Evo, zakaj vodja FTX stavi na 'morilce Ethereuma' v naslednjih dveh letih PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Evo, zakaj vodja FTX za naslednji dve leti stavi na "ubijalce Ethereum"

Looks like the market recovery in the cryptocurrency space was short-lived owing to profit booking over the weekend. And, with the Asian market heading for the Lunar New Year, Bitcoin padla navzdol by 2.3% in 24 hours, at the time of writing.

Pravzaprav, Ethereum je bil tudi šibkejši by 3.2% over the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, its renowned “killers” Solana in Avalanche so bili navzdol za 5.5% oziroma 6.5%.

However, FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried believes that both SOL and AVAX are well placed in the market, say in the next two years. During a recent Podcast, the FTX chief noted that apart from crypto OGs, BTC, and ETH, he finds the aforementioned alts promising.


Če pogledamo indeks relativne moči (RSI), kazalnik zagona na njegovih zadnjih ravneh cen kaže preprodano ali podcenjeno tržno stanje za SOL.

Evo, zakaj vodja FTX stavi na 'morilce Ethereuma' v naslednjih dveh letih PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Vir: TradingView

However, Bankman-Fried opined that SOL has ‘done something that very few chains have even thought about trying.’ With regard to scaling, he je dejal,

"So ena od edinih verig, ki imajo resnično verodostojno pot naprej pri skaliranju na raven, do katere bi morali priti, če bi želeli uporabo v industrijskem obsegu."

Despite that, one of the top performers of 2021 is struggling under $100. The Ostro razmerje of one year is indicative of that with a market-beating performance of 2.77. However, relative to the risk, it has failed to deliver in the short term amidst broader weakness. At the time of analysis, the Sharpe Ratio (30D) stood at -6.80.


As AVAX maintained an RSI reading of above 30, Bankman-Fried noticed potential in the chain going ahead. He believes that the team behind the project knows what they are doing, although, he expects more in terms of the level of scaling. In this regard, he dodano,

»To ne pomeni, da vem najbolje, oni pa ne. Na koncu imajo morda prav glede tega, čemu dati prednost."

Pravzaprav je nadaljeval, da je to "prava veriga, to je kul veriga in mislim, da obstaja svet, v katerem postane popolnoma ogromen."

Evo, zakaj vodja FTX stavi na 'morilce Ethereuma' v naslednjih dveh letih PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Vir: TradingView

Vendar je treba omeniti, da AVAX zaradi večje šibkosti trga ne more kratkoročno ponoviti enake zmogljivosti. Medtem ko je bilo njegovo Sharpe Ratio (1Y) na impresivnih 1.80, je bilo v zadnjih 30 dneh negativno. Predvsem razmerje morda ni najboljši kazalnik glede na nered, ki ga je trg doživel v zadnjem času, najbolj strmo po juliju 2021.

Apart from the two tokens, the FTX chief is keeping an eye on Wrappers. He opined that Wrappers will probably keep growing over time. Thus dodajanje,

"Ker imate razhajanje med verigami, ki imajo spretnost za obvladovanje dejavnosti, za katero se zahteva od njih, in verigami, na katerih živi vrednost, vam nekako ne preostane drugega, kot da se potapljate vedno globlje v zavita sredstva."

Vir: https://ambcrypto.com/heres-why-ftx-chief-is-betting-on-ethereum-killers-for-the-next-two-years/

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