AAX rezervira 10 milijonov USD za zagotavljanje donosnih priložnosti skupnosti Solana PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

AAX si rezervira 10 milijonov ameriških dolarjev, da bi družbi Solana prinesel donosne priložnosti

AAX rezervira 10 milijonov USD za zagotavljanje donosnih priložnosti skupnosti Solana PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

SINGAPORE, June 16, 2021 - AAX, borza kriptovalut institucionalnega razreda, ki jo poganja mehanizem za ujemanje LSEG Millenium, se zavzema za Solana platform and its ecosystem projects to promote adoption of the rapidly growing blockchain ecosystem.

A total of $10 million has been reserved to support various incentive programs for staking SOL and other ecosystem tokens. The campaign comes as AAX has listed some of the most successful and innovative projects on Solana, including Serum (SRM), Audius (AUDIO), Raydium (RAY) and Step. Finance (STEP), as well as the SOL token itself. The most liquid tokens will be also been listed on AAX Futures.

Po uvrstitvi na seznam AAX naj bi ponudil številne donosne varčevalne pakete z visokimi obrestmi, s čimer bo nagrajeval deleže projektov Solana na AAX. Poleg tega bo AAX med dvotedenskimi akcijami po meri svojim uporabnikom omogočil nakup Solane in drugih ekosistemskih žetonov s 50-odstotnim popustom. Poleg tega je SOL (Solana) eden izmed žetonov, ki uživa 0 provizij za trgovanje na AAX.

AAX is in full support of the Solana ecosystem development and would like to introduce the tokens built on top of the Solana which has solid use cases to its users group by conducting a series of airdrop events as well.  A total of 10 million dollars fund is reserved for events as such.

Solana je danes eden najobetavnejših konkurentov Ethereuma na trgu, ki se ponaša z neprimerljivo hitrostjo izvedbe vozlišč in, kar je najpomembneje, z zmogljivostjo omrežja. Ključno načelo, ki stoji za Solano, je ponuditi omrežje verig blokov, ki je vsaj tako hitro kot posamezno vozlišče, v primerjavi s številnimi drugimi shemami paralelizacije in ostrenja, katerih cilj je odpraviti zamudo pri povezovanju in soglasju z ustvarjanjem večinoma ločenih omrežij.

Solana’s architecture is particularly suited for DeFi and advanced trading, hosting one of few functional L1 order book exchanges in Serum, enabled by sub 500ms block time and a theoretical 60,000 TPS capability. The ecosystem has seen tremendous growth recently as more and more developers choose to build their unique projects on Solana. The blockchain is regularly obravnavati do 1000 TPS dejanske uporabe.

“Smart contract platforms are among the major points of contention in the industry now,” explained Head of Research and Strategy at AAX, Ben Caselin. “Up until now, Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain have seen most action, but with Polkadot, Cardano and now Solana making their way to the top rank, we expect these dynamics to change, and as an exchange we need to be on top of those changes and make it easy for our users to be able to seize such opportunities,” added Caselin.

Pobuda Solana prihaja, ko je borza AAX leta 2021 zabeležila eksplozivno rast, število mesečno aktivnih uporabnikov pa se je od januarja 20 povečalo za več kot 2021-krat. Dodaten prihodek AAX-u omogoča, da podpira obetavne ekosisteme in hkrati spodbuja uporabo izdelkov borze.

Glede AAX-a

AAX is a deep-liquidity and deeply trusted cryptocurrency exchange that is favored by more than half a million users. Powered by London Stock Exchange’s LSEG Technology, AAX offers crypto futures contracts, 50+ spot pairs, P2P fiat trading, savings products, and top-grade API connectivity. AAX enables users to buy bitcoin easily via its OTC or Fast Buy platforms and supports over 20 fiat currencies.

Source: https://bitcoinist.com/aax-reserves-10m-to-bring-lucrative-opportunities-to-the-solana-community/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=aax-reserves-10m-to-bring-lucrative-opportunities-to-the-solana-community

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