• Australian crypto exchanges will soon require a financial-services license.
  • Platforms holding more than A$5 million or A$1,500 for individuals are affected.
  • The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) will oversee the permit issuance.

Crypto exchanges operating in Australia are set to face more stringent regulatory measures. A new government proposal will necessitate these platforms to obtain a financial-services license if they hold digital assets beyond specified thresholds. This is an extension of the ongoing efforts by the government to ensure that the burgeoning cryptocurrency sector operates transparently and responsibly.

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The stipulated thresholds have been defined in two categories. Firstly, for platforms that hold an aggregate of over A$5 million (equivalent to $3.2 million) and secondly, for individual holdings exceeding A$1,500. Exchanges falling within these parameters will have to approach the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to secure the necessary permits.

By enacting this requirement, the Australian government aims to strike a balance. On one hand, they recognize the potential and growth of the crypto sector, and on the other, they are ensuring that participants are held to rigorous standards to protect investors and maintain market integrity.

While this move might be perceived as a hurdle by some crypto platforms, it underscores the growing mainstream acceptance of digital currencies. By incorporating crypto exchanges into existing financial frameworks, Australia seems poised to create an environment that is both innovative and secure for crypto enthusiasts and investors alike.

Dežela kripto novic (cryptonewsland.com) , skrajšano tudi »CNL«, je neodvisen medijski subjekt – nismo povezani z nobenim podjetjem v industriji blokovnih verig in kriptovalut. Naš cilj je zagotoviti svežo in ustrezno vsebino, ki bo pomagala zgraditi kriptoprostor, saj verjamemo v njen potencial, da vpliva na svet na bolje. Vsi naši viri novic so verodostojni in točni, kot vemo, čeprav ne jamčimo glede veljavnosti njihovih izjav in njihovih motivov za njimi. Čeprav skrbimo za dvojno preverjanje verodostojnosti informacij iz naših virov, ne dajemo nobenih zagotovil glede pravočasnosti in popolnosti kakršnih koli informacij na našem spletnem mestu, kot jih zagotavljajo naši viri. Poleg tega zavračamo vse informacije na naši spletni strani kot naložbene ali finančne nasvete. Vse obiskovalce spodbujamo, da opravijo lastno raziskavo in se posvetujejo s strokovnjakom za ustrezno temo, preden sprejmejo kakršno koli naložbeno ali trgovalno odločitev.