Coinbase Ventures za dejavnosti poslov v drugem četrtletju, ogromen potencial Web2, Solana Ecosystem PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Coinbase Ventures glede aktivnosti poslov v drugem četrtletju, ogromen potencial Web2, ekosistema Solana

Coinbase Ventures, which is the venture capital arm of Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN), talked about several interesting topics in a report released on Thursday (July 21).

blog post published on July 21, Coinbase Ventures started by talking about the venture landscape:

"Širši tvegani trg je začel kazati znake ohlajanja v Q1, pri čemer je skupno financiranje upadlo prvič po drugem četrtletju 2. Ta trend se je nadaljeval v drugem četrtletju s skupnim tveganim financiranjem padec 23%, marking the largest dip in a decade… Crypto venture funding still saw a record Q1, but as we wrote in our zadnja črka, we’d already begun seeing signs of a slowdown that we expected to surface in Q2… Crypto venture funding still saw a record Q1, but as we wrote in our zadnja črka, we’d already begun seeing signs of a slowdown that we expected to surface in Q2."

Nato so govorili o Web3:

"Z oceno 3.2 milijarde+ igralcev na svetu trdno verjamemo, da bo igranje iger Web3 vključilo naslednji množični val uporabnikov kriptovalut. Igre na srečo Web3 so v drugem četrtletju ostale sektor velikih naložb, kar ocenjuje The Block 2.6 milijard USD + was raised. Our activity over the last few quarters only strengthens our conviction… As we saw in Q1, founders with strong track records in Web2 gaming continue to embrace this category… The space has also attracted Justin Kan, co-founder of the game streaming platform Twitch, which was prodal Amazonu za 1 milijardo dolarjev. Kanovo novo podjetje, fraktal*, is building a marketplace for NFT gaming assets…

"It will take some time for this sector to mature, but it’s growing increasingly clear that blockchain gaming will be a massive category in the future… Beyond gaming, the next generation of Web3 user applications are working to upend the captive models of Web2 and to give users control over their audiences and communities. One company we’re particularly excited about is Farcaster*: dovolj decentralizirano socialno omrežje, ki so ga ustanovili nekdanji člani Coinbase Dan Romero in Varun Srinivasan."

Kar zadeva Solano ($SOL) in njen ekosistem, so rekli:

"Noticeable in our Q2 activity was the continued momentum behind the Solana ecosystem. While Ethereum and the EVM remain king as far as developer traction and compatible apps, we’re noting a clear trend in early teams placing importance on Solana. All in, we did 10 deals building on Solana in Q2… Increasingly, we’re seeing teams opt to support both the EVM and Solana from the onset — like recent additions in skladen in Moralis… Add in the fact that multiple large funds have publicly expressed support for the ecosystem, and it suggests that Solana’s staying power is real."

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