Dorsey: BTC bi moral biti Zuckerbergov glavni projekt PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Dorsey: BTC bi moral biti Zuckerbergov glavni projekt

Dorsey: BTC bi moral biti Zuckerbergov glavni projekt PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

In a recent interview, Jack Dorsey – the man behind billion-dollar companies such as Square and Twitter – said that Mark Zuckerberg – the CEO of Facebook, now Meta – was wrong to try and start his own cryptocurrency venture, and he feels things would have been more successful if he had focused on bitcoin.

Jack Dorsey je kritičen do Diema

BTC is the world’s largest and most popular cryptocurrency. Dorsey has long been a fan, working to enhance trading through Square and recently announcing that he’s looking to open the world of bitcoin mining to everyone by making it a lot easier to understand. He claimed in a recent discussion that Diem – the cryptocurrency project that Facebook was working on – would have been a solid program if it had simply stuck to bitcoin.

Namesto tega so vodstveni delavci skušali vzpostaviti nekaj svojega in tako je to padlo v tla. Ena od velikih težav v Dorseyjevih mislih je bila ta, da naj bi Diem poskušal ljudi preveč pripeljati k lastnemu naboru izdelkov. Zdelo se je kot ekskluziven program, katerega del ne more biti vsak, in posledično so mu ljudje popolnoma obrnili hrbet.

Dorsey je dejal:

Poskušali so ustvariti valuto, ki je bila v lasti Facebooka, verjetno iz pravih razlogov, verjetno iz plemenitih razlogov, vendar je bilo tudi nekaj razlogov, ki bi kazali na to, da poskušajo pritegniti vse več ljudi v ekosistem Facebooka. To so storili namesto z uporabo odprtega protokola in standarda, kot je bitcoin. Upam, da so se veliko naučili, vendar mislim, da je bilo veliko zapravljenega truda in časa. Ti dve leti ali tri leta ali kolikor dolgo je že minilo, bi lahko porabili za to, da bi bitcoin dostopnejši za več ljudi po vsem svetu, kar bi koristilo tudi njihovemu izdelku messenger ter Instagramu in WhatsAppu.

Diem – which was initially known as Libra – was introduced to consumers in the summer of 2019. While Facebook may have had solid intentions when it came to establishing a new digital currency that individuals could use to pay for goods and services through the social media network, things were not seen that way by users who had just been subjected to the Skandal Cambridge Analytica.

Ljudje mu verjetno niso zaupali

Ta dogodek se je zgodil ravno leto pred tem in je Mark Zuckerberg sedel pred kongresno komisijo in odgovarjal na vprašanja, zakaj je podjetje tako dolgo prodajalo zasebne podatke ljudi brez njihove vednosti ali privolitve.

It appears many people – after this took place – were not comfortable sharing their financial information with Facebook, nor were they okay with allowing the company to have any more control than it already did. Thus, Diem – it can be suggested – is simply a project that was released by the wrong firm at the wrong time. All assets tied to the project have since been privately sold.

Tags: Diem, Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg

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