Salvador ponuja izobraževanje o BTC vsem državljanom prek programa Cubo+ | Bitcoin novice v živo

Salvador ponuja izobraževanje o BTC vsem državljanom prek programa Cubo+ | Bitcoin novice v živo

El Salvador Delivers BTC Education to All Citizens Through Cubo+ Program | Live Bitcoin News PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Several residents of El Salvador are now completing a free-of-charge training program called Cubo+ designed to ensure they have all the bitcoin knowledge they need to handle future transactions and what will likely be the way their nation does payments and transactions from here on out.

Salvador razkriva program Cubo+ BTC

El Salvador is a revolutionary country in that it was the first to razglasi Bitcoin za zakonito plačilno sredstvo in September of 2021. Up until that point, paying with bitcoin was a little taboo. It was something only a small collection of businesses did, but the Central American region decided that it was to be on par with USD, the fiat currency it was dependent on. Anyone could walk into any store and buy whatever they needed with bitcoin, and they couldn’t get a “no” or a dirty look from the shopkeeper.

Zdaj država svojo ljubezen do bitcoina dviguje na višjo raven z zagotavljanjem, da je izobraževanje o kripto na voljo vsem. Cubo+ vsebuje več tehničnih podrobnosti v zvezi z blockchainom, digitalnim omrežjem, ki podpira BTC. Ima tudi pogovore in predavanja nekaterih največjih imen v bitcoin areni, vključno s Petrom Toddom, nekdanjim sodelavcem Bitcoin Core. V intervjuju je Todd omenil:

Ena od razlik je le obseg tega. To je nenavadno veliko.

Lisa Neigut je bila še ena razvijalka, ki je imela priložnost govoriti s številnimi prisotnimi študenti. Kasneje je rekla:

Pravi privilegij je biti del tako radikalnega in upanja polnega projekta. Študenti, ki sem jih srečal prejšnji teden, so vsi bistri in navdušeni nad svojo prihodnostjo v svetu odprtega denarja.

Zaledna razvijalka in udeleženka Cubo+ Naomi Iglesias je prav tako dodala svoja dva centa in izjavila:

Osebno je bil tečaj Jimmyja Songa najzahtevnejši del programa … Verjamem, da lahko programi, kot je Cubo+, pomembno vplivajo na moje poklicno življenje. Ker sem dobil praktično in osredotočeno izobraževanje o ustreznih temah, kot sta [] Lightning Network in bitcoin, sem se pripravljen soočiti z resničnimi izzivi na delovnem mestu.

Veliko težav, ki jih je treba rešiti

El Salvador had to overcome a lot of big problems before it could implement its newfound bitcoin agenda. For example, the World Bank napovedal, da bo not aid the nation in its plans given that bitcoin was largely volatile, and thus unworthy (at least in the institution’s eyes) of any real attention.

Prav tako je wallet system the country tried to utilize to ensure citizens could receive their fair share of bitcoin experienced several technical issues, while there were several residents of El Salvador that had serious qualms with being “forced” into bitcoin usage or with its alleged ties to money laundering and crime and decided to engage in protests in the country’s capital city of San Salvador.

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