Posodobitev IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim: Raziskovalna asistentka Tehnične univerze Braunschweig Franziska Greinert je govornica leta 2024 - Inside Quantum Technology

Posodobitev IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim: Raziskovalna asistentka Tehnične univerze Braunschweig Franziska Greinert je govornica 2024 – Inside Quantum Technology

Franziska Greinert, Research Assistant at Technical University Braunschweig is an IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim Speaker for the 2024 Conference

By Kenna Hughes-Castleberry objavljeno 10. aprila 2024

IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim Konferenca, renowned for convening leaders in quantum technology, will feature Franziska Greinert, a prominent doctoral researcher from the Technical University of Braunschweig. Greinert plays a pivotal role in the QUCATS project under the Quantum Flagship coordination and support action, specializing in quantum technology education and workforce development. Her research endeavors at the Technical University of Braunschweig focus on addressing the educational demands of the quantum technology sector, with insights drawn from extensive interactions with over 30 industry representatives across Europe.

Greinert’s comprehensive analysis has been instrumental in developing the European Competence Framework for Quantum Technologies. This innovative framework is a cornerstone for standardizing education and training within the quantum technology domain. It provides a systematic approach for planning, mapping, and comparing educational initiatives or individual qualifications, facilitating a coherent and unified educational landscape for quantum technologies in Europe.

At the conference, attendees can look forward to gaining valuable insights from Greinert’s work at the  Technical University of Braunschweig on identifying the critical educational needs of the quantum technology industry and her efforts to bridge the gap between academic institutions and industry demands. Her contribution to the European Competence Framework exemplifies a significant stride towards creating a skilled workforce equipped to navigate the complexities and potentials of quantum technologies.

IQT Vancouver · Pacific Rim 2024: Kvantno računalništvo, komunikacije in varnost – poti do rešitev v resničnem svetu.

Z Vancouvrom kot severnoameriškim prehodom na pacifiški rob sta IQT in Inštitut za kvantne algoritme povezovanje partnerji po vsej Severni Ameriki in Aziji, da bi predstavili stanje kvantnega računalništva, komunikacij in varnosti. Ta mednarodna konferenca presega kvantni hype in predstavlja profil kvantnega računalništva, komunikacijskih tehnologij in kvantnega strokovnega znanja v realnem svetu. Seje bodo osvetlile praktične uporabe kvantnih algoritmov in mreženje v farmacevtskih, transportnih, finančnih in drugih panogah. Udeleženci bodo predstavniki industrije in vlade, končni uporabniki in vlagatelji, ki se bodo seznanili z najnovejšim razvojem teh tehnologij, načini, kako se podjetja pripraviti na kvantne rešitve, ter etičnimi in političnimi vidiki v tej hitro rastoči industriji.

Prijavite se za IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim 2024 tukaj. 

Konferenca, fotonika, kvantno računalništvo, Raziskave

Franziska Greinert, IQT Vancouver, Tehnična univerza v Braunschweigu

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