Kaj bi Einstein naredil iz Bitcoina? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Kaj bi Einstein naredil iz Bitcoina?

The great physicist Einstein would certainly have understood the simplicity and irreplicable nature of Bitcoin’s creation and structure.

Začel bom s slabo novico. Na žalost si je svet kriptovalut nekoliko prilastil Einsteinovo ime. Obstaja kanadska borza Einstein, ki propadel v zrak v letu 2019.

Obstaja tudi nedavno izdana Einsteinov žeton, katerega del časovnice omenjam spodaj.

Načrt spletne strani se glasi: 

»April 2021, 1. faza, zagon spletnega mesta in kanalov družbenih medijev. Izdelava krovne marketinške strategije; skovana številna partnerstva z vplivneži.«

Na tej točki sem nehal brati.

This is indeed unfortunate, as there is much to ponder from Einstein’s wide and varied public quotations made throughout his life. As we’ll see, these lead us not to dubious crypto exchanges or “scientific” cryptocurrencies but directly back to Bitcoin itself.

Berite naprej in bodite prepričani, da znanje teoretične fizike ni potrebno!

O termodinamiki

Let’s start close to home.

“Classical thermodynamics … is the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced … will never be overthrown.”

Zavrnitev odgovornosti: nisem fizik! V bistvu pa prvi zakon termodinamike pravi, da energije ni mogoče ustvariti ali uničiti, le spremeniti obliko ali se prenesti. Drugi zakon določa, da je pri vsakem prenosu nekaj zneska, ki je neuporaben ali zapravljen. Sčasoma bo to povečalo motnjo.

Michael Saylor has spoken eloquently on this subject, saying that Bitcoin is a conservative monetary system, and the first monetary system devised that respects the laws of thermodynamics.

Bitcoin is a closed-end system, with minimal energy loss within the proof-of-work framework. A bitcoin largely remains a bitcoin, whether transferred over time or space. The inflation within the system, essentially the rewards for mining, can be seen as a “loss,” as can the transaction fees, but both are wholly necessary for the network to properly function. Any system respecting the laws of thermodynamics will have an inevitable friction.

Sistem dokaza o vložku tega ne more doseči z enako nezaupljivo integriteto in mislim, da bi Einstein to cenil.

Kaj bi Einstein naredil iz Bitcoina? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

O teoriji

»Vse mora biti čim bolj preprosto. Ampak ne enostavnejše.”

(Treba je omeniti, da je internet poln citatov, ki se napačno pripisujejo Einsteinu, na primer: "Opredelitev norosti je, da vedno znova delaš isto stvar in pričakuješ različne rezultate." V tem članku sem se poskušal izogniti padcu v Zaradi popolnosti je zgornji citat verjetno parafraza iz daljšega citata v Einsteinovem predavanju iz leta 1933, čeprav ima skoraj enak pomen.)

Bitcoin wholly satisfies this simple but no simpler criteria. Let’s consider how.

Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin white paper runs to just nine pages. Let’s consider even the first line of the white paper.

"Čisto enakovredna različica elektronskega gotovine bi omogočila, da se spletna plačila pošiljajo neposredno od ene stranke do druge, ne da bi šli prek finančne institucije."

Že ta prvi stavek sam določa ton. Shakespearsko po svoji kakovosti, v tem, da ne bi bilo mogoče odstraniti nobene nadaljnje besede, ne da bi odstranili pomen.

The codebase upon which Bitcoin is run is also famously sparse. The original comprised only around 9,000 lines of code, nothing compared to many other copies, upon which layers upon layers of complexity have been added.

Kaj pa ta svet altcoinov? Ponovno obiskati misel v drugem nedavni članek Napisal sem za Bitcoin Magazine, kaj bi Einstein naredil o padcih v zrak, kmetovanju donosov, atomskih zamenjavah, plinu, dokazu o deležu, ponovni hipoteki, vložku?

Vesel sem, da sem dobil izziv glede tega, vendar mislim, da zgornje mantre ne prenesejo na enak način.

O inovacijah

»Razmišljam in razmišljam mesece in leta. Devetindevetdesetkrat je sklep napačen. Stotič imam prav.”

It is a common misconception that other altcoins will innovate Bitcoin out of existence by improving on its design, consigning it to be the “Myspace” of cryptocurrency. This falls away once you fully understand Bitcoin’s distributed nature, its security model, and that its design can’t be significantly improved by any copy without losing the elements that make it unique. As Vijay Boyapati has commented in his new book “Bikov primer za Bitcoin,« se nekateri zmotno osredotočajo na tehnološke lastnosti in premalo na denarne lastnosti.

Moreover, understanding Bitcoin entails knowing that it was built after years of other attempts, combining many concepts such as such as public key cryptography, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), proof of work, and so on. Built on the shoulders of giants. In terms of the quote above, Bitcoin is the hundredth time, and it is right.

O izobraževanju in učenju

»Pomembno je, da ne prenehate spraševati. Radovednost ima svoj razlog za obstoj.«

»Tako se ni zmotil tisti, ki je izobraževanje definiral takole: Izobraževanje je tisto, kar ostane, če človek pozabi vse, kar se je naučil v šoli.«

Druga polovica tega citata se običajno pripisuje Einsteinu (in se pogosto spremeni v "potem, ko je kdo pozabil" in ne "če je nekdo pozabil"). V resnici je dejansko v različnih oblikah pred njim, vendar se je sam skliceval na to v pisni obliki (Einstein sam ni vedel točnega izvora, ampak jih je označil kot "pamet").

It is striking how many Bitcoiners would agree with these lines. While this is convenient as a Bitcoin narrative, it’s hardly in the mainstream syllabus. Bitcoin requires a certain curiosity and leads in all sorts of directions, as per the tweet below.

O resnici in razumevanju

"Slepa poslušnost avtoriteti je največji sovražnik resnice."

Einstein wrote this in a letter in his early 20s. Bitcoiners, of course, tend to have a certain suspicion of authority, given how hostile governments and central banks worldwide are to Bitcoin. In addition, of course, it requires no authority to operate.

"Večna skrivnost sveta je njegova dojemljivost."

Ironično je glede na to, da je zahodni svet na splošno zavrnil idejo o centralno načrtovanih gospodarstvih, da še vedno (in zdaj bolj kot kdaj koli prej) vztrajamo pri centralno načrtovanem denarju. Pojmi Nassima Nicholasa Taleba, zlasti v njegovi knjigi "Zavedena z naključnostjo,« mi pride na misel: ljudje močno precenjujejo svoje razumevanje kompleksnih sistemov. Seveda je bil Einstein fizik in ta citat bi morali obravnavati kot takega, vendar mislim, da obstaja širša uporaba. Življenje je kompleksno.

O vojni in miru

»S silo ni mogoče ohraniti miru. To je mogoče doseči le z razumevanjem. Naroda ne morete podjarmiti na silo, če ne izbrišete vseh moških, žensk in otrok. Če ne želite uporabiti tako drastičnih ukrepov, morate najti način za reševanje sporov brez uporabe orožja. Sproščena moč atoma je spremenila vse, razen našega načina razmišljanja, in tako drvimo proti katastrofi brez primere.«

Prva vrstica zgoraj navedenega se običajno citira sama, preostanek pa je ključen za razumevanje pomena. Einstein je to rekel v govoru leta 1930. Bilo je presenetljivo nazorno; v 15 letih je stopnjevanje vojskovanja doseglo tolikšno točko, da so se narodi lahko popolnoma izbrisali. Spodnji citat iz leta 1946 nadaljuje to temo.

»Veliko ljudi je spraševalo o mojem nedavnem sporočilu, da je 'nova vrsta razmišljanja bistvenega pomena, če naj človeštvo preživi in ​​se premakne na višje ravni'. Pogosto se mora vrsta v evolucijskih procesih prilagoditi novim razmeram, da lahko preživi. Danes je atomska bomba močno spremenila naravo sveta, kot smo ga poznali, in človeška rasa se je posledično znašla v novem habitatu, ki mu mora prilagoditi svoje razmišljanje. V luči novih spoznanj svetovna avtoriteta in morebitna svetovna država nista le zaželeni v imenu bratstva, ampak sta potrebno for survival. In previous ages a nation’s life and culture could be protected to some extent by the growth of armies in competition. Today we must abandon competition and secure cooperation. This must be the central fact in all our considerations of international affairs; otherwise we face certain disaster. Past thinking and methods did not prevent world wars. Future thinking morajo preprečiti vojne."

I believe this actual passage is one of the closest to the line often attributed to Einstein: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” There are large parallels here with the thoughts of Jason Lowery, a U.S. National Defense Fellow researching Bitcoin.

V zgornjem tvitu in drugod, Lowery argues that, via Bitcoin, we now have a digital synthetic commodity that is starting to remove the monetary premium from other physical assets, which are currently fought over, protected and defended by militaries. That’s not to say these assets won’t always have some value, just that their value will be reduced. It is far harder to attack or steal bitcoin if properly protected (be that by an individual, company or nation-state) than almost any other asset.

Essentially, this could bring about a more peaceful society, which comes about due to a universal understanding of the immutable digital property rights that Bitcoin confers. These are arrived at and continuously updated over time by an unarguable, ongoing consensus on the timechain (blockchain). Hence, this “understanding,” as far as Bitcoin is concerned, is universal.

Another interesting facet around Einstein’s quote above is the necessity of a world authority and eventual world state to which he refers. In the year 2021, the main barrier to that becoming a reality would surely be one of trust. In its operations, Bitcoin removes the need for any one party to trust any other. Hence, to the extent that a global sound money can benefit the world, it is at least part of the solution to that issue to which Einstein refers.

V povzetku

Bitcoiners should reclaim Einstein from the pretenders in the cryptocurrency world who have claimed his name for themselves. I say this part tongue in cheek, but it’s clear Einstein would have been a Bitcoiner!

I’d love to hear any thoughts on this article, and others will be far better versed on Einstein and his life. Any quotes that I’ve missed? And it’s easy to cherry-pick. Are there any reasons or passages showing why Einstein would not have approved of Bitcoin? I did find one Einstein quote which did support this counter argument: “Ethereum is ultra-sound money.”

hecam se Tega internet še ni pripisal Einsteinu, vsaj še ne.

Pustil vas bom še zadnjič dejanska Einsteinov citat pa:

»Nikoli ne razmišljam o prihodnosti. Kmalu pride.

To je gostujoča objava BitcoinActuaryja. Izražena mnenja so v celoti njihova lastna in ne odražajo nujno mnenj BTC Inc. oz Bitcoin Magazine.

Source: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/what-would-einstein-thought-of-bitcoin

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