Moonstake sodeluje s FIO za podporo FIO Staking PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Moonstake sodeluje s FIO za podporo FIO Staking

Moonstake sodeluje s FIO za podporo FIO Staking PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

SINGAPORE, Feb 15, 2022 – (ACN Newswire) – Today, Moonstake is happy to announce our partnership with FIO Protocol, a leading blockchain protocol that aims to enable a better way of sending and receiving crypto. Through this partnership, Moonstake will collaborate with the FIO development team to enable staking functionality for FIO tokens on our wallets as an official Block Producer for the FIO network.

Moonstake sodeluje s FIO za podporo FIO Staking PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Moonstake launched its staking business in 2020 with the aim to create the largest staking network in Asia. Since then, it has developed the most user-friendly Web Wallet and Mobile Wallet (iOS / Android) with support for over 2000 cryptocurrencies. After a full-scale operation launched in August 2020, Moonstake's total staking assets have grown rapidly to reach $1.8 Billion, allowing Moonstake to become one of the top 10 staking providers globally. Currently, Moonstake supports staking of 14 high-demand PoS coins, 2 high-demand NFT standards ERC-721 and Cardano.

Meanwhile, FIO (short for Foundation for Interwallet Operability) was founded in 2020 and aims to enable easier, safer and more joyful crypto transactions on any type of token or coin. The FIO Protocol is designed to ensure the cryptocurrency user experience is uncomplicated and lays the foundation for cryptocurrency mass adoption. Long complex addresses have been replaced with user-customized FIO Addresses such as "user@fio" that enable decentralized sending, receiving and payment requests (invoices, order carts, etc.), as well as, cross-chain end-to-end encrypted metadata (the information for those invoices, order carts, etc.) that can work across all blockchains.

Currently, FIO staking is live on their Mainnet, but the official Staking Activation is not until 22nd February, 2022. Moonstake aims to enable FIO staking prior to this activation date so that our users can enjoy the greatest amount of earning potential per token staked. With seasoned development teams and robust enterprise partnership networks across the globe, the collaboration between Moonstake and FIO Protocol promises to bring about a satisfactory staking experience for FIO holders on Moonstake Wallet.

Mitsuru Tezuka, Founder at Moonstake says:
"We're excited to partner with FIO, a leading blockchain protocol that aims to simplify and enhance user experience with digital assets. Sending and receiving are the most basic activities of any crypto owner and we believe that FIO's solution of a simplified, memorable crypto handle for everyone will significantly improve the experience of using crypto. We look forward to bringing the great ecosystem of FIO to our user community worldwide through this strategic partnership as well as opportunities for deeper collaboration with the team to deliver greater value to the crypto community at large."

Luke Stokes, Managing Director at FIO Protocol, says:
"We're excited to see the FIO Protocol join the family of excellent token projects currently supported by Moonstake's staking ecosystem. Just as we focus on improving the usability of sending and receiving cryptocurrency, Moonstake is making the process of staking your tokens easier as well. We're looking forward to continuing to work together to make cryptocurrency easier for everyone."

O Moonstakeu

Moonstake je vodilni svetovni ponudnik storitev stakinga, ki razvija in upravlja storitve decentralizirane denarnice za podjetja in posameznike.

Od svoje uvedbe aprila 2020 je Moonstake sodeloval s 27 vodilnimi ponudniki platform, vključno z Emurgom, ki je del Cardano, razvijalcem verige blokov, povezanih s Polkadotom, Astar Network Stake Technologies in omrežjem TRON z več kot 50 milijoni uporabnikov. Maja 2021 je Moonstake še povečal svojo korporativno verodostojnost, tako da je postal hčerinska družba v stoodstotni lasti OIO Holdings Limited, družbe, ki kotira na singapurski borzi.

Z uporabo tehnologije blockchain želi Moonstake napredovati proti svetu, kjer lahko vsak zlahka uporablja zelo varna in zanesljiva orodja za upravljanje digitalnih sredstev.

O Moonstakeovem poslu z vložki

Za industrijo zastavljanja, ki je od septembra 630 prerasla v trg v vrednosti 2021 milijard dolarjev, Moonstake ponuja decentralizirano storitev zastavljanja, ki ne zahteva uporabniških depozitov, in poleg lastnih vozlišč validatorja podpira vozlišča po vsem svetu. Moonstake trenutno podpira zastavljanje 12 blokovnih verig. S skupnim deležem v višini 1.8 milijarde USD in globalno bazo uporabnikov se je podjetje junija istega leta uvrstilo na tretje mesto med več kot 10,000 ponudniki po vsem svetu.

O protokolu FIO

Foundation for Interwallet Operability (FIO) je industrijski konzorcij, ki ga sestavljajo vodilne denarnice, borze, procesorji kripto plačil ter različni drugi subjekti in člani skupnosti, ki se posvečajo uporabnosti verige blokov prek protokola FIO.

Vizija FIO je delovati kot decentraliziran avtonomni konzorcij (DAC), ki ga vodita skupnost in ekosistem blockchain. Vse spodbujamo, da sodelujejo pri definiranju protokola FIO in posredujejo povratne informacije o tem, kako izboljšati uporabnost verige blokov. Naša fundacija ceni odprtost in preglednost, raznolikost v skupnosti in pravičnost.

Copyright 2022 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.comToday, Moonstake is happy to announce our partnership with FIO Protocol, a leading blockchain protocol that aims to enable a better way of sending and receiving crypto. Through this partnership, Moonstake will collaborate with the FIO development team to enable staking functionality for FIO tokens on our wallets as an official Block Producer for the FIO network.

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