• Odločitev bi lahko povzročila večji nadzor nad rudarji bitcoinov v državi med prepolovitvijo.
  • Novi zakon je poskus zakonodajalcem zagotoviti jasnejšo sliko podatkovnih centrov.

Bitcoin (BTC) miners may be subject to more tracking after Norveška approved new data center laws. All data centers in the nation will be required by the new law to formally register. This registration will include details on the data centers’ owners, managers, and the digital services they provide. Norway will lead the way in establishing such a framework throughout Europe.

According to Norway’s minister of energy Terje Aasland, the new law is an attempt to provide legislators a clearer picture of data centers in municipalities so that they may make more informed decisions on whether to approve or reject their operations.

Povečan nadzor

In addition to the impending Bitcoin prepolovitev, which will cut block issuance incentives in half, threatening the profitability of Bitcoin miners, the decision might lead to more scrutiny for Bitcoin miners in the nation.

Aasland je pojasnil, da je norveško rudarjenje kriptovalut delovalo večinoma nenadzorovano. Minister je še dejal, da podjetja, ki želijo črpati poceni elektriko v državi, niso dobrodošla.

Obstaja množica Bitcoin mining operations in northern Norway right now, because of the region’s cheap power. Local media source Dagsavisen reported in 2023 that crypto mining enterprises in northern Norway utilize approximately the same amount of power as the Lofoten district.

Vendar je Aasland poudaril, da podjetja za rudarjenje bitcoinov v državi niso zaželena. Po ministrovih besedah ​​so dobrodošli podatkovni centri, ki služijo družbenemu namenu, kot so strežniški centri za shranjevanje podatkov. Te objekte je označil za sestavni del norveškega socialnega okvira.

Poudarjene kripto novice danes:

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