Nova denarnica brskalnika Web3, osredotočena na zasebnost, vrača finančno zasebnost PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Nova denarnica brskalnika Web3, osredotočena na zasebnost, vrača finančno zasebnost


  • BlockWallet launches web3-oriented wallet solution.
  • The new and improved wallet offers privacy-focused features.
  • In early 2021, BlockWallet raised $1.8M in its initial funding round.

In its aim to reclaim financial privacy, BlockWallet has launched its web3-oriented wallet solution that comes with built-in privacy features. It provides solutions that tackle common privacy issues without having to compromise the wallet’s functionality.

Users can now download the BlockWallet browser extension for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, and Brave browsers.

In detail, BlockWallet introduces a slew of features that include privately sending and receiving crypto without disclosing the balance of the main wallet; convenient access to dApps across multiple blockchains; support for Ethereum, Pametna veriga Binance, Avax, Fantomin poligon.

Furthermore, the new and improved wallet will also utilize the non-custodial wallet approach to guarantee that only the users have full control over the funds. With BlockWallet Proxy, users can privately interact with blockchain apps to prevent unveiling their IP addresses and other metadata. In addition, it also supports front-running bot protection.

Moreover, the public launch of BlockWallet serves as a significant milestone for the platform. According to the team, they have been working hard to create a privacy-oriented non-custodial browser wallet to gain access to web3.

That said, BlockWallet CTO Iman Hossini explained:

Ko uporabniki komunicirajo s Web3, predstavlja veliko tveganje, saj so zdaj tudi finančni podatki priloženi uporabniku. Ko gradimo Web3, ne bi smeli delati enakih napak kot prej, ampak si prizadevati ustvariti resnično zasebno izkušnjo Web3. Zagon BlockWallet je pomemben korak k temu cilju.

With more than 2,000 community members that applied for testing, the BlockWallet solution went through a meticulous beta testing round. In that sense, BlockWallet CEO Aleksandras Gaska notes:

V svetu, kjer so kršitve zasebnosti običajne, je nujno zaščititi svojo zasebnost. Vendar nima vsakdo dovolj časa ali spretnosti za to. Vesel sem, da lahko končno predstavimo praktično rešitev za svet blockchain, ki vsem in povsod omogoča, da prevzamejo lastništvo svoje zasebnosti.

Meanwhile, in early 2021, BlockWallet raised $1.8M during its initial funding round–an oversubscription of 68x.

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