Plačilni in tehnološki trendi, ki oblikujejo prihodnost

Plačilni in tehnološki trendi, ki oblikujejo prihodnost

Payment and Tech Trends Shaping the Future PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Slediti bančnim trendom ni enostavno, še posebej, ko je konkurenca tako huda in se trendi nenehno razvijajo. V tem članku si ogledamo nekaj glavnih trendov, ki bi jih morale banke raziskati, da bi se izognile izgubi strank zaradi motilcev finančne tehnologije.
V tem blogu predstavljamo pet ključnih trendov, ki oblikujejo plačilno industrijo: brezstično plačevanje; P2P plačila; Odprto bančništvo; Kontrole kartic; in spremljanje goljufij »bela škatla«. Preberite več spodaj…

Brezkontaktna plačila
It must be recognised that the pandemic played a crucial role in speeding up the adoption of contactless payment solutions. In turn, point of sale (POS) terminal use in Africa has been positively affected, as consumers now feel more comfortable using contactless payments for their everyday transactions. On average, contactless transactions are growing exponentially each month across the continent.

»V zadnjih dveh letih smo opazili izjemno rast brezstičnih plačil in pričakujemo, da se bo rast nadaljevala desetkratno,« pravi Daniel Templeman, direktor pri Traderoot.

Plačila P2P
Peer-to-peer (P2P) payments are becoming increasingly popular throughout the world. Consumers are switching from physical payment methods like cash and debit cards to digital alternatives. The pandemic only accelerated the growth of P2P payments, and we can expect it to continue in a post-pandemic economy. The global P2P payment market size is projected to reach $9 trillion by 2030.

Odprto bančništvo
Open banking has gained incredible momentum over the past few years. Consumers want a bank that can offer a product that makes their lives easier and that helps them manage their finances. Open banking has enabled the development of new, advanced tech resulting in lower costs and a more personalised customer experience.

»Da bi prvotni operaterji ostali ustrezni, morajo razširiti svojo ponudbo storitev, odprto bančništvo pa to olajša,« pravi Templeman.

Kontrole kartice
Card controls have proven to be very popular. Card controls are a banking feature that allows you to control how, when and where your debit or credit card is used. Through card controls, a consumer can turn their card on/off, restrict card usage to specific transactions, set spending limits and restrict international spending limits. This not only gives consumers a more personalised experience, but it also gives consumers the ability to help reduce fraud.

Spremljanje goljufij »bele škatle«.
The rise of online banking has forced financial institutions to embrace behavioural analytics. White box Artificial Intelligence (AI) based fraud prevention tech is helping financial institutions identify and prevent complex fraud scenarios. White box fraud monitoring tech enables financial institutions to flag potential fraud based on a user’s actions and even their mannerisms on a website. This is a potential game changer and has the potential to save millions of Dollars lost to fraud.

As banking landscapes evolve, staying ahead means embracing these transformative trends. By prioritizing innovation in contactless solutions, P2P convenience, open banking frameworks, advanced card controls, and cutting-edge fraud prevention, banks can not only retain customers but also thrive amidst fintech disruption. The future demands adaptability and foresight, and these trends pave the way for banks to lead the charge into a new era of secure, customer-centric finance.

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