O pošastih in maksimalizmu — kulturo bitcoinov ustvarja usklajevanje vrednosti PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

O pošastih in maksimalizmu – Bitcoin kulturo ustvarja usklajevanje vrednosti

To je uvodnik mnenja Johna Vallisa, host of the Bitcoin Rapid-Fire podcast, passionate bitcoin advocate and enthusiastic explorer of the profound implications it represents.

TL; DR: Ostanite skromni, nakladajte sats.

There’s been a lot of really ignorant takes on “bitcoin maximalism” and “purity tests” lately, and as I sit here with a fresh coconut water, blissed-out from nearly being choked unconscious this morning (a common hazard of rolling with blackbelts), a gentle wind upon my face, and the serene sounds of birds chirping … I’m struck with a question, one that puts my entire worldview in jeopardy, and which risks disrupting the peaceful Zen of an otherwise magnificent morning: Am I the baddy?

Ali je mogoče, da sem del nekega strupenega spletnega kulta, sestavljenega iz nestrpnih, večinoma belih (in verjetno zelo vzvišenih) tipov, ki se podredijo vsakomur, ki nasprotuje njihovim pogledom na ekonomijo, politiko, prehrano, odnose in še veliko več?

My god, what have I become? How did I get here? And how can I rid myself of this insufferable and deplorable intolerance and get back to being … being what? Being … I guess … someone who adopts the dominant cultural worldview? Or who blindly accepts authority? Or who says nothing outside the bounds of political correctness? Or who ignores the fundamental importance of character? Or who lacks the courage and internal consistency to stand up against the status quo? Or who’d rather be more critical of a budding culture centered around certain fundamental principles and values, than the one run by criminals and incompetents which makes egregious violations of rights, decency and property a matter of course, and who fails to realize that bitcoin is likely the only thing that has a shot at fixing that? Or who wants to stay within a nice, familiar, comfortable conception of themselves and just ignore the individual changes that may be required to tilt things toward a more beneficial future for all?

Da, da, za božjo ljubo me takoj vrni k temu, preden se bom prisiljen udeležiti še ene dolgočasne večerje z zrezki!

Ok, zdi se, da sem začel malo površno.

Umiri se, John. Vzemite si čas, bodite premišljeni in jasni v svojem jeziku. Nihče ne mara neurejenega pisanja.

No, to je morda res, toda zadnjič, ko sem poskušal napisati nekaj »primernega« o celotni stvari o »maksimalistični toksičnosti/kulturi«, je bilo januarja 2021, leto kasneje pa je nekako prišlo do Razprava s 40,000 besedami on how bitcoin may very well represent the notion of “the second coming of Christ,” — and I’d prefer to avoid such a detour this time, if possible.

Ah kurac. Pravkar sem izgubil kot 95% vas s tistim Jezusom, kajne? No, zdaj ni več poti nazaj. Poskrbel sem, da sem se polulal, preden sem začel s tem, in vlak toka zavesti je zapustil postajo, srček! (Upam, da ste to slišali z glasom Georgea Costanze, ker je tako igralo v moji glavi.) Torej bomo morali delati s tem, kar imamo. Pripravite se na to, da bo vaša slovnična občutljivost kršena.

On the upside, this foible has probably transported me back into the warm, fuzzy and intoxicating confines of the bitcoin maxi echo chamber. Ahhhh, permit me a moment to bask in its glory and breathe a sigh of relief.

Zdaj, ko smo izločili nevernike, neigralce, poklicne prekrškarje, kartezijance … ne čakajte, to je zajeto … Cartonians … ne, za vraga, kako se to zavzame?!

"Cartonians so veliki, pametni, štirinožni metulji s planeta Lepidoptrix" (prvi rezultat na Googlu). 

Hmmm, karterijanci [Kar-tare-ee-en]? Da, Carterianci, to mi je všeč. Nekaj ​​jih je že na internetu jazz pesem, but that’s not sufficient to deter me from a better use of it here. And finally, people who find themselves working at the Bitcoin Policy Institute (I kid, I kid, there’s some good people there) we can get down to brass tacks, which makes me think of brass balls, which makes me think of the lack of balls on the robot bull at the Bitcoin Conference this year, and how dumb that was. Male bulls fuck stuff. We’re trying to fuck the fiat system here. Get over it. (Plus, how is that bull supposed to sun his balls if he doesn’t even have any? Ever think of that BRAINIACS?!)

Kakorkoli, kje sem bil?

I suppose my motivation for tackling this issue, aside from a perhaps self-serving desire to depart, briefly, from the (actually) tedious, and presumably far less “violent” task of writing a book about value, is the absolutely confounding contrast between what I hear about this (insert pejorative-laden characterization of bitcoin maximalists), and my own experience of “them.”

Na primer, aprila lani sem svojega očeta pripeljal na slavni ali zloglasni (odvisno od vaše perspektive) biftek v Miamiju.

Seveda sem ga pred vstopom opozoril, katere besede naj uporablja in katerih ne, naj nikoli ne zavrne ponudbe govedine (tudi če je polna do bruhanja), naj se prepriča, da ga ne bodo videli jesti ničesar, kar bi lahko povzročilo sum na ki vsebujejo bodisi sladkor ali semenska olja (Jebi se, Mandrik!), in za božjo voljo pod nobenim pogojem ne omenjaj, da si mamo občasno namagal po nogah (Včasih sploh ne morem verjeti, da si lahko da bi mama zanosila s toliko estrogena, ki teče po tvojih žilah. Brez okvirja!).

Seveda se šalim - ali vsaj poskušam.

Kaj jaz dejansko rekel mu je bil; "Bodite sami, to je vse, kar morate vedeti."

In to je, če se še niste zavedali, smisel vsega tega — svoboda.

Sledila je izkušnja, ki bo za vedno ena najbolj cenjenih v mojem življenju.

For about the first two hours, we didn’t go further than 10 meters from the front door, not even into the main area of the venue.

Kdor je bil na bifteku, ve zakaj.

Vidite nekoga, ki ga poznate, ali nekdo pride do vas in reče: "Hej, jaz sem, @btcforevercryharder na Twitterju" (ni dejanski ročaj, vsaj ne v času pisanja); kar sledi je pogled veselega presenečenja, "sveto", ki mu sledi bodisi "jebemti", "sranje", "jajca" ali kakšen drug izraz, ki označuje izjemno srečo, dolgo, počasno in tesno združevanje src in kurcev ( znan tudi kot objem), nato pa nekaj neprekinjenih ur nekaj, kar lahko označimo le kot čisto uživanje v družbi drug drugega, pogosto osredotočeno na radikalno pristnost, in razprave o tako žaljivih temah, kot so:

  • “How has bitcoin caused you to take more responsibility in your life?”
  • “What are the implications of such an absolute and verifiable form of truth emerging in the world?”
  • “How did you get your permaculture ranch started?”
  • “What are some of the most interesting books you’ve read lately?”
  • “What advice do you have for raising strong, competent, independent, understanding children?”
  • “I’m trying to write, contribute, build a product/service/business, do you have any advice?”

Followed by “Eric Cason is scaring me, am I destined for this fate if I continue down the rabbit hole?” And perhaps more concerning than all of these, several extremely sincere expressions of gratitude/praise/respect, followed by the sharing of quite intimate (and often challenging) life events, who’s resolution was precipitated, or at least greatly aided, by not only pursuing an understanding of bitcoin, and learning how it might best resolve some of the worlds biggest problems, but also, and often more powerfully, finding a group of people, dare I say, a distributed emerging culture, who share that perspective, and who are likewise being beneficially transformed in the process of pursuing a similar goal, and with whom some of the most genuine and positive relationships of their life have quickly been established.

Da bi vam dali več mesa na to kost, slednja srečanja pogosto potekajo nekako takole:

“Before bitcoin I was depressed, despondent, nihilistic, had very little meaning in my life and that led to treating myself and others poorly, holding myself to a very low standard, and basically just drifting through life. I couldn’t see how the many giant problems of the world could be resolved, and felt things were fucked up beyond repair, so I guess I just let myself off the hook for whatever responsibility I hold for trying to fix it, or myself. It was a dark and isolating feeling, which I compensated for in several “destructive” or unhealthy ways. I even considered killing myself (this one was not as common, but not uncommon either). But since I started learning about bitcoin, everything has begun to change. I now see light at the end of the tunnel. I now have HOPE! And this has awakened in me a renewed, even unprecedented sense of enthusiasm and energy, and a recognition of, and responsibility for, the central role that my own development, my own actions, my own character, play in turning this thing around. I see bitcoin as a tool for aiding me in that endeavor, and fixing, at a fundamental level, the system that generates so many of the problems that I was lamenting, or subconsciously being affected by (and likely contributing to). You, along with many others here, have helped me to see and appreciate that, and instilled in me the knowledge/wisdom/courage/optimism required to turn myself into someone that can be part of the solution, and I just wanted to come, shake your hand, and say thank you.”

Oh groza!! Nezmanjšana toksičnost!! Spravi me stran od tod!!

Obstajajo tisti, ki bi lahko rekli: "Ampak, kaj pa, če se pojavi tema, za katero se dejansko zdi, da imam precej drugačna stališča od "ortodoksije?" Pritisk za prilagajanje je strašen! Kje je varen prostor v tem od Boga pozabljenem brlogu gadov!?"

No, prvič, kaj takega, »ortodoksija«, ne obstaja, vsaj nikjer drugje kot v lastnem umu. Izmislil si si. Pika.

"Zakaj sem to naredil!?" bi lahko vprašali.

No, tukaj nisem Sigmund Freud, toda mogoče je, da ste izumili boogeymana, ki služi kot priročen grešni kozel, da se izognete soočenju z nečim v sebi. Morda to počnete, da bi prezrli ali zmanjšali perspektivo, ki izziva tisto, ki jo trenutno imate, kar pomaga ublažiti morebitno notranjo napetost ali nelagodje, ki ga morda povzroča, in morda celo upraviči nekaj kritike, ki bi jo lahko povzročili zaradi tega napetosti, se čutite prisiljeni naložiti.

Your interpretation (read: projection) of “bitcoin culture” is about YOU. That is to say, it’s subjective. And this is the case for all of us.

To ne pomeni, da mnogi ljudje tega ne dojemajo na zelo podoben način, saj se zdi očitno, da.

Vendar ni kontrolnega seznama, skrivnega rokovanja (ali sploh obstaja?) in testa, ki bi ga morali opraviti. Namesto tega med seboj (večinoma neizrečeno) priznavata podoben nabor vrednot – podobno strukturirano notranjo hierarhijo vrednot, če hočete – in drug drugega zanimata, kako jih vsaka oseba uresničuje.

To ni strašno edinstveno. Kot ljudje na splošno drug drugega nenehno ocenjujemo in sprašujemo: "Kaj si prizadevajo?" ali morda, "Kaj je njihov največji cilj?" sledi "Zakaj je to?" in "Kako jim gre?" To nam pomaga ugotoviti, kako bi radi komunicirali z drugimi in kako bi lahko spremenili lastna dejanja glede na to, kako nam njihov zgled pomaga odgovoriti na ta vprašanja v zvezi z nami samimi.

Na ta način vsi vedno obsojamo in smo obsojeni. To ni slaba stvar – pravzaprav je neizogiben del dojemanja, saj se skušamo čim bolj učinkovito premikati proti stvarem, rezultatom in ljudem, za katere menimo, da so najbolj dragoceni ali vredni.

Nekateri se odločijo, da svoje razsodnosti izrazijo jasno, drugi ne (kategorija, v katero najpogosteje spadam).

As a result, if you’re truly trying to identify the source of your discomfort with “these people,” and resolve it, then the more pertinent question arises — one regarding your own orientation, precisely why it is “divergent,” and whether or not it’s “justifiably” so.

Ta poskus določitve pravilne oziroma optimalne orientacije je mimogrede razlog za burno razpravo, ki se pogosto odvija, in nekaj, za kar bi bil hvaležen vsak pravi »iskalec resnice«.

Ali ne bi želeli, da se vaše ideje preizkusijo? Še bolj pomembno, a bolj neprijetno, če si ne želite, da bi vaša najbolj temeljna prepričanja, aksiomi ali načela, glavne determinante vašega značaja, kdo ste, nenehno preverjali vi ali drugi, da bi zagotovili, da bodo še naprej biti najbolj koristni, ki ste jih sposobni spočeti in posvojiti? Če se nenehno trudite izboljšati, ali ne bi morali biti hvaležni za takšen pregled, kljub nelagodju, ki ga lahko povzroči?

Seveda to ne pomeni, da je vir te sodbe pravilen ali da bi morali samodejno spremeniti svoje vedenje, da bi se z njim uskladilo. Morda je dejansko popolna smeti. Toda kako boste vedeli, če tega ne boste pošteno pogledali?

If one’s primary goal is moral refinement (and I increasingly struggle to come up with an argument for anything being more important or worthwhile than that) should we not always remain open to things that might foster it? Furthermore, should we not expect that, in order for us to see something that we had been missing before, we may have to be jarred out of our current narrow perspective, in order to be made aware of it? And that this may mean it comes in a form that is, at first, off-putting to us?

To je vse za povedati, ali ne bi morali ostati ponižni v našem stremljenju k idealu?

Če parafraziram kaj Jordan Peterson pogosto pravi, "Zaklad, ki ga iščete, je pogosto tam, kjer si najmanj želite iskati."

Ne glede na to, ali se strinjate z zgoraj navedenim ali ne in tvegam, da bom preveč predrzen, vam bom ponudil nekaj nasvetov:

Ne bodite užaljeni. Samo ne. Za to ni utemeljenega razloga. To so samo besede, nepomembne ali uporabne, in povsem vaša pravica je, da se odločite, katere.

Zdi se mi, da je takšen odnos precej razširjen med »zlobnimi maksimalisti« in zdi se, da spodbuja neverjetno močna, pristna, odgovorna in da, smešna prijateljstva med seboj.

If, alternatively to such an approach, it appears as though someone is operating with a different attitude, and is engaging with an ulterior (or superior, in the hierarchical sense) set of values, principles or motives, such as the preservation of their vaunted status, intellect, identity, financial interests or otherwise, then they may, at least in the context of Bitcoin Twitter, be subject to the prodding and poking of the much-maligned bitcoin “cyber hornets.”

Teci za svoje življenje!!

Vedno se zasmejim, ko slišim kričanje najnovejšega »O moj bog, tako so grozni«, ko pogledam vpletene avatarje in ugotovim, da jih veliko poznam osebno in da so pravzaprav nekateri od najbolj integritetna, poštena človeška bitja, kar jih poznam, v bistvu samo vsi v isti kozmični šali.

Če odstranite ves hrup, se tukaj v resnici dogaja razkrivanje značaja. Odpor do tega ali vsaj čustveno nabit odziv je najverjetneje dokaz, da je bila pridobljena sodba vsaj v nekem smislu veljavna.

Sure, nobody has the “right” to judge you, as all of us are imperfect. But, in my experience, I have found that to be a suboptimal perspective to take on what could otherwise be helpful data in furthering the enterprise of your own self-understanding and development. Put another way, it seems to me that a more useful approach, if we wish to learn as much as possible, is to seek to tease the good out of the bad, not the other way around.

It may be wise to remember, at least in this regard, that “ego is the enemy.”

Torej, če pogosto dobite pesek v hlače, je morda vredno razmisliti, da manj ega verjetno ne bo samo zmanjšalo nagnjenosti kibernetskih rojev, da vas »pičijo«, in ne bo vodilo le do večjega dostopa do resnice (na splošno), vendar bo verjetno le naredil vse to veliko bolj zabavno.

Tukaj pravzaprav nihče ni jezen (razen če si ti). Vse je le igra, v končni fazi za lastno korist.

Zdaj pa o denarnem maksimalizmu.

I’m not even going to explain this one here. There are lots of great resources out there which make the case for why bitcoin bo izšel kot zmagovalec v globalnem tekmovanju za denar in zakaj bi bilo to zelo dobro, da se zgodi (milo rečeno!).

That said, bitcoin becoming the next dominant global money is but one aspect of this “cultural phenomenon.” The qualities or principles which seem to be represented in bitcoin, the circumstances of the environment in which it’s emerging and the manner in which it seems to be beneficially altering perception, is having a number of fascinating and, as far as I can tell, extremely positive effects on those who “see it,” which extend into areas far beyond just money and economics.

So, might Bitcoiners (yes, I’m projecting here) be wrong on some of the things they currently discuss, espouse or represent?


Nobody knows what Bitcoin really is yet, and certainly not all its implications, nor why it’s having the effect on people which it is, nor how that effect may change in the future. Which is all to say, this enterprise, and each one of us engaged in it, is/are a work in progress.

Ali je tako slabo, da naraščajoča skupina ljudi noče predati svojega ugotavljanja resnice nekaterim (verjetno pokvarjenim in/ali nesposobnim) institucijam, ki so daleč stran od realnosti njihovega življenja? Da se sami učijo in eksperimentirajo? Da se želijo zanašati nase ali drug na drugega in ne na državo?

Mogoče ne čakajo, da jim bo kakšna bleščeča luknja v laboratorijskem plašču (gleda vas Ancel Keys) povedala, kaj je zanje najboljše ali kaj je prav ali narobe. So več kot pripravljeni in sposobni sodelovati v procesu ugotavljanja takšnih stvari sami ali pa vsaj najprej poskusiti to možnost. Niso se vtaknili v veliko vladno/poslovno/medijsko matriko za ustvarjanje svojega pogleda na svet, pravzaprav so se odklopili iz nje in so aktivno vključeni v proces določanja, kako življenje izgleda in kaj bi lahko videti zunaj njega.

Yes, this means more work may be required to figure things out (culture promulgates for good reason), and this will involve lots of vigorous debate, and error. They obviously think that’s a fair trade, and I for one think it’s fucking incredible that they’ve — we’ve — now got something in bitcoin with which to better stand up to the Frankenstein of an increasingly tyrannical statist/fiat monoculture that dominates the world today. The process of doing so, it would seem, is turning them into a better, more courageous, more capable, more admirable version of themselves, exceeding what many had even thought possible.

The recognition of the central importance of individual development, of character, of taking responsibility for those things that are most meaningful, like one’s own physical, mental and financial sovereignty, is increasingly recognized as the only hope we have of building, one person at a time, a world that is more fair, more just, more prosperous, more peaceful, and more truthful than anything that has been experienced before.

Če je to res (in verjamem, da v veliki meri je), ali brezkompromisen odnos do orodja, ki omogoča večino tega, ni upravičen?

"Ampak ali ne morejo biti bolj prijazni glede tega?"

No, po pravici povedano, jih je večina (SRAMOTA!).

Še pomembneje pa je, ali želite, da so? res? Česa bi raje, da ne rečejo ali naredijo? Vam govori zlobne stvari? Kaj pa, če je v teh zlobnih stvareh vrednost? Kaj pa, če je kljub njihovi dostavi tam dejansko nekaj, kar bi vam lahko koristilo? Bi raje, da bi bili tiho, da bi lahko ostali v svojem znanem malem mehurčku? Ali pa bi raje, da vam dajo nekaj povratnih informacij, ki bi jih morda lahko uporabili? In ne povratne informacije o piškotkih Oreo, ampak tiste prave vrste, odprte, odkrite, iskrene, da jih vsi vidijo? Ali ni to tisto, kar bi si želeli, če bi resnično z največjo iskrenostjo sledili lastnemu razvoju?

To so bila retorična vprašanja. Vaši odgovori, pravzaprav vsi naši, so že razvidni iz tega, kako se odločimo za sodelovanje in odziv na takšne stvari.

Bitcoiners (at least this one) want to be shown where they are going astray, or at least have it put to them so they can consider it, and then recalibrate themselves if they determine they should. They willingly engage in that process, and the humility, courage and levity they do it with is something to be praised, not scorned. But just to clarify, surely it’s impossible to escape noticing that Bitcoiners fight amongst themselves just as much as they do with whatever person or group is currently playing their supposed victim, right?

Zdi se, da je to strošek, če imamo na prvem mestu resnico in ne enostavne odgovore.

But while we’re here, for the sake of clarity, let’s make a distinction between nice and kind. Nice, in my opinion, is some intentionally-softened language to avoid upsetting someone’s fragile sensibilities, and is most appropriately used with children and strangers. Kind, on the other hand, is speaking to someone in a manner that you believe leaves them better off, or is most truthful, or serves the highest possible outcome of your interaction, as unconventional, unfamiliar, unappreciated or triggering to the receiver of said speech such an approach may be.

This is no easy task, and it does appear to me that many who might even agree with this approach, including Bitcoiners, often fail and fall victim to their own emotions, presumptions, egos, etc. But is this still not preferable? At least it’s an attempt at speaking the truth. And if it’s not even that, at least it’s someone who feels sufficiently unencumbered by the strictures of the current culturally-sanctioned language parameters to say whatever is on their mind, no matter how crazy or ugly it may sound. I’d say even that is more preferable to a false, restrained and ultimately unhelpful politeness.

… Ok, to je bil daljši ovinek od predvidenega.

O čem sem govoril?

Oh yeah, the beefsteak. Anyways, the point of the story is that after an awesome evening, and having several Bitcoiners come up to me and say “Hey, your dad is super cool. Like, way cooler than you …” (he WAS wearing his beefsteak ball cap backwards, which, I must admit, looked très cool), my dad and I sat up for a nightcap at the place we were staying.

On: »Človek, to je bilo tako super. Preprosto ne morem verjeti, kako skromen, vljuden, zanimiv, zainteresiran, poln upanja, inteligenten, pristen, motiviran, načelen in zabaven je bil z vsemi. Kot da nisem srečal nikogar, ki ne bi bil tak.”

Me: “Yup. That’s Bitcoiners.”

Him: “You have to appreciate that I’m not used to experiencing such a high concentration of all those things in one place. My world is filled with complaints, victims, arrogance, and all sorts of other shit. That was so refreshing!”

Jaz: "Ja. Je kar kul, kajne?«

On: "Človek, to je neverjetno."

So what is it that separates, differentiates, or otherwise causes my dad and I to have such a dramatically different experience than those who think bitcoin is being held back or otherwise deleteriously affected by the very same group of people?

No, medtem ko ima večina zapletenih družbenih pojavov veliko vzrokov, ki prispevajo, se mi zdi, da je večina tega pravzaprav dokaj jasna.

(Pripravite se na več projekcij in domnev ...)

Zdi se, da se vedno več ljudi začenja zavedati ali bolj kot prej ceniti pomen in korist nekaterih vrednot ter se vključiti v proces njihovega boljšega razumevanja in uporabe za usmerjanje svojega vedenja (zavestno ali nezavedno).

Najvidnejši med njimi sta, kolikor lahko rečem, resnica in svoboda.

In bitcoin, they have found an “object” that appears to be both one of the highest-fidelity representations of these values ever implemented, as well as the literal mechanism by which more of those two things can be accessed or brought into their life. The juxtaposition of such a thing, with the broader culture of today, has created a tremendous shared enthusiasm for actualizing its perceived potential.

The striving toward something so important, meaningful and consequential, and the shared humility which it seems to instill (or select for), at least in relation to the central object of attention (bitcoin), creates fertile soil for and brings down barriers to, connecting with others doing the same.

V takšnem okolju in ravno v nasprotju z množicami obrekovalcev se lahko razmeroma nepomembne ali površinske razlike med ljudmi dejansko slavijo kot zanimivosti ali vsaj obravnavajo kot nepomembne in prezrte, namesto da razdvajajo. Prava "raznolikost", jao!

Kar nas združuje, kot se pogosto zgodi, je skupno spoštovanje do določenih vrednot in skupna predanost (zelo pomembnemu) cilju.

We are participating in what is possibly one of the most profound revolutions in human history here, which among other things, seems to have individual moral development as a prominent component. Certain values or moral principles appear to me to be “built-in” to bitcoin, and so, if true, is it any surprise that its effect on people (often) includes a strong moral dimension? Or introduces a moral imperative? Or even fosters a moral transformation?

I can appreciate how absurd this might sound, and it certainly was a surprising observation to me, but what if there’s something to it? Is it not a noble thing to be striving for?

Perhaps the form this phenomenon is taking is unexpected, or is making you uncomfortable in some way, which is unfortunate, but then again, perhaps there’s something of value to be learned from that response.

There’s a growing group of people out there in the world who’ve decided that there are few things more important than leveraging the benefits of bitcoin, pursuing an understanding of it, contributing to it, and remaining open to how engaging in that process is fostering positive change in their life, and accelerating the emergence of whatever latent potential both they and it might possess.

As a part of this process, it seems to be the case that many are increasingly acting as though the content of one’s character is of paramount importance — above even the content of one’s Medium page.

I’m inclined to agree.

This is a guest post by John Vallis. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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