Povpraševanje po tečajih na singapurski borzi se oktobra 2021 poveča PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Povpraševanje po valutah na singapurski borzi se je oktobra 2021 povečalo

Singapore Exchange (SGX) reported market statistics for October 2021 today. The exchange posted strong growth in FX demand as market participants increased portfolio hedging. INR/USD futures and USD/CNH futures saw substantial YoY growth in the last month.

Due to rising inflation concerns in India, SGX INR/USD Futures traded volume climbed 14% YoY during October 2021 to 1.3 million contracts. However, USD/CNH futures traded volume reached 790,720 contracts, which is 7% higher compared to the same period last year.

Overall, risk management played an important role in the latest rise in volumes across equities, FX and commodities. Moreover, ETF market participation was on the rise during last month.

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»Udeleženci na deviznem trgu so okrepili varovanje portfelja za ključne valute v razvoju Azije. Obseg trgovanja s terminskimi pogodbami SGX INR/USD se je oktobra medletno povečal za 14 % na 1.3 milijona pogodb, saj so indijski stroški energije in surovin še naprej naraščali, kar je še povečalo zaskrbljenost glede inflacije. Kitajski regulativni nadzor nad njeno tehnološko industrijo je pokazal znake umirjanja, čeprav so izzivi v nepremičninskem sektorju zaostajali. Obseg trgovanja s terminskimi pogodbami SGX USD/CNH se je medletno povečal za 7 % na 790,720 pogodb, medtem ko so se odprte obresti ob koncu meseca povečale za 12 % medletno na 10.3 milijarde USD,« dodaja Singapurska borza.

Udeležba ETF

In October 2021, the total securities market turnover climbed 5% YoY to S$24.3 billion. Additionally, the securities daily average volume (SDAV) reached S$1.2 billion, which is an increase of nearly 10% compared to October 2020.

“The market turnover value of exchange-traded funds (ETF) on SGX climbed 30% y-o-y in October to S$473 million, the highest in three months. There was strong participation across retail and institutional client segments, as well as record turnover for the iShares USD Asia High Yield Bond ETF on the back of S$1 billion of inflows. During the month, SGX and UOB Asset Management (UOBAM) jointly launched the iEdge-UOB APAC Yield Focus Green REIT Index that tracks real-estate investment trusts (REITs) listed across Asia-Pacific with higher dividend yields and positive environmental attributes,” SGX zaključen.

Vir: https://www.financemagnates.com/institutional-forex/fx-demand-on-singapore-exchange-rises-in-october-2021/

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