Prebivalci Miamija bodo prejeli 'donos bitcoinov' za vlaganje novih podatkov MiamiCoin PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Prebivalci Miamija bodo prejeli "dobitke bitcoinov" za zastavljanje novih MiamiCoin

The City of Miami will give out Bitcoin rewards to its residents as dividends from staking the new MiamiCoin (MIA).

V intervju with CoinDesk TV, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez said he’s exploring a new system where the city will distribute BTC dividends from the yields on staking its new crypto. Suarez wants to build a digital wallet that residents can use to trade and receive their dividends.

“We’re going to take our first draw on the first $20 million, and we’re going to stake the remaining balance in Bitcoin. So what we’re going to get as a yield on the staking is Bitcoin, and… We’re going to be the first city in America to give a Bitcoin yield as a dividend directly to its residents, so we’re going to create digital wallets to our residents and give them Bitcoin directly from the yield of MiamiCoin.”

Suarez revealed that the city had earned over $21 million from MiamiCoin already. If annualized, that amount would add up to roughly one-fifth of Miami’s entire yearly tax revenue, which theoretically suggests that in the long run, according to the mayor, the new system could eliminate the need for residents to pay taxes.

Prebivalci Miamija bodo prejeli 'donos bitcoinov' za vlaganje novih podatkov MiamiCoin PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Image via Shutterstock

»Zakaj tako poudarjamo Bitcoin? Opažamo več kot 6-odstotno inflacijo, kar je po mojem mnenju prenizko poročanje o inflaciji, in vidimo, da cena bitcoina narašča, jasno je, da ljudje jemljejo svoj denar iz dolarjev ter ga vlagajo v valuto in hranilnik vrednosti v katerega so prepričani, ker ga ne poganjajo ljudje, ki z njim manipulirajo za svoje politične cilje.«

Suarez has some friendly Tekmovanje with New York mayor-elect Eric Adams, who has launched an “NYCCoin” and has promised to receive his first three paychecks in Bitcoin. Similar to Suarez, Adams wants to make New York an epicenter of crypto innovation. He promised to “build a pipeline of talent” of young people who understand the technology into New York and ramp up the ecosystem.

»Del srečanj, ki sem jih imel, je združevanje celotne Bitcoin industrije. Z njim moramo narediti več stvari. Prvič, pogledati moramo, kaj preprečuje rast Bitcoina in kriptovalute v našem mestu, kaj je temu na poti. Srečal sem se z županom Miamija in imeli bomo prijateljsko tekmovanje ...

Ima kovanec MiamiCoin, ki mu gre zelo dobro – iskali bomo smer, da to izpeljemo.«

Both cities’ new cryptos are powered by non-profit CityCoins, which aims to make it easy to support one’s city through blockchain-based tokens. At the time of press, MiamiCoin (MIA) is trading at $0.024. Mining for NYCCoin started on November 10.

Omejitev odgovornosti: To so mnenja pisatelja in jih ne bi smeli obravnavati kot investicijski nasvet. Bralci naj sami raziskujejo.


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