Robert Kennedy Jr. pravi, da Bitcoin NE škodi planetu | Bitcoin novice v živo

Robert Kennedy Jr. pravi, da Bitcoin NE škodi planetu | Bitcoin novice v živo

Robert Kennedy Jr. Says Bitcoin ISN'T Hurting the Planet | Live Bitcoin News PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Democratic presidential hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr. has serious issues with the idea that bitcoin is causing harm to the world’s oceans and environment.

Robert Kennedy zavrača pomisleke glede okolja v zvezi z BTC

Bitcoin – especially bitcoin mining – has been the subject of several environmentalists’ wrath over the past few years. There have been many reports claiming that crypto mining is doing irreparable harm to the planet and the process uses more energy than most developing nations.

Also, these kinds of claims have garnered support from big-name players like Elon Musk, the South African billionaire behind successful companies such as Tesla and SpaceX. It wasn’t long ago when Musk announced that bitcoin fans could use their assets to purchase Tesla vehicles, though this decision was rescinded shortly after given Musk suddenly became afraid of the hazards presented by mining.

Rekel je, da je edini način, da bi dovolil nakup Tesle prek bitcoina, če bi bili rudarji pregledni glede svojih virov energije in bi se odločili za zeleno okolje. Kevin O'Leary iz filma Shark Tank je prav tako dejal, da ne bo več kupoval bitcoinov, izkopanih na Kitajskem, saj je zaskrbljen zaradi pomanjkanja okoljskih skrbi in protokolov v državi.

Bilo je veliko trditev, da bitcoin povzroča, da se mati Zemlja skrči nazaj, vendar Robert Kennedy ne naseda tem starim argumentom. Na Twitterju je izjavil:

Okoljskega argumenta vsaj ne bi smeli uporabljati kot dimno zaveso za omejevanje svobode sklepanja poslov.

Komentiral je, da mnogi od teh argumentov prihajajo od tistih, ki so preprosto proti bitcoinu in trgovanju, in uporabljajo domnevno okoljsko skrb, da bi ovirali ljudi in poskušali preprečiti ljudem, da bi izkoristili številne prednosti bitcoina.

Since he first announced his intentions to enter the presidential race, Kennedy has made it clear that he’s a huge bitcoin fan, and he has a lot of neat and interesting ideas when it comes to crypto. For example, he recently made it clear that he wants to do away with all capital gains taxes for bitcoin transactions below a certain threshold.

Izjavil je tudi, da želi podpreti ameriški dolar z blagom, kot sta bitcoin in zlato. Prepričan je, da je to glavni način za odpravo inflacije in nedavnih dvigov obrestnih mer v Združenih državah, zaradi katerih so številni ljudje ostali brez stvari, kot so lastništvo stanovanj in ameriške sanje.

Priprava družine

He’s also a bitcoin investor himself and recently said that he purchased as many as 14 individual bitcoin units for his seven children (each of them received two BTC). He said confidently on social media:

Takoj po konferenci o bitcoinih sem se odločil, da dam svoj denar v usta in kupil dva bitcoina za vsakega od mojih sedmih otrok.

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