S konvojem svobode Bitcoin prestane test zbiranja sredstev pred finančnim nadzorom PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

S konvojem svobode Bitcoin prestane test zbiranja sredstev pred finančnim nadzorom

Bitcoin has proven its most potent use case as a permissionless financial rail for supporting the Canadian trucker protest.

Vse slike v tem članku so objavljene z dovoljenjem NobodyCaribou.

Given the stakes, it might not have been the ideal time to experiment with a relatively new fundraising tool, but when the opportunity presented itself, two intrepid Bitcoiners stepped up and enabled financial freedom with the help of others in the community

It would have been hard to predict this opportunity to showcase Bitcoin’s power as a protest tool, or the overwhelming response (z zbranimi skoraj milijon dolarjev), ko pa sta dve platformi za zbiranje sredstev fiat, ki sta se uporabljali za spodbujanje tovornjakov, ki protestirajo proti mandatom cepiva proti COVID-19 v Kanadi, prenehali delovati, in je vlada začela zamrznitev bančnih računov, the perfect storm for Bitcoin adoption was created.

“The trucker protest raised more money from Canadians in a matter of days than the Liberals could raise in their entire election campaign,” observed Bitcoin Core developer Peter Todd on Twitter.

S konvojem svobode Bitcoin prestane test zbiranja sredstev pred finančnim nadzorom PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
Vlada je blokirala sredstva, zbrana za podporo tovornjakarjem, ki protestirajo v Kanadi zaradi mandatov cepljenja proti COVID-19.

Bitcoin’s Time To Shine

po GoFundMe računi, povezani s protestnimi donacijami, so bili zamrznjeni in GiveSendGo, which was also providing funds to the protesters, encountered problems with hackers, turning to bitcoin to raise and distribute funds in an uncensorable way seemed like a no-brainer.

In zdaj, ko se kanadska vlada pripravlja na sprejetje Zakon o izrednih razmerah, ki ji omogoča zamrznitev bančnih računov tistih, ki so osumljeni pošiljanja denarja protestnikom, postaja vrednost nedovoljene valute, ki je izven dosega vlade, jasna. Kanadski minister za javno varnost je dejal da je bilo po pooblastilih zakona zamrznjenih najmanj 76 bančnih računov, ki vsebujejo približno 3.2 milijona dolarjev.

A pseudonymous Bitcoiner known as Nihče Caribou je delal predvsem z drugimi v skupnosti JWWeatherman_, uporabiti Tallycoin platformo za zbiranje sredstev, ki ustvarja začasni protokol za razdelitev zbranih sredstev tovornjakarjem.

Po izpolnitvi cilja dviga 21 bitcoin for the cause, 14.6 BTC so prejšnji teden razdelili približno 90 tovornjakarjem, poroča Nihče Caribou.

NobodyCaribou and JWWeatherman printed 100 paper bitcoin wallets and put them in envelopes, with NobodyCaribou distributing them to truckers based on what he’d learned over the previous two weeks talking to truckers and making them aware of Bitcoin.

Razdeljevanje ovojnic je trajalo 24 ur. In kot se je izkazalo, je bil čas kritičen, saj je policija začela aretirati kmalu po končani distribuciji, kot je razvidno iz videoposnetkov, objavljenih na Twitterju.

Vsaka denarnica je vsebovala približno 8,000 $. Preostalih 6 BTC, ki se nahajajo v denarnici z več podpisi, so dali neprofitnemu odboru Freedom Truckers Convoy, da bi jih združili s sredstvi GiveSendGo, so zbiralci sredstev pojasnili na Prostori Twitter.

S konvojem svobode Bitcoin prestane test zbiranja sredstev pred finančnim nadzorom PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
Some of the protesting truckers have been given bitcoin funds, which have proven resilient in the face of government surveillance.

Pospeševanje zgodovine

This unexpected tipping point for Bitcoin has been the result of a series of unexpected failures from the fiat system. It took two Bitcoiners thinking fast on their feet with help and encouragement from the Bitcoin community to turn those failures into a showcase for this critical technology.

As en tvit je to dal, “The way the #bitcoin funds were distributed to the Canadian truckers was pretty incredible. It introduced an incentive for them to learn on their own what #bitcoin is and how to use it! I couldn’t have come up with a better way myself. Great job! @JWWeatherman_ @NobodyCaribou.”

NobodyCaribou has carefully documented the steps he took to distribute donated bitcoin, including objavljanje videoposnetkov na Twitterju tovornjakov, ki prejemajo ovojnice z denarnicami, v katerih so bila sredstva, in opis postopka Prostori Twitter in YouTube.

There has been some frustration voiced by Bitcoiners around the need for this kind of transparency, but NobodyCaribou has expressed that at least part of this exercise was to show the public how it was done. Even as the protest and fundraising efforts are ongoing, Bitcoin has proven to be a powerful financial rail in the face of government surveillance and authority.

Donatorji in drugi, ki želijo slediti 100 izročenim denarnicam tovornjakarjev, lahko to storite tukaj. At the time of writing, the site was showing that 26 of the 100 wallets had moved bitcoin into new addresses and seven have been used to make a purchase.

To je gostujoča objava Jesseja Willmsa. Izražena mnenja so povsem njihova in ne odražajo nujno mnenj BTC Inc oz Bitcoin Magazine.

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