SEC zaračuna podcasterju prvi neregistrirani zahtevek za prodajo vrednostnih papirjev proti ponudbi NFT

SEC zaračuna podcasterju prvi neregistrirani zahtevek za prodajo vrednostnih papirjev proti ponudbi NFT

Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borze ZDA (SEC) ima zaračuna a media and entertainment company with conducting unregistered securities sales when it sold nonfungible tokens (NFTs) to investors between October and December 2021. 

Impact Theory, podjetje s sedežem v Los Angelesu, ki proizvaja zabavne in izobraževalne vsebine, vključno z več podcasti, je domnevno zbralo skoraj 30 milijonov dolarjev s prodajo NFT-jev, ki jih je imenovalo Founder's Keys, ki so bili ponujeni v treh ravneh.

Podjetje je po mnenju SEC »spodbudilo potencialne vlagatelje, da na nakup ustanoviteljskega ključa gledajo kot na naložbo v podjetje« in:

"Teorija vpliva je poudarila, da 'poskuša zgraditi naslednjega Disneyja' in če bi bila uspešna, bi prinesla 'izjemno vrednost' glavnim kupcem ustanovitelja."

The SEC found that the NFTs were investment contracts, and so securities, and the company violated the Securities Act of 1933 by selling them without registration. It izdano a cease-and-desist order that Impact Theory has agreed to.

Povezano: Pripravite se, da bodo federalci začeli obtoževati trgovce z NFT

Under the SEC order, the company was ordered to pay a total of more than $6.1 million in disgorgement, prejudgment interest and a civil penalty, without admitting or denying the agency’s findings. Further, a fund will be created to return money to investors in Founder’s Key NFTs. Impact Theory will destroy all Founder’s Keys in its possession or control, publish a notice of the order on its websites and social media channels, and not receive royalties from future sales of the NFTs on the secondary market.

SEC charges podcaster in first unregistered securities sales claim against NFT offering PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.
Ustanoviteljev ključ »Neusmiljen« NFT. Vir: OpenSea

According to NFT Stats, a “Legendary” (top) tier Founder’s Key NFT last prodaja two days ago for $1,468 as one of ten sales in the last week. The token supply is 13, 572, with 4,620 owners. The Founder’s Key is only one suite of NFTs the company offers. They did not respond to a Cointelegraph enquiry by the time of publication.

This was the SEC’s first enforcement action involving an NFT, SEC commissioners Hester Peirce and Mark Uyeda Napisal in their dissent of the action. “The NFTs were not shares of a company and did not generate any type of dividend for the purchasers,” they wrote, adding

“We share our colleagues’ worry about the type of hype that entices people to spend almost $30 million for NFTs seemingly without having a clear idea about how they will use, enjoy, or profit from them. […] This legitimate concern, however, is not a sufficient basis to pull the matter into our jurisdiction.”

The promises made by Impact Theory and cited in the SEC order “are not the kinds of promises that form an investment contract.” The commissioners compared the promises made about the NFTs to statements made by sellers of collectibles. They went on to suggest a list of nine questions the agency should consider before pursuing NFTcases:

»Ne glede na to, kaj si kdo misli o analizi Howeyja, ta zadeva odpira večja vprašanja, s katerimi bi se morala Komisija spopasti, preden sproži dodatne primere NFT.«

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