"Senčni napad" SEC? DeFi bi lahko bil v težavah PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

"Senčni napad" SEC? DeFi bi lahko bil v težavah

29. marec 2022 / Unchained Daily / Laura Shin

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"Senčni napad" SEC? DeFi bi lahko bil v težavah PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

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An SEC ‘Shadow-Attack’ on DeFi?


The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed a change to the definition of a “government securities dealer” yesterday that, if passed, would bring automated market makers and liquidity providers with platforms larger than $50 million under the jurisdiction of the SEC. While not ostensibly written in the context of digital assets, a footnote on page 15 of the proposal suggests that it could be used against the digital asset industry.

“​​Proposed Rule 3a5-4 would apply to securities as defined by Section 3(a)(10) of the Exchange Act, and proposed Rule 3a44-2 would apply to government securities as defined by Section 3(a)(42) of the Exchange Act, including any digital asset that is a security or a government security within the meaning of the Exchange Act.”

The proposed rule could potentially shoehorn many DeFi entities under the SEC’s purview. According to data from CoinMarketCap, over 20 dexes olajšano $50 million in volume yesterday. While volume is not a direct parallel to liquidity, it is somewhat related. Furthermore, datum from DeFi Llama shows that 289 dApps hold $50 million+ in total-value-locked. (However, it is unclear if the rule would extend beyond AMMs and their liquidity providers to other dApps.)

“The SEC just proposed a rule that would expand the definition of regulated “dealers” to include people who “employ passive market making strategies” that have “the effect of providing liquidity” to others,” razložiti Blockchain Association’s Jake Chervinsky on Twitter. “Unfortunately, the SEC continues to introduce massive confusion & uncertainty into the very same markets it seeks to regulate. In a healthy rulemaking process, we wouldn’t have to guess at the SEC’s intent or its underlying goals.”

Chervinsky noted that in the SEC’s 200-page proposal, “DeFi” was not mentioned once, despite the seemingly drastic consequences the proposal could wreak on the crypto space.

According to Gabriel Shapiro, the SEC is proposing an “all-out shadow attack on decentralized finance.”

Shapiro believes that the SEC’s proposal would characterize every AMM liquidity provider as an unregistered dealer – which is a felony. “SEC will argue that all AMM LPs are unregistered dealers. That would be like saying all Bitcoin miners are VASPs–if enforced, it would kill the tech. Many of us warned SEC could take this view, but never thought they’d secretly rewrite the rules to avoid having to prove it,” Shapiro argued.

According to Shapiro, adding such a requirement puts an unrealistic burden on the government. “I think [it] also shows that the SEC has 0 interest in DeFi participants ‘coming in & registering.’ Can you imagine FINRA processing 100,00 [sic] dealer applications from individual DeFi liquidity providers?” he posited.

Crypto lawyer Collins Belton agreed with Shapiro. “Even assuming some process where millions could self reg/report, there’s no feasible way for SEC/any SRO to oversee that,” he tweeted.

That being said, Belton thinks tighter regulation could have a bright side – as it would force DeFi protocols to truly decentralize. “That said, my attitude has shifted on this feckless approach & IMO rules like this will simply separate the truly decentralized wheat from the CeDeFi chaff,” wrote Belton.

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"Senčni napad" SEC? DeFi bi lahko bil v težavah PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

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"Senčni napad" SEC? DeFi bi lahko bil v težavah PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

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"Senčni napad" SEC? DeFi bi lahko bil v težavah PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

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"Senčni napad" SEC? DeFi bi lahko bil v težavah PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

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