Senatorka Cynthia Lummis navdušena nad nakupom Bitcoin dip PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Senatorka Cynthia Lummis je navdušena nad nakupom Bitcoin dip

Senatorka Cynthia Lummis navdušena nad nakupom Bitcoin dip PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

United States Senator Cynthia Lummis, a Republican from Wyoming, took advantage of a deeply discounted Bitcoin (BTC) price this week by adding to her holdings. 

In the wake of yet another major price correction for crypto assets, Lummis Rekel Fox News v sredo, da je "navdušena nad nakupom Bitcoin dip."

Na vprašanje o hitrem padcu cen Bitcoinov je Lummis dejal:

"Res sem navdušen nad tem, ker takoj, ko pade še malo, bom kupil še nekaj."

Lummis je padec Bitcoina primerjal z uspešnostjo ene izmed njenih najljubših delnic, United Rentals. »Kupil sem ga,« je Lummis dejal za United Rentals, »in padel je kot kamen. Držala sem se in, moj bog, v preteklih letih se mi je lepo izkazal, «je dejala in dodala:

"Vidim, da Bitcoin počne enako, ker so osnove dobre."

Lummis is one of the most vocal advocates of Bitcoin in the U.S. Senate. Earlier this year, she launched the Financial Innovation Caucus to educate fellow lawmakers about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. At the time, Lummis said she will work with the caucus to address false narratives about cryptocurrencies, including their association with money laundering and other financial crimes.

Povezano: Odbijanje bitcoinov s 28.8 tisoč dolarjev aktivira bikovsko tezo stoletnega finančnega modela

Kot je poročal Cointelegraph, Senator Lummis attended this year’s Bitcoin 2021 conference in Miami, where she discussed the importance of encouraging crypto innovation. She was joined by Representative Warren Davidson, a Republican from Ohio, in a panel called “Bringing Bitcoin Innovation Home to America.”

Po padcu pod 29,000 ameriških dolarjev v začetku tega tedna se zdi, da je cena Bitcoina ponovno našla podporo nad 30,000 ameriških dolarjev. V času pisanja članka se je digitalna valuta povečala za 5.5% na 33,700 USD.


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