Solana še naprej gradi obetavne igre kljub krizi FTX

Solana še naprej gradi obetavne igre kljub krizi FTX

Solana Keeps Building Promising Games Despite FTX Crisis PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Preverite, kaj generalni direktor Solana Games Johnny B. Lee ter vodja tehnike in produktov Matt Sorg vidita prihodnost iger

The DappRadar team attended Solana Games Day in Lisbon and chatted with the Solana Games team. They are technology and business seniors, but above all, builders. Unsurprisingly, Johnny and Matt have a sparkle in their eyes when they talk about building next-generation games today with the Solana Foundation. These may be strange times, but builders will keep building.

Kljub temu, da je prizadet zaradi pretresov FTX, Solana dapps won’t stop growing their projects because of market fluctuations. The Solana Foundation is looking for talent to join the team now. As Matt stated on LinkedIn after our interview, “focus on building” and “focus on shipping” are positive reminders of the wider picture in healthy dev communities.

Potopite se v ekskluzivni intervju, ki ga je naredil DappRadar Johnny B. Lee, generalni direktor, in Matt Sorg, Head of Ecosystem Engineering at Solana.

Oba imata obsežno ozadje na področju tehnologije in iger. Zakaj ste se tako zgodaj odločili staviti na igre Web3?

Matt: My Riot colleagues and I saw how hard it was to ship games at scale. It was hard to connect databases across all the different continents and so on. Being able to do monetization and player data openly and transparently sounded like a really exciting problem to solve.

Johnny: I was General Manager of Dark Horse Games before this, a comic book company’s games and digital division, and I could see the opportunity of Web3 and blockchain being bigger than even the games industry. Web3 is important to all IP holders and creators. And then what really excited me is understanding the deeper value prop of play and own that is only possible in Web3.

What blockchain does for games is that you can simply play and own, but it goes much deeper than owning your digital items.

Really, the deeper value proposition is for the players to own their data and progression across titles, studios, and platforms.

Videli smo, da so različni mainstream igralni studii sprejeli Web3 ali vlagali vanj. Si upate napovedati, kdaj se bodo pridružili PlayStation, Nintendo in Xbox? 

Johnny: Those three, in particular with console platforms of their own, probably are the laggards. But when you ask the question of when will the major studios come into our space: it has already happened.

If you look at Asia, in particular, every single major game and entertainment company has not only started a project in our space but has shifted its entire company strategy with its entire IP portfolio into Web3.

These guys are not dipping their toes and experimenting, they’ve shifted their entire company’s focus on resources into Web3, and they’re launching Web3 games with their top IPs.

Katere so najboljše igre in projekti na Solani, na katere bi morali igralci trenutno paziti?

Johnny: (At Solana Games Day) We have 33 game developers with 40 games, right? Fifteen of these are live today – and the remaining will be live by the end of Q1 2023. Do I have a personal favorite? No, because I play across genres. But there are several games that have a real shot at becoming decades-long Games as Service titles in Web3.

Zvezdni atlas je očitna, to je zelo velika vizija. Poudaril bi Zemlja iz drugega sonca tudi tukaj.

And we have many other titles that have very experienced AAA teams and with a significant chance to create new Web3 IP.

Igralni studii imajo dostop do množice kompletov za razvoj programske opreme in drugih orodij za izdelavo svoje igre. Kam mislite, da gre SDK za komponente Web3? 

Johnny: We were able to put together and announce the Solana Games Kit about two months ago. It has three major categories: Games Back End, which has major providers from the web2 integrating and creating Solana SDKs, Marketing and Distribution, because we understood that performance marketing at scale had not entered Web3 games yet and game devs would need a scalable solution soon, and Onchain Tools, which has almost 50 onchain tools available for game developers today.

These onchain tools that are part of the Solana Games Kit are all audited and open source. A lot of them are already used in live scalable products like STEPN. And so a developer can come in with a Web3 product strategy and build and ship quickly on Solana. To build it on most other blockchain protocols, you need to get going on custom smart contract development. On Solana, it’s very different.

Več kot 95 % trenutnih strategij izdelkov Web3 v igrah je mogoče narediti brez kode pametne pogodbe po meri na Solani zaradi Solana Games Kit.

Matt: So this is gonna be easier for the game, depending on the configuration of your game today. Think about STEPN, a really good example, say what you will about the game. They had two developers, they admitted entities and fungible tokens. And then they used Orca DEX. They made $120 million during Q2 2022 alone, and that was during the bear market. And they did so just because they could, getting worldwide access to anybody on the internet who could use those tools. Building on Solana, developers don’t have to have a huge dev team, devscan just utilizes the Games Kit.

Katere so ključne sestavine za vsako igro, ki temelji na Web3, da izpolni pričakovanja igralcev?

Johnny: You have to really think if the blockchain protocol, in other words, Web3 games backend, that you’re building on can handle what your load will be. Can they keep your player experience very positive?

Igralci so najmanj potrpežljivi ljudje. Torej ne bodo čakali nekaj minut, da se transakcija Web3 zaključi. To je samo ne-začetek.

Če načrtujete, da se bodo ljudje dosledno vračali in se zabavali v vaši igri, mislim, da ste na 90 % poti do cilja.

Matt: The other thing to think about is when you’re sharing your data and open platform, people can commit code to it.

You can actually have the players start building the game and building your experiences with you.

Morda ne delajo nujno celotnih scenarijev in umetnosti, kot to počnejo v Robloxu. Toda dober primer je Dota. Večino njihovega zgodnjega povezovanja je pravzaprav izvedla skupnost, ker njihovo lastno povezovanje ni bilo dobro. Če bi bilo to v verigi, bi dejansko imeli posnet sistem povezovanja in skupnost bi se lahko organizirala okoli tega. To bi bila veliko bolj gladka izkušnja, ko vam ne bi bilo treba imeti ločenih sistemov. In tako imate blockchain, lahko začnete imeti lastne igralce v vaši skupnosti, ki vam pomagajo graditi.

Kako se razvijanje izdelka v Web3 razlikuje od Web2, razen očitnih integracij NFT in žetonov? 

Matt: I think the main thing in my head is: "Ali ste se pripravljeni odreči določeni ravni nadzora?" Če opustite ta delček nadzora, imajo vaši igralci veliko več možnosti za prispevanje. Tam je moj prostor, ko razmišljam, kaj bi optimiziral z Web3.

The other thing about that is there doesn’t need to be over-monetization. What’s scaring away most gamers is if you only lead with 'Hej, tukaj je moj predmet, ki ga zdaj lahko prodaš.' Ko se hočejo samo zabavati, se zdi zelo težko za plen.

Toda če jim poveš, ‘Hey, you can now utilize this data, and you can build your community around them and your Discord and have a good time,‘ then it’s potentially really good.

You have to find the community to play and build with you.

Ko ljudje začnejo to videti in kako zdravo je lahko, so ljudje preprosto navdušeni, da prispevajo k temu ekosistemu.

Od iger, NFT-jev in vsega okoli aplikacij Solana. Kaj lahko pričakujemo leta 2023?

Matt: Some really interesting things because the difference between the Solana ecosystem and others is that everything is really connected. 

So what we’re trying to facilitate is an entire ecosystem of games with people creating tools in one game that can potentially use another game around community organization.

But on Web3, you can do that if somebody who ships the code allows you to do it. For example, the raid leader makes it so that the items drop to that address, and then you have your very transparent distribution of everybody in the raid, how they get their items.

And that’s just the tool that somebody in the ecosystem is going to build, whether it be a game developer themselves, or somebody in some community, then everybody’s gonna be able to use it.

Takšna vizija je zelo, zelo edinstvena za Solano, tako v načinu uporabe programov kot tudi v tem, kako povezano je vse v skupnem stanju.

Interoperabilnost je trenutno precej velika tema v Web3. Kako gledate na interoperabilnost in ali je to nekaj, kar imate visoko na seznamu prioritet? 

Johnny: Yes, Solana Games Kit is giving voice to that vision to make sure that the games and infrastructure providers in Web3 have a focus on interoperability and open source in order to build toward the vision of true play and own.

And from the content side, we focus on the game devs building fun first experiences and then we always inquire, why Web3? We look for deeper product thought than Web3 monetization loops.

Not every single game needs to be in blockchain space right now. And we’re not looking for Web3 or blockchain because it’s headline-grabbing or that’s what the VCs are looking for. We want games to have a real product and player value proposition focus.

We have 40 games with all polished playables today, and all of them have a significant value prop of why Web3.

Kako vidite celotno igralniško industrijo Web3 v naslednjih nekaj letih?

Matt: I think you’re gonna see a lot of messy stuff. There are a bunch of startups, so naturally, some games won’t do so well. Some games are overly monetized, which is kind of negative for the players. And then there’s gonna be a lot of genuine stuff coming into play. I think that’s what Johnny and I are very cognizant of.

Igre, ki jih podpiramo, vsaka ima pozitivno igralno izkušnjo. To je zelo jasno na poti do pošiljanja v naslednjem četrtletju. To je nekaj, kar je zelo visoko v naših mislih.

Kadarkoli porabimo svoj osebni čas za pomoč razvijalcem iger, poskrbimo, da ne podpiramo nečesa, kar bo slabo za skupnost. Varstvo potrošnikov bo na prvem mestu.

Other than that, Solana’s blocks aren’t even nearly full, they’re under 10%. Solana is ready to scale to 10,000 transactions per second in a game.

And we have a bunch of cool announcements over the next year that will support how to do custom execution and runtimes and stuff for your experience. So the fact that Solana didn’t fragment too early is gonna be a really exciting thing.

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