Uporabniki PayPala lahko kmalu premaknejo svoje kriptovalute na druga prodajna mesta PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Uporabniki PayPala lahko kmalu preselijo svoj kripto na druga prodajna mesta

Uporabniki PayPala lahko kmalu premaknejo svoje kriptovalute na druga prodajna mesta PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Crypto fans around the world were excited to hear last October that PayPal would soon be allowing users to purchase and store cryptocurrencies through the trading platform. In addition, PayPal said that it was on the verge of allowing customers to pay for items and services with digital currencies.

PayPal nekoliko spreminja stvari

This got things hopping up and down and the bitcoin boom ultimately began, though things came with a catch as users soon began to find out the “darker side” of the company’s crypto operations. While the digital assets they purchased and stored were in their names, users of PayPal could not move their crypto to other platforms, nor were they ever given the private keys that would have granted them access to these currencies.

Zaradi tega so mnogi dvomili o namerah PayPala in vsaj nekaj časa se je verjelo, da PayPal skuša preprečiti resnično lastništvo digitalnih valut. Podjetje je vzpostavilo zelo centralizirano metodo zagotavljanja kripto storitev svojim strankam, kar je nazadnje nasprotovalo vsem, za kar se zavzemajo bitcoin in njegovi kripto bratranci.

This did not sit well with people, who felt that ownership of digital currency was what it took to retain full financial freedom. Today, it appears PayPal has heard these complaints and is changing up its operations a bit. The company has announced that in the coming future, users would be able to transfer their crypto assets to third party wallets.

To je velik korak naprej, saj so vsi uporabniki PayPala, ki so podjetje uporabljali za shranjevanje svojih kriptografskih datotek, zdaj uradno lastniki vsega, kar so kupili. Novico je potrdil Jose Fernandez de Ponte, podpredsednik oddelka blockchain podjetja, in čeprav ni potrdil datuma, ko bo ta storitev pripravljena in na voljo, je omenil, da se lahko uporabniki te funkcije veselijo kmalu .

Želja po odprtosti

V izjavi je omenil:

Razumemo, da je za te žetone več uporabnosti, če jih lahko premikate. Želimo ga čim bolj odpreti in svojim potrošnikom želimo dati na izbiro nekaj, kar jim bo omogočilo plačilo na kakršen koli način. Svojo kripto šifro želijo pripeljati k nam, da jo lahko uporabljajo v trgovini, mi pa želimo, da lahko kripto, ki so jo pridobili, vzamejo s seboj in jo odpeljejo na cilj po svoji izbiri.

Other trading platforms like Revolut took a similar approach to PayPal at one point and did not permit users to transfer their crypto assets to other companies, though the former made the announcement in early May that this was going to change due to regular criticism and backlash from customers.

Tags: kripto, PayPal, Revolut Vir: https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/paypal-users-can-soon-move-their-crypto-to-other-outlets/

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