Vodja Quantum Research Sciences (QRS) Ethan Krimins je govornik IQT Quantum+AI 2024 - Inside Quantum Technology

Vodja Quantum Research Sciences (QRS) Ethan Krimins je govornik IQT Quantum+AI 2024 – Inside Quantum Technology

Ethan Krimins, Leader of the Quantum Research Sciences (QRS) is an October 2024 IQT Quantum + AI conference speaker

By Kenna Hughes-Castleberry objavljeno 03. aprila 2024

Ethan Krimins, the Quantum Research Sciences (QRS) leader, is set to speak at the Quantum + AI conference in October 2024. QRS is at the forefront of the quantum software revolution and is dedicated to discovering, developing, and delivering practical solutions. With over three decades of experience in classical and quantum computer science, IT, and programming, Krimins brings an unparalleled depth of knowledge to the burgeoning field of quantum computing.

Under Krimins’s leadership, QRS has distinguished itself with significant milestones, becoming the first company to secure a Phase III federal quantum computing contract and operationalize quantum software. This trailblazing success underscores the company’s pivotal role in transitioning quantum computing from theoretical exploration to practical, real-world applications. Based in Lafayette, Indiana, and affiliated with the Purdue University Quantum Science and Engineering Institute, QRS is uniquely positioned at the nexus of academic research and industry innovation.

Krimins’s academic credentials, including an undergraduate degree in Mathematics from the University of Rochester and an MBA from Columbia University, further bolster his expertise in navigating the complex landscape of quantum technology. At the IQT Quantum + AI conference, he is expected to delve into the challenges and opportunities of developing quantum software that addresses real-world problems, using his work at the QRS as an example. Attendees can look forward to insights into QRS’s pioneering approach to making quantum computing accessible and useful for various applications, from cybersecurity and drug discovery to optimization problems and beyond.

Konferenca QUANTUM + AI-New York City-29.-30. oktober 2024

Uvodni IQT QUANTUM + AI Konferenca obljublja, da bo pionirski dogodek, ki združuje voditelje na področju kvantnega računalništva in umetne inteligence (AI), da raziščejo sinergijski potencial združitve teh revolucionarnih tehnologij. Ta dogodek želi nasloviti trenutne izzive in ogromne priložnosti na stičišču kvantnega računalništva in umetne inteligence, ki obetajo izboljšanje zmogljivosti umetne inteligence s kvantno poganjanimi algoritmi, tehnikami strojnega učenja in metodami obdelave podatkov, ki presegajo doseg klasičnega računalništva. Z omogočanjem hitrejše in učinkovitejše obdelave velikih, zapletenih naborov podatkov je kvantno računalništvo pripravljeno, da nadgradi aplikacije AI v različnih sektorjih, vključno s farmacijo, financami in obrambo, ter napoveduje novo dobo pospešenega strojnega učenja, izboljšanih napovedi in optimiziranih procesov. Kljub tehničnim oviram, kot je potreba po boljšem odpravljanju napak in odpornosti na napake v kvantnem računalništvu ter razvoj kvantno optimizirane programske opreme za odločanje z umetno inteligenco, konferenca poudarja transformativni učinek kvantne umetne inteligence na napredovanje tehnoloških meja v številnih panogah.

Register for the Quantum + AI conference tukaj.

umetna inteligenca, Konferenca, kvantno računalništvo, Raziskave

Ethan Krimins, IQT Vancouver, QRS

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