Zmagovalci v Robotaxi Tech Can 100X? Kdo zmaga? Za koliko? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Zmagovalci v Robotaxi Tech Can 100X? Kdo zmaga? Za koliko?

I have looked at all of the dozens of self-driving car companies. I looked at many of the 80 LIDAR (laser radar) companies. I cut through all of the noise, complexity and confusion.

Robotaxis will change the world and are a multi-trillion opportunity. Companies have spent over a hundred billion dollars already and even more money will spent in the next few years.

This new analysis shows how to predict who will win the all-important battle to dominate the future of robotaxi and by how many years they will lead. It determines what the real important metrics are to track who is winning now and by how much.

Robotaxi technology is complex and there over many companies competing. The technology is complex and involves artificial intelligence and new sensors. This new analysis lets you cut through the noise with clear insight.

Getting the first self-driving cars working to the level of a robotaxi (no human driver needed) is just the beginning. The business models that are being pursued now are critical for the speed of deployment.

YouTube video predvajalnik

How many robotaxis will it take to compete at the level of Uber? Taxis?

What it will take to go beyond to change all of car and truck transportation?

Who is really ahead? How can you tell?

The winners could have a 10X or 100X in their share price. The size of the prize depends upon if there is one single winner with a big lead or if there are multiple winners who reduce the size of the profits.

What will a 30-month lead mean? A 60-month lead?

Can we track it now? What are the right metrics to use?

Brian Wang je vodja futurističnih misli in priljubljen znanstveni bloger z 1 milijonom bralcev na mesec. Njegov blog je na prvem mestu na spletnem mestu Science News Blog. Zajema številne moteče tehnologije in trende, vključno z vesoljem, robotiko, umetno inteligenco, medicino, biotehnologijo proti staranju in nanotehnologijo.

Znan po prepoznavanju najsodobnejših tehnologij, je trenutno soustanovitelj zagona in zbiranja sredstev za velika potencialna podjetja v zgodnji fazi. Je vodja raziskav za dodelitve za globoke tehnološke naložbe in investitor angelov pri Space Angels.

Pogost govornik v korporacijah, bil je govornik TEDx, govornik univerze Singularity in gost številnih intervjujev za radio in podcaste. Odprt je za javno nastopanje in svetovanje.

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