"Stoppa clowning" – Microsofts chef för blockchain träffar Web2-utvecklarna PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikal sökning. Ai.

"Sluta clowning" – Microsofts chef för blockchain träffar Web2-utvecklare

De mest lovande Layer 1 Blockchain-nätverken att se upp för, enligt Pundits

Chefen för Microsofts blockkedjedivision Yorke E. Rhodes III har uttryckt sin åsikt till tydlig fördel för webb3 över webb2-utveckling, och utmanar webb2-utvecklare och ingenjörer att "sluta clowna" eftersom det mesta av deras "dyrbara kod" fortfarande är proprietär och inte distribuerad.

Han twittrade den här veckan om det i en kodningsstil och sa att web2-ingenjörer skulle vara berättigade att kritisera web3-ingenjörer endast om de kunde öppna sin dyrbara kod och köra den på distribuerade plattformar.

"OM (du öppnar källkod för din mest värdefulla kod OCH lägger till en 13 miljoner USD buggpremie till den 

OCH kör den på en virtuell dator på en distribuerad tillståndsmaskin 

OCH du kan sova) 

    DÅ får du kritisera web3-ingenjörer 

   ANNARS sluta clown" 

A blockchain tech supporter, Rhodes is convinced about the future of blockchain and distributed platforms. He predicted in 2021 that Ethereum would become the decentralized AppStore by 2023. He said it would ensure low fees, no single point of control by large corporate, and distributed access of services across apps. Ethereum currently hosts about 3,000 decentralized apps.     

Det finns verkligen inte mycket kontrovers om eller skillnad mellan web2 och web3-utveckling i allmänhetens ögon. Men de flesta web2-appar inklusive molnbaserade tjänster är proprietär programvara, till skillnad från web3 som mestadels är öppen källkod och koden tillgänglig offentligt för användning och granskning. Men för de stora teknikföretagen och utvecklarna låser proprietär mjukvara en hel del affärer men också massiv kontroll. Och även om de flesta web2-utvecklare verkligen är medvetna om blockchain, web3 och distribuerade applikationer och faktiskt har flyttat till att inkludera design i web3, är det bara några som är motvilliga och kritiska till web3.

In terms of differences between the two, blockchain and cryptocurrencies is what makes web3 entirely different from web1 and 2 in structure. However, a lot of techs used in web 2 are still employed in developing web 3 applications. Today, minus cryptocurrencies and blockchain, it is hard to differentiate the two. But web3 has clear advantages over web2.

Proponents of web3 term it as the future, arguing it liberalizes communication, data ownership, finance, marketing, and almost every other industry. It levels the playing field for big and small companies alike and makes everyone equal they say. On the other hand, most of the web2 development has been led by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Apple, and Amazon. The onset of web2 and its progress has helped a lot of small and mid-sized companies which, inside of web 1 used to create their own and separated apps with very low reach. A lot of these companies can now enjoy huge audience and marketing benefits as a result of deploying web2. Like the big tech corporations leading the development of web2, they are keen to keep the lead.

But huge centralization of platforms at the big tech companies has threatened not only consumers who cry foul of data privacy violations and costly services, but also governments to which such centralization definitely can create corporations that are hard to control. There has been need and calls for what is now being termed a cautious change. But many companies still see the web2 cohort as the stability which is being threatened by web3, especially blockchain and cryptocurrency platforms. It is an evil they need to cautiously keep and manage until web3, even if it means hefty costs.

There is hope. And that hope remains in the mass adoption of web3. With better power and wealth distribution in blockchain and cryptocurrency platforms, these platforms have been shown to lead to true decentralization. There is no shortage of examples. However, most web3 platforms currently remain limited in use in the public domain. As a result, questions of whether they are leading to true decentralization exist. Elon Musk also voiced his concern about web3 last year saying web3 is just “bs” while Block CEO Jack Dorsey said web3 is still centralized and controlled by venture capital firms that lead most of the blockchain development initiatives.


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