
Amount of Bitcoin Stored on Exchanges at Lowest Point Since May 2019

On-chain analytics provider Santiment has reported that the supply of Bitcoin sitting on exchanges has fallen to levels not seen since May 2019. This is usually considered bullish as investors take BTC off exchanges when they’re in a position to hold and are not interested in selling. Santiment called it a “good sign of sell-off risk decreasing.” Bitcoin prices have been falling this week in the wake of a renewed crackdown in China and another round of FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) that followed it. Since Monday, BTC prices have

e-Money and Osmosis Team Up to Make eEUR the First Stablecoin to Be Listed on Osmosis AMM Decentralised Exchange

Most active DeFi participants have probably heard about Osmosis by now. The Cosmos Hub-based AMM platform has skyrocketed to over $500 million in Total Value Locked and built a global community of passionate supporters. Now, Osmosis is advancing to its next milestone by partnering with e-Money, a popular blockchain-based payment platform, to introduce eEUR as the first stablecoin to be listed on the project’s AMM decentralized exchange (DEX). This marks an important step in helping onboard the next wave of DeFi users that might be waiting to participate with a

APENFT Announces Strategic Partnership With BAYCTron; Tron’s Justin Sun Follows Closely

After its highly anticipated marketplace launch, Bored Ape Yacht Club Tron and APENFT Foundation joined forces through a strategic partnership meant to incentivize further the development of promising NFT works on the Tron ecosystem. This collaboration arrives as BAYCTron kicks off its Mutant Apes minting campaign. A series of 15,000 primate-inspired collectibles have been put up for sale following a stunningly fast minting of 10,000 unique artworks earlier this month. With its first collection, Bored Ape Yacht Club Tron supported by Palmar Labs placed itself among the fastest-selling collections on

Wormhole NFT bridge allows users to transfer assets on different blockchains

A new service called Wormhole NFT Bridge connects Ethereum and Solana to let users transfer assets between these competing blockchains.  This service, in technical terms, is called a “bi-directional bridge” that can send assets and make them compatible with other blockchain platforms.  This is how it works: When someone wants to transfer a Solana NFT to Ethereum to sell it on OpenSea, the service would first lock the original NFT within the Wormhole smart contract.  A smart contract is a technology that runs behind decentralized apps, DeFi protocols, and NFTs

Over 80% of Top-100 Public Companies Now Using Blockchain Technology

Over 80% of the world’s top 100 public companies currently use blockchain technology, according to a survey by market intelligence platform Blockdata. Sponsored Sponsored While interest and adoption by these corporations started as early as 2014, as of September 2021, 81 of the top 100 public companies are using blockchain technology. This figure also includes companies in a research phase, meaning they are exploring opportunities to determine which technology suits them. Different stages of development However, even disregarding those merely at the research stage, there are still 65 companies actively developing

Bitget KCGI Trading Competition Opens for Registration on 20, October with a Prize Pool of 100 BTC

Derivatives exchange Bitget announced the launch of King’s Cup Global Invitational (KCGI). According to the announcement, the contest has set up a prize pool of 100 BTC and 500 million BGB as well as other custom-made prizes. The registration will open from 20 October to 4 November (UTC+8), and the competition will start from 10:00 am on 30 October to 10:00 am on 20 November (UTC+8). It is reported to be an annual event for global elite traders held under the principle of unity, fairness and competitive spirit. “This contest

African Weather Balloon Project Uses Blockchain to Track Climate in West Africa

According to the findings of one study, nearly 91% of deaths from natural disasters recorded between 1970 and 2019 occurred in developing countries. This study adds that such a high number of deaths is largely due to a lack of early warning systems and disaster management protocols. Using Blockchain to Store Climate Data It has been shown that improvements in technology can help to lower the number of lives lost as a result of flooding or cyclones. Unfortunately for third world countries, their poor access to centralized data which is

Splinterlands NFT trading card game tops blockchain game ranking 

DappRadar, a platform that provides the latest and most relevant information about decentralized applications, has recently released a data about the top blockchain games based on daily user count.  Based on its rankings, Splinterlands, an NFT trading card game, has surpassed 260,000 daily active users, making it the top decentralized game today.  Splinterlands is a blockchain-powered trading card game that allows users to play and trade using NFT based cards while earning the “Dark Energy Crystals”, which is the native currency of the game.  Splinterlands was able to beat Alien

IOV Labs Prepares to Aid Cryptocurrency Adoption in Asia

Share some Bitpinas love:By Shiela BertilloIOV Labs, a Bitcoin merge-mined smart contracts platform, is arranging the adoption of cryptocurrency worldwide, starting from the emerging markets in Asia such as Vietnam and the Philippines. Through IOV Labs’ RSK, a bitcoin sidechain notable for how it has revamped the way users swap bitcoin for RBTC, and its new Powpeg system user transaction would be easier as the proof of transaction is automatically generated and vetted by a special hardware security module. And once these modules receive the proof, they distribute the RBTC to

Fake News Moves Market | This Week in Crypto – Sep 20, 2021

 Fake Walmart news crashes the crypto market, Revolut pays for office space in Bitcoin and a statue for Satoshi. These stories and more this week in crypto. A press release claimed early this week that Walmart had partnered with popular altcoin Litecoin. The news was widely celebrated by crypto fans, and the price of Litecoin along with the rest of the crypto market surged heavily in minutes. However, within an hour, both Walmart and the Litecoin Foundation denied any relationship, that news quickly crashing the market. The cryptocurrency-infused financial

100 years ago, Henry Ford proposed ‘energy currency’ to replace gold

In 1921, American industrialist Henry Ford proposed the creation of an “energy currency” that could form the basis of a new monetary system — offering striking similarities to the peer-to-peer electronic cash system outlined in Satoshi Nakamoto’s 2008 Bitcoin (BTC) whitepaper. Front page of the New York Tribune dated Sunday, December 4, 1921. Source: Library of CongressBitcoin as an energy currencyOn Dec. 4, 1921, the New York Tribune published an article outlining Ford’s vision of replacing gold with an energy currency that he believed could break the banking elites’ grip on