中本聪 (Satoshi Nakamoto) 的比特币 (BTC) 储备目前价值超过 60 亿美元 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。垂直搜索。人工智能。

中本聪的比特币 (BTC) 储备现在价值超过 60 亿美元

中本聪 (Satoshi Nakamoto) 的比特币 (BTC) 储备目前价值超过 60 亿美元 PlatoBlockchain 数据智能。垂直搜索。人工智能。


Could an attack on Bitcoin be imminent?对比特币的攻击即将到来吗? 65 percent of Bitcoin owners are convinced that a 51% Attack is a legitimate concern for the Bitcoin community and its investors, according to our new report on the “State of Crypto Mining.”根据我们关于“加密货币开采状况”的最新报告,有XNUMX%的比特币所有者相信XNUMX%的攻击是比特币社区及其投资者的合理关注。 But is there really a threat, or is that fear more sci-fi than reality?但是,真的存在威胁吗?还是恐惧比现实更加科幻? To […]至 […]

3分钟 阅读→ 来源:https://cryptoslate.com/satoshi-nakamotos-bitcoin-btc-stash-is-now-worth-over-60-billion/


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