
Tidligere SEC -formand siger, at Crypto passer til eksisterende juridiske rammer

Former SEC Chairman Says Crypto Fits Existing Legal Framework Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.
Former SEC Chairman Says Crypto Fits Existing Legal Framework Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Ifølge en nylig e-mailudveksling ser eks-formand Jay Clayton de eksisterende amerikanske regler som en god model for kryptoregler. 


Jay Clayton spent a few years as the chairman for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which Gary Gensler now heads. In light of the recent topartsregning passed by the Senate, crypto regulations are the industry’s hot topic. 

If the wording in the bill is left as-is after its hearing in the House, this could mean a større forstyrrelse to the crypto space. When asked about regulations on the industry, the former SEC head said taxation clarity er en god ting. 


”Klarhed omkring beskatningen af ​​digitale aktiver er en god ting. Et godt sted at starte for den klarhed er, hvilken funktion disse aktiver leverer, og skal de beskattes som andre aktiver, der leverer den funktion. ”

Clayton tilføjede imidlertid,

”Ny teknologi bør ikke få os til at ændre den grundlæggende beskyttelse på vores værdipapirer og andre finansielle markeder. I det omfang et digitalt aktiv er en butik af værdi, ville jeg overveje at beskatte det på samme måde som du beskatter køb eller salg af en lignende butik af værdi som f.eks. Guld. ”

Nonetheless, the current SEC chairman doesn’t hold the same sentiments. Gensler has been contemplating a more robust oversight regime toward crypto. In addition, he kaldes the likes of Senator Elizabeth Warren for regulatory support. Warren is a stickler for more tightening regulations and implementing “crypto cops.”

Regulatorer til krypto

Den tidligere SEC -formand vove sig også til krypto som en del af det rådgivende udvalg for Fireblocks. 

Fireblocks specializes in digitale aktiver for payments, crypto gaming, and NFTs. This addition to the Fireblocks board comes after a successful Series D funding round. During that round in which the company raised $310 million.

CEO and co-founder of Fireblocks, Michael Shaulov, said Clayton’s high-level experience will be helpful as new regulations surface. “Jay’s insights on market practices and regulations in finance will help our customers understand how these new digital solutions and investment opportunities best fit within regulatory objectives as well as the incumbent technology.”

In addition, the former Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission released a erklæring of his end of term and future plans. In the statement, the former U.S. official believes crypto innovation is a priority.

“I look forward to keeping innovation, particularly related to crypto and Defi, relevant to my career and will continue advocating for the freedom, innovation, inclusion, and prosperity they offer.”

Nogle tilsynsmyndigheder ønsker at se pladsen strammet op under strengere regler, mens andre forstår, at situationen skal håndteres forsigtigt.


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Savannah Fortis er en multimediejournalist, der dækker historier i krydset kultur, internationale relationer og teknologi. Gennem sine rejser blev hun introduceret til kryptosamfundet tilbage i 2017 og har interageret med rummet siden.

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