További milliárdok a Teslának az új amerikai elektromos autóban Bill $TSLA


It is commonly known that the recent Inflation Reduction Act bill” will provide $7500 tax credits for buyer of EVs in the United States. This will enable EV makers who mostly make their EVs in the US to get billions in increased profits if they were to make and sell a lot of EVs. Tesla making and selling 500,000 EVs would see about $3.3 billion per year in benefits split between the company and its customers.

There is also $35-45 per kWh for makers of batteries made in the US.

Tesla has half of the nearly 40 GWH/year battery factory in Nevada and all of the soon to produce 10 GWH/year factory on Kato Road in Fremont California and the Austin Texas battery factory which should make 10 GWH by the end of the year and 50-100 GWH in 2023.

The batteries produced should provide another $1-2 billion in tax benefit to Tesla in 2023 and $3-5 billion in benefit in 2024.

If Tesla masters scaling 4680 battery production in Kato road and Texas then any new battery factory making over 110 GWH would be completely paid for by the US government.

This would be the same for other EV battery makers that have or build battery factories in the US.

Brian Wang futurista gondolatvezető és népszerű tudományos blogger, havi 1 millió olvasóval. Blogja a a Science News Blog első helyén van. Számos zavaró technológiát és trendet fed le, beleértve az űrt, a robotikát, a mesterséges intelligenciát, az orvostudományt, az öregedésgátló biotechnológiát és a nanotechnológiát.

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