Stările cuantice ale câmpurilor pentru sursele divizate cuantice

Stările cuantice ale câmpurilor pentru sursele divizate cuantice

Lin-Qing Chen1,2, Flaminia Giacomini2,3, and Carlo Rovelli3,4,5

1Centre for Quantum Information and Communication, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1050 Brussels, Belgium.
2Institutul de Fizică Teoretică, ETH Zürich, 8093 Zürich, Elveția
3Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline St. N, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 2Y5, Canada.
4Aix-Marseille University, Université de Toulon, CPT-CNRS, F-13288 Marseille, France.
5Department of Philosophy and the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, 1151 Richmond St. N London N6A5B7, Canada.

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Field mediated entanglement experiments probe the quantum superposition of macroscopically distinct field configurations. We show that this phenomenon can be described by using a transparent quantum field theoretical formulation of electromagnetism and gravity in the field basis. The strength of such a description is that it explicitly displays the superposition of macroscopically distinct states of the field. In the case of (linearised) quantum general relativity, this formulation exhibits the quantum superposition of geometries giving rise to the effect.

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Citat de

[1] Marios Christodoulou, Andrea Di Biagio, Richard Howl, and Carlo Rovelli, “Gravity entanglement, quantum reference systems, degrees of freedom”, Gravitație clasică și cuantică 40 4, 047001 (2023).

[2] Chris Overstreet, Joseph Curti, Minjeong Kim, Peter Asenbaum, Mark A. Kasevich și Flaminia Giacomini, „Inferența suprapunerii câmpului gravitațional din măsurători cuantice”, arXiv: 2209.02214, (2022).

[3] Isaac Layton, Jonathan Oppenheim, and Zachary Weller-Davies, “A healthier semi-classical dynamics”, arXiv: 2208.11722, (2022).

[4] Thomas D. Galley, Flaminia Giacomini, and John H. Selby, “Any consistent coupling between classical gravity and quantum matter is fundamentally irreversible”, arXiv: 2301.10261, (2023).

[5] Yoshimasa Hidaka, Satoshi Iso, and Kengo Shimada, “Entanglement Generation and Decoherence in a Two-Qubit System Mediated by Relativistic Quantum Field”, arXiv: 2211.09441, (2022).

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