Novi vodja operacij podjetja Compass Mining o domačem rudarjenju bitcoinov, pogodbah o moči in zakupu S9 Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Nov operativni vodja podjetja Compass Mining o domačem rudarjenju Bitcoin, pogodbah o elektriki in lizingu S9

The new mining operations manager for Compass Mining discusses his experience, offers tips for mining at home and predicts the industry’s future.

This piece is part of a series that interviews Bitcoin miners about their experiences setting up and scaling mining operations as well as their view on the direction of the mining world. If you are mining Bitcoin and want to share your knowledge and story — the ups, downs and innovations — reach out to me on Twitter @KapitanSiddH.

Za to epizodo v naši seriji, BigCohooNah joined us to share the knowledge gained from his own home mining forays and his work at Braiins and Slush Pool. As of December 2021, he joined the Compass Mining team to work on its at-home mining product and help with its mining operations. You can find BigCohooNah on Twitter:

How and why did you get into Bitcoin mining? 

My first exposure to mining was when a friend of mine — an old roommate from college — bought an S9 in 2018. He got caught up in the hype of Bitcoin like everyone else did, but he fell down the mining portion of the rabbit hole. He paid a lot for that S9 — somewhere between $3,000 to $6,000. They live in Michigan, where the electricity rate is about $0.18 per kilowatt hour, so they were only able to run it for a little bit before they had to unplug it and just cut their losses.

I remembered that story while I was working at Ford. They sent me down to Kentucky for six months to support the Super Duty launch — the Ford F250s, 350s, etc. This is when I really started falling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. I was all into crypto, but as I learned more and asked more questions I just started knocking off all the coins, so I sold everything and went all into bitcoin. I remembered that my friend had this miner, and since my place in Kentucky had free electricity, I asked my buddy if I could borrow that S9. So, sure enough, he let me borrow it and I set it up in my temporary place in Kentucky.

During that time in Kentucky away from my friends in Michigan I had very few distractions, so I played with Lightning, ran a node, just dove as deep as I could. I learned a lot about Bitcoin and mining during that time.

When I came back to Michigan, the S9 wasn’t profitable to run and was causing drama. Seeing the electricity bill then looking at the sats stacked — I’m a pretty frugal person. However, after the first run up in 2021 from the previous all-time high to around $30,000, I bought a Whatsminer M32 and ran that in a buddy’s garage for a while at Michigan electricity rates, eventually moving it to a warehouse where I now get commercial rates. We made a homebuilt version of Steve Barbour’s Black Box za vožnjo tudi v tem skladišču in zamenjal M32 za S19.

Outside of my personal endeavors into home mining, I also joined Braiins part-time to do marketing, content and support. In December, I started a new full-time role at Compass to help with their at-home and hosted mining.

Čestitam! Pravzaprav sem te hotel vprašati o Compassu. Ali menite, da je gostiteljsko rudarjenje vredno za nekoga, ki se želi ukvarjati z rudarjenjem? 

I think it just depends on your risk tolerance. For a lot of people — maybe you and I — we live, breathe, eat and sleep Bitcoin — so if we’re hosting our miners, we’re probably getting in trouble with the Bitcoiners because we don’t custody it or hold the hardware. We’re not plugging it in and doing our due diligence. But in reality, while running a machine is easy, it’s not fun to manage. They’re hot, they’re loud and they require unique electricity setups. For example, they require 220 volt plugs, but in the United States most household plugs are only 110 volts. Higher volt plugs are reserved for special appliances like electric dryers and ovens. So, to run a miner you’ll either have to unplug your dryer or wire up a 220 volt plug. You have to run like new circuits and make sure everything’s rated for 220 volts so you don’t burn your house down.

Novi vodja operacij podjetja Compass Mining o domačem rudarjenju bitcoinov, pogodbah o moči in zakupu S9 Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

It’s important to understand the risks if you use a hosted product such as Compass — you’re trusting us to manage your miners, there may be delays, miners could go offline from time to time and there is hardware risk. If you are OK with these tradeoffs, then hosting makes perfect sense. It’s clearly proving to be something that people want. Compass is doing it in a way where you can actually mine with them and not dox yourself in any way, which is kind of cool. So, hosting versus home mining depends on how hands-on you want to get. I think the only people critical of the hosted mining version are the Bitcoiners that are going to yell at you for not hosting everything yourself.

Del mojih odgovornosti v moji novi vlogi v Compassu je poenostavitev postopka gostovanja – zmanjšanje teh tveganj in olajšanje vključitve novih rudarjev. 

Ali menite, da bo gostujoče rudarjenje trajalo kot poslovni model?

Glede tega, ali bo gostovanje trajalo kot posel — tako mislim. Verjetno se boste spomnili vseh prevar z rudarjenjem v oblaku v letih 2017 in 2018 – mislim, da Compass to počne prav, ker ste lastnik rudarja in ga gostijo v vašem imenu. Rudarje imate vezane na vaše ime, tako da če si kdaj želite te rudarje in niste sklenjeni s pogodbo, lahko dobite fizično dostavo tega rudarja.

There’s a hole in the market right now, because a lot of people who would be home miners are getting burned by electricity rates, and that just puts a bad taste in your mouth for Bitcoin in general. Compass could have made a ton of money starting up their own farm, but instead they followed a broker model, matching capacity and hardware. They don’t own the capacity or the hardware, but they match it up and make it easy for anyone to get even just a few miners into a secure facility with low costs.

Kje po vaših izkušnjah pri Braiinsu vidite, da se novi rudarji najbolj spotikajo? 

There are a lot of people that are trying to get into mining without any guidance. Mainly, they very much don’t understand the electrical requirements. The level of heat and noise are often unexpected as well. In the worst cases I see people just don’t get how Bitcoin works — don’t understand how the difficulty works, or don’t understand how profitability directly impacts the price of the hardware. So, they just think they’re going to be making $50 a day forever.

The electrical requirements are probably the biggest issue — you can plug in an S19 and that’ll use more electricity than your entire house. No other appliance really exposes you to that. You normally pay someone to just install an outlet for your electric dryer or oven, and that’s the most you ever think about it — you just use your oven. Also, when you’re dealing with that much electricity, it gets a little spooky — especially because a lot of people want to do all this mining stuff by themselves and there are very few resources out there for people.

Omenili ste ceno strojne opreme kot vezano na dobičkonosnost. Kaj ste letos videli na trgu strojne opreme?

Cene strojne opreme nihajo z dobičkonosnostjo enot, pa tudi z zunanjimi dejavniki – kot je prepoved na Kitajskem. Pred enim letom ste lahko kupili S19 za verjetno 3,000 $, zdaj pa se prodajajo za 10,000 do celo 15,000 $. Prepoved na Kitajskem je bila popolnoma fascinantna - pred enim letom ste lahko kupili S9 za 50 $, celo 20 $ na kos v razsutem stanju. Zdaj se S9 prodaja za 500 $. To je tako star stroj - kot dinozaver, ki nekako preživi, ​​a danes stanejo 500 dolarjev.

Novi vodja operacij podjetja Compass Mining o domačem rudarjenju bitcoinov, pogodbah o moči in zakupu S9 Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
Veliki kitajski eksodus. vir.

Učinkovitost pa novim enotam dodaja veliko premijo. S500 v vrednosti 9 USD, ki deluje pri šestih centih na kilovatno uro, bo donosnost naložbe v samo devetih mesecih. S19, ki danes stane 12,000 $ in deluje z enako močjo, bo potreboval 21 mesecev za donosnost naložbe – pri čemer bo cena in težavnost ostala nespremenjena, kar se seveda lahko zelo razlikuje. Torej je ta povečana učinkovitost in življenjska doba zelo vredna.

Ko že govorimo o stroških električne energije, ste pred nekaj tedni tweeted nekaj misli o tem, kako lahko rudarji uporabijo pogodbe o nakupu električne energije in poslovne subjekte za nižje cene električne energije. Ali lahko spregovorite o tem, kar ste se tam naučili? 

This has been a fun one for me. My wife and I are building a house right now, and doing about half of the work ourselves — including all the electrical. While working on that, I just wanted to understand the electrical regulations and see how things were in my region. I dug up a lot of information that I’ve never seen anybody post about, and it has been really cool to share it and see people really enjoy that information and utilize it.

What I found out is that in the United States, you have regulated areas and unregulated areas of energy. In Michigan, electricity prices are regulated and set by the government. When you go down one state to Ohio, it’s unregulated. And what you get is a difference of about $0.18 per kilowatt hour in Michigan versus just about $0.06 per kilowatt hour to a resident in Ohio. Natural gas in Michigan, however, is unregulated — which I can cover if you want.

Novi vodja operacij podjetja Compass Mining o domačem rudarjenju bitcoinov, pogodbah o moči in zakupu S9 Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Torej, moj račun za elektriko navaja kilovatno uro po 0.18 USD, ko pa sem šel na splet, sem videl uradne vire, ki navajajo ceno 0.12 USD. Poklical sem elektroenergetsko družbo in jih prosil, naj pojasnijo neskladje. Razlika je nastala zaradi stroškov dostave in drugih stvari, ki niso vključene v številko 0.12 USD, vendar sem ob tem klicu odkril tudi, da obstajajo druge možnosti – tako stanovanjske kot poslovne – za kupno moč, od katerih so mnoge veliko cenejše od 0.18 USD na kilovatne ure. Najboljša možnost, ki sem jo našel v Michiganu, je bila komercialna cena v pogodbi o nakupu električne energije v slogu največje moči (PPA), ki se popolnoma ujema z rudarsko operacijo, ki je vedno vklopljena in vleče stalno obremenitev. Torej, morda bom namestil ločeno škatlo za to komercialno energijo z novo hišo.

Novi vodja operacij podjetja Compass Mining o domačem rudarjenju bitcoinov, pogodbah o moči in zakupu S9 Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Omenili ste zemeljski plin – kaj ste izvedeli o zemeljskem plinu v Michiganu v zvezi z rudarjenjem?

Torej, medtem ko sem se z elektroenergetsko družbo pogovarjal o PPA, sem odkril tudi, da ima Michigan veliko plina iz skrilavca in da je to nereguliran trg. Preizkusil sem se z izračuni, da bi ugotovil, koliko bi stalo rudarjenje z generatorjem na zemeljski plin v Michiganu, in dobil sem ekvivalent od 0.02 do 0.03 USD na kilovatno uro pri 100-odstotni učinkovitosti. Do teh številk sem rahlo skeptičen, ker se zdijo predobre, da bi bile resnične, vendar so bolj poznavalci zemeljskega plina potrdili, da se zdi to točno.

Part of me wants to buy a big generator that runs on natural gas, and point that energy at miners just like Upstream Data and others do. The generator could serve as a backup for home electricity too, so if we have an outage we can just run on natural gas. The big issue is you’ve got these screaming miners and screaming engines that might ruin your nice peaceful property.

Where do you see the whole home mining space evolving over the next couple of years? 

Home mining has been blowing up this year and I think it’s mostly because of the China ban. It seems like people don’t care that they’re spending $10,000 on a metal box with a computer in it. They’re earning $500 a month right now, and that’s all they care about. They’re FOMOing in without understanding the risks. However, through this cycle, it seems a lot of people are also getting really smart with repurposing the heat, and that will have lasting impacts.

The potential of repurposing heat is endless. I think that will make home miners, despite their electricity cost, still very attractive. You can heat swimming pools, hot tubs, general home water heaters or pump heat back into a duct system. You can basically sell that massive amount of heat to your water heater and get two for one.

Pogovarjali smo se tudi o ideji upravljanja električnega omrežja z izklopom rudarjev, da sprostijo elektriko, namesto da bi vklopili elektrarne, da bi zagotovili več električne energije med konicami. Mislim, da je to mogoče storiti tudi v gospodinjstvih. Lahko bi zagotovili, da vaša hiša vedno porablja določeno število kilovatov, namesto da bi se vaša poraba energije spreminjala čez dan, ko vklopite pečico, sušilni stroj, TV ali kar koli drugega. Ko ne uporabljate te polne količine energije – na primer, ko spite – vaši rudarji vse vpijejo. Ko vklopite aparate, rudarji samodejno zmanjšajo takt, ki je dovolj, da ostane vaša obremenitev konstantna. Potem lahko od svojega energetskega podjetja kupite fiksno obremenitev, kar vam lahko omogoči, da dobite boljšo ceno in privede do splošnih prihrankov pri elektriki, tudi če vaši rudarji ravno dosegajo rentabilnost.

So, when you ask where home mining is going, I think of people finding really creative ways to repurpose the heat and balance their household electricity draw.

What do you think is missing in the home mining ecosystem that someone should be building? 

For that home power balancing idea, we need firmware that allows you to scale up and down. Braiins has the ability to easily underclock, but what I think that they’re missing is a feature where it tunes your miner, defining all the different power ratings it can run at and finding the optimum performance. Then, you can plug your miner into a smart meter or use a Raspberry Pi to manage your house and your miners, scaling your usage up and down as more or less load is needed.

Then, I think there’s much more that can be commercialized around heat repurposing. Will it be through immersion or air cooling? I think there’s a reason that we still heat our houses by just blowing hot air, but you can get induction flooring and heat water heaters via coils and liquids. A lot of research needs to be done before these products will be implemented into individual appliances or packaged into something you can buy off the shelf. The biggest thing, however, is that computer which will tell your miners how much power to use.

Rad bi te vprašal o drugi ideji, ki sem te videl tweet približno — sistem zakupa S9. Ali me lahko popeljete skozi to idejo in zakaj mislite, da bi bil sistem lizinga dragocen? 

I think leasing out S9s would make a ton of sense for Bitcoin meetups. There are a lot of people coming to these meetups who are diving into the rabbit hole and learning more. However, if they go out and buy a $10,000 S19, there’s a decent chance they’re going to get wrecked in some way — it won’t be a great experience. Many people aren’t even willing to make that kind of investment up front, and that keeps them out of mining. That said, I think the biggest amount of knowledge you can gain is from running a miner. Once you plug it in and run it — even for a day — you’ll learn so much and you’ll truly understand if it’s worth it or not.

The moment you plug it in, you hear that thing scream and you see the heat it generates, that’s enough to figure out if you don’t want to deal with this thing or if you’re excited about it. So, personally, I have an S9 that’s just sitting in my house, not plugged in, because it’s not economical to run. I brought it to a local meetup — just six of us come regularly so far — and asked if anyone wanted to take it home to try it out. Someone took me up on it and learned a lot through the experience. Just borrowing an S9 is a great way to get your toes wet on mining before diving in headfirst.

Mislim, da bi to lahko storili v večjem obsegu z uporabo denarnice z več podpisi za shranjevanje depozita za rudarja. Recimo, da ti dam S9, daš 500 $ v denarnico z več podpisi, pri čemer nekdo, ki jima oba zaupamo, drži tretji ključ. Mesec kasneje mi vrneš rudarja in dobiš svojih 500 $. Veliko ste se naučili, na poti ste dobili pomoč in zdaj ste pripravljeni kupiti večjo napravo in jo sami nastaviti. Če bi obstajal način za to na vsakem srečanju, bi bilo to super kul.

Kaj svetujete ljudem, ki razmišljajo o rudarjenju? 

Start with an S9. You’re going to underthink it and misunderstand it unless you plug a miner in, because you can’t tell how loud or hot these things are from a YouTube video. I also think it really has to be done with an ASIC — you cannot get the same experience from a GPU. Just repurposing a computer and mining with NiceHash will give you the same backend data — you’re getting rewards, you’re learning how mining works, but if you ever want to earn a meaningful amount you will need an ASIC. And that comes with a whole different level of power draw, noise and heat. So you’re fooling yourself if you only experience mining with a GPU.

Če naredite ta nasvet še korak naprej, da se izognete tveganju: rudariti morate le en dan. Če to zadevo priključiš za en dan, jo boš dobil. Izkopajte svoj prvi blok, pridobite prvo izplačilo in že ste na dobri poti, da razumete rudarjenje. Lahko kupite S9 za 500 $, ga uporabljate en teden, nato pa se obrnete in ga prodate za 500 $. Trg se v enem tednu ne bo tako zelo spremenil. Nimaš denarja za izkušnjo.

I think the biggest advice I can give is just buy one, try it, resell it if you don’t like it. There’s almost no risk in that. Plus, you will have a lot of questions while trying it — ask them in home mining Telegram skupine and on Twitter. There are a lot of resources online, but you’re not going to learn anything unless you try it.

Just begging for that S9 lease program! Well thank you for the time today, BigCohooNah. Really appreciate your insights on mining and I hope you’re able to build a mine in your home without keeping the neighborhood awake with a natural gas generator.

Če želite doseči BigCohooNah, je na Twitterju @BigCohoo. He has also authored some incredible explainers on Bitcoin basics — like rudarstvo — ki so popolnoma primerni za vaše necoiner prijatelje. 

To je gostujoča objava kapitana Sidda. Izražena mnenja so povsem njihova in ne odražajo nujno mnenj BTC Inc oz Bitcoin Magazine.


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