Nigerija bo oktobra preizkusila digitalno valuto centralne banke PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Nigerija bo oktobra preizkusila digitalno valuto centralne banke

Nigerija bo oktobra preizkusila digitalno valuto centralne banke PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

For much of 2021, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has been in the headlines for its anti-cryptocurrency measures. Yet, the institution has this week redoubled its investment and research into crypto’s underlying technology, blockchain, and has set a clear date for the pilot scheme of its blockchain-powered central bank digital currency (CBDC).

On October 1, CBN will domnevno launch a pilot scheme for “GIANT” – a CBDC project in development since 2017, which runs on the open-source blockchain Hyperledger Fabric.

Rakiya Mohammed, direktor informacijske tehnologije CBN, je dejal, da bi banka lahko izvedla dokazovanje koncepta pred koncem leta 2021. Na spletnem seminarju z zainteresiranimi stranmi so predstavniki CBN po poročanju poudarili, da si institucija ne more privoščiti, da bi ostala, medtem ko velika večina centralnih bank po vsem svetu napreduje z lastnimi raziskavami in razvojem CBDC.

Among the motivations cited for the project, CBN has noted that a CBDC would be beneficial for macro and growth management, cross-border trade support, and financial inclusion.

Po mnenju CBN bi se potencialne koristi lahko še širile, od večje učinkovitosti plačil in nakazil, boljšega prenosa denarne politike, boljšega pobiranja davkov in olajšanja ciljno usmerjenih socialnih politik.

Povezano: Nigerijski minister za komunikacije blockchain povezuje z nacionalnimi prizadevanji za digitalne inovacije

Alongside CBN, the Bank of Ghana has this summer been moving rapidly towards the pilot stage for its own central bank digital currency. The country has positioned itself as a pioneer in CBDC development on the continent and considers central bank-issued digital currencies to be superior to and less risky than decentralized cryptocurrencies.

However, Ghana’s wariness of crypto is overshadowed by Nigeria’s more aggressive measures, which include a ban on commercial banks and other financial institutions od servisiranja kripto izmenjav. Despite this, Bitcoin adoption and BTC peer-to-peer trades have remained high in the country.


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